Greedy forearms

>tfw you're a sailor who lives in a garbage can

this is not aesthetic and every arm workout I do just build my dominant forearms more instead of biceps

What do I do?

Some people have no forearms, quit complaining and be grateful e u stupid queer

yeah but I have small biceps so its not much of a trade off

You need to concentrate on actually working your biceps, squeeze the muscle on the way up and keep tension on it on the way down, use a barbell with a smaller grip as larger grips tend to work forearm more

Theoretically, keep your wrist straight when you curl. Make sure your elbows remain stationary during curls and hold the curl and flex the shit outta your biceps at the top. Failure to keep the bicep isolated can rob your gains. Doing a wrist curl when you're trying to curl your bicep will cause greedy forearms. Could just be a matter of form.

Also, try 21's to blast the everloving fuckshit out of your biceps.

There are worse modes than Popeye. Best wishes my dude.

Thanks senpai thats some simple but great advice I hadn't thought of

That.. explains a lot actually. I always thought you were supposed to curl your wrist in

Fuck no sir. Do actual wrist curls/finger curls for tasty forearms but keep them out of the equation when you're curling biceps. Plus (normally) the muscles activated in a wrist curl will fatigue/fail faster than the bicep so you will find yourself unable to raise the weight before your biceps themselves are approaching failure.

Dead serious on the 21's. Those shits will BLAST your biceps and help you make up for lost gains. You can try hammer curls as well to work around your wrist habit. I do them on an incline bench for extra flavor but no matter what variety of curl you're doing KEEP YOUR ELBOWS STATIONARY. Cheating a few reps at the end is actually not a terrible idea for biceps but keep the form strict af until you can't do it anymore before you even consider cheating a rep.

Think of the weights force as an arrow shooting at your muscles. If you want to target (hue) a muscle aim the arrow at the target. Same way you change target muscles with squat form.

that sounds stupid


It's a visualization technique to get you out of your habits, I like it

Hmmm...seeing what a bragposting retard you are I would say neck your self.

Tell me your rate right now so I can judge you

Easily a 10.. would think about to get extra reps in

I'm disappointed that nobody told OP to quit jacking off so much, which is obviously the real problem here.




Like scooby would say CHWOING!

sloots like big forearms faggot

>Veeky Forumsizen AND sailor
You have to be gay