Be fat

>be fat
>go to Veeky Forums and ask for an advice on how to lose weight
>Veeky Forums says stop drinking soda so fucking much
>Veeky Forums says milk is healthy and good for you
>completely cut soda and start drinking 3 liters of milk every day to substitute 3 liters of soda i drank every day
>6 months in and i gained 20 kilos (40lbs) with only change in my diet being cutting soda for milk
>turns out milk has more calories than soda
>not fat now but obese instead

thanks for ruining my life, you fucking troll retards

threadly reminder that calcium and protein are memes

if you don't want to be fat, don't eat fat

Threadly reminder that drinking 3 liters of anything is alot.

You fell for GOMAD

and how much fucking liquid do you intake per day, mong?

That was never a recommendation on here.

If you're talking about GOMAD then you fucked up because that's for skellys.

I dont drink 3 liters of water everyday. No human would ever use all 3 liters before pissing everything out.

kindly kys you'rself

>not drinking 3 gallons and getting hyponatremia

step up your game plen

>blindly follows advice on a chinese picture bucket site
>results as expected
>"you guys are the cause of my problems"

Fuck off and learn to read

Jesus Christ you're one special breed of mong.

You should start a club with that user who did GOMAD, ingesting nothing but a gallon of milk everyday, and came here to ask if it was normal to be shitting his brains out

You are supposed to exercise
And you are not supposed to drink 3 liters of anything per day, not even water

U cunt not 3 liters liquid, 3 liters of fuking water its not our fault that you are retarded

This is clearly a bait thread to trigger people

>And you are not supposed to drink 3 liters of anything per day, not even water
are you fucking retarded? i drink 5l water a day for more than 10 years now and i am at my peak performance.

Iggy pop is that you?

>not drinking 6-7 liters of water per day to lose all that water retention
Never gonna make it

This essentially means you weren't consuming enough milk. Drink more and you should lose the weight relatively quick. 10 crunches before bed should do the work.

I love it when retards fuck themselves up.

Someone post that bodyweight squats guy

After gaining 10 kilos, did you not stop and think that maybe, just maybe, you weren't going to lose weight this way?
You can blame Veeky Forums if you want, but you can't deny that you are an objectively stupid person. You were successfully tricked into gaining weight for 6 whole months before you realized that you had, in fact, been misled.
One good thing has come out of all of this, you've gained enough weight that no woman will touch your penis, and there will be no risk of you passing on your inferior genes.

You guys realize this is a thread on Veeky Forums posted by a man who posts on Veeky Forums

You're supposed to cut carbs, drinking milk is for people who NEED to gain weight you fucking monkey. Just don't eat shit and workout more.

> 3 Liters is too much
2 Liters of water is best for your typical adult. More activity means you should drink more water, so 3+ isn't unreasonable.
Still a lot though.

You blindly followed what people on the internet told you without even a little personal research. Whatever happened to you you deserve so much worse for being so stupid.

>if you don't want to be fat, don't eat fat
>the fat in your body is caused by fats in food
when will this meme end, lard is actually healthier for you than sugar

>cut soda out
>drink caloric and protein rich substance
>don't exercise at all

GOMAD is for skinny fags

Anyone have that pic of that dude who did gomad at like 300 pounds then gained more weight and took a selfie complaining that fit made him fat