What's the point of meditation? How will it improve my life in any way...

What's the point of meditation? How will it improve my life in any way? Don't even think about posting some shit about opening le third eye etc. I am rational

If you've tried it and haven't felt the benefits there's no point in explaining it to a chakralet

well i was slightly more relaxed for 5 mins or so which does not seem worth it considering how much time you need to invest

You might be capable of achieving the goals of meditation without needing to actively try.

If you're not an overthinker, if you're capable of just being content with the world and not worrying or stressing over things you have little or no control over, then you are already getting the benefits.

Not meant for non monks. See the pastor shooter guy

If you approach it thinking you won't get any benefits from it, then you won't. It's not just about sitting still and breathing for 30 minutes. It's about reflecting on where you are emotionally, physically, mentally, etc. and using that time to get yourself in the right place for the rest of your day

>not systematically removing the cares of the body so that the directing mind can achieve greatness unhindered
never gonna make it

Not OP, but, any tips or read material, please.
I think i've been doing it wrong.

According to NPR:
>we spend roughly 44% of our day lost in thought. These thoughts are usually plagued with worry and doubt.
>Meditation alleviates this by forcing you to be in the present moment. We are at our happiest when we live in the present.

I personally don't meditate, but I can see its value. I can be in the moment when I'm benching more than I should be alone at 2AM. The gym truly foes center me.

but what if your bald

Oh man I love M&Ms, I think this is going to be my next cheat meal.

try headspace app. or go try guided meditations on jewtube

most meditation is designed to imrpove concentration, as in the ability to focus all of your attention on one thing and the ability to not have it wander onto something else while you're concentrating. What you do with that attention is up to you

On top if this, it helps you look at your problems from a less emotionally involved point of view and helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol

>le third eye

Sure, tease the third eye because you're lacking the melanin to use yours.

Long time meditation fag here.

Here's one way of looking at it. Think of a ball rolling back and forth in a bowl. Your consciousness is the ball; the bowl your surface thoughts. Stop shaking the bowl and sit still. Thoughts come and go; discard them after reflection. Your consciousness slowly finding the lowest point in the bowl and being still is a good starting goal. Not that thoughts won't arise - it's redirecting your thoughts and bringing them into alignment with your will that is important.

>what are the benefits

Mainly just being quiet to the point you are more aware, you can potentially spot the worst aspects of yourself and if you want, correct those aspects. Allows you to see the engineering perspective on why you do what you do, why people do what they do etc etc

It's just a clear and comprehensive retrospect.

it forces you to think about your life

and thinking about your life mean you're playing various situations out in your head and looking at the result of those simulations

and it's better to know what to do and what not to do than to know neither at all

I agree with what your saying... It's hard not to but I'm with OP on this. I have focused on breathing and thrown myself into the mental state and been lost for some time... It's perfectly fine when everything is in it's right place and going well. But when you have stresses and responsibilities along with uncertainties it's better to be awake and alert.

If I am quite honest with you, and this is nothing to do with you personally, but I find the people who tell me what you're saying tend to be living in HMOs, receiving some form of disability or unemployment benefit, enjoy smoking DMT, mention 3rd eye a lot and enjoy explaining consciousness to me like I'm a child. Truth is I wouldn't let them look after my pet rock.

They go into their 'bowl' of problems and see a pile of bills, a half finished dub mix, an empty fridge and go... Well I owe 300 on the gas... I get 100 to live off this week... I need to be warm, and I need weed and pizza now. That leaves me with 30 for cigarettes and instant noodles, until next thursday. I have to book a doctors appointment and get signed off sick again otherwise I will have to make up jobs for the dole and only get 70 quid. So I need 10 towards credit for the phone call oh and I can call my weed dealer, which then solves 2 problems. OK... Meditation over now lets got on with todays and do something good now my thoughts are in order. LUCIFER SONE OF THE MORNING... I'M GONNA CHASE YOU OUT OF EARTH. You will notice brush teeth and shower, or clean clothes have not been mentioned.

The same thing goes for posh/socialites/upper class types I've met. No responsibilities, so it's like sorting out what book I'm going to finish today and I need to ring daddy because I need new clothes and I need to call the dealership to collect my car to put it through it's MOT. Maybe I should switch yoga classes because Debbie the psycho is back in town and I saw her at last weeks class. Now... Hair cut or Spa day.

Is that Jordan Peterson? Because if so this picture is all wrong.

By spending 15 minutes letting my thoughts come and go as an observer, I get an insight about what is going on in my subconscient. I can then reflect on it afterwards, which tremendously helps direct my life on the right path and also untangles my psychological nooks.

Don't get me wrong... I think there is a benefit. But for some reason not for me... I think I'd have to be retired and on a beach. Had a listen to Sam Harris who really drags me away from the sterotypes I put out and makes me think twice. But I think having a morning routine, and for me personally making actual lists of actual problems and tackling them one by one like a living workflow works so much better.

In be4 'You're'. I actually want someone to convince me otherwise to these toxic thoughts. But my experiences of people tell me otherwise.

Maybe you don't find any value in meditation because you can't stop thinking negatively about your situation

ive been meditating for 4 years after i discovered taoism after a bad trip.

its a way to become more mentally stable and less burdened by your emotions.

if youre like me and have a lot of thoughts running through your head at all times, then it helps a lot for focusing that flow onto useful things.

eventually you stop doing the whole "sit there for 30 minutes eyes closed" thing and it becomes part of you.
for me it happens every time im idle. lets me focus and conserve brain power too.

but yeah: tl;dr - improve mental stability, less affected by emotion, more focus

Maybe meditation has no value when you think about a situation negatively.

It can greatly reduce stress
Less stress = more testosterone = better lifts

You clearly havent sorted yourself out.


What Chads and Brads mean when thinking about sorting yourself

this is why I started meditating
I had monkey mind and it gave me insomnia
I've been meditating for a couple of years now
I used to dread meditating as the 20 min would drag and seem to last an hour
lately it seems to speed up time rather than slow it.
meditation has become enjoyable
but this has lead to the trap of compairing
last week I had a couple of amazing sesions
this week not so much
during these so so seshes I start to compair and doubt if I am doing it right
I know I shouldn't expect amazing experiences , and should accept what is
thanks for reading my blog
Namaste faggots