So i can just drink it from the carton right?

so i can just drink it from the carton right?

I used to blend them right into shakes... foamy.

You'll assimilate it better by cooking it

You can't overblend and you need to mix in frozen ingredients, if nothing is frozen to thicken it up it will turn into foam.

I also mix 50% greek yogurt. it's a good combo.

Yep. Fkn drink it bro YOLO

>drinking liquid heart failure

You could, but as alluded, the protein is better digested when cooked.

it's egg whites you fucking moron

Do you even know what is in Egg White?

They are partially cooked, actually.

Use it to wash down some biotin supps. Raw egg white depletes your stores.

is just eating/drinking raw eggs a good way to get protein quick?

Sure if you want to pretend you're drinking cum like a queer. Cook your food.

technically egg whites from a carton are cooked.

like grocery store raw or straight out the chicken raw?



My sides anom now every one on the train thinks a I am weird.

>still believing the biotin myth about egg whites

Are you fucking retarded. How about you take biotin supplements not at the same time as something that depletes it and probably blocks its absorption.

lol enjoy your great quality product for 3/4 the price of other name brands

>still believing in proven science

Cals in/cals out is all that matters amirite?

it's a good way to get salmonella and then lose all your gains and possibility your life

Key word *pasteurized. Also I like how you didn't even cite 1 reputable source with a controlled study proving your stance.
>want to know how I know your uneducated?