New /Routine General/

New /Routine General/
Old one Share your lifting routine and ask questions you may have about exercises and programming

Some quick info for beginners

>#1: Read the Sticky

>If you are just getting started, a proven and popular program is always going to be better than something you came up with, save yourself the time and headaches
>If you still don't know what to do, SS, SL, Reg Park's, ICF or any Linear Progression Strenght program based on the big 3 lifts will be ok

>Wanna get into Powerlifting? Canditoe's 12 week program is your best bet
>Want some more aesthetics? Look into Greyskull LP, it's a template you can customize, the book's pdf is pretty easy to get. Pic related is a popular version

>Bodyweight exercises, while not the best for muscle gain, are a good gauge to know if you're gaining too much fat too quickly. If your Rows and DL are progressing but your pullups are laggin behind, chances are you gotta cut back on the milk and oats

>Unless you're pretty advanced, Cut/Bulk is not really needed, just stay at a sensible bf%, eat healthy food you're gonna be ok

>"Cardio kills gains" is a meme, if you want to be healthy you need your cardiovascular system in check. Just lifting weights is not enough
>Low intensity cardio is not the best but it's better than nothing, lifting & being able to run 5k is better than just lifting weights and sitting on your ass all day
>HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the best both for cardiovascular health and weight loss purposes. Do that if you dont have time to run for 20 minutes

>You SHOULD be stretching right now. Make it a habit. Mobility/Flexibility is really important both for gains and lift safety
>Starting Stretching is a good place to start
>10 mins of stretching twice a day, morning and evening, or just once if you dont have the time
>Do not static stretch before lifting, stretching cold muscles makes you more prone to injury and somewhat hinders you strenght (albeit not to a great extent)

Other urls found in this thread:

>After 4-6 months on a LP beginner program, if you are struggling to progress and have been deloading a bunch, you might wanna look into a more intermediate-y program.
>If you keep progressing by all means ride out that linear progression as much as you can

Some popular Intermediate routines are

>Texas Method
for maximum strenght gainz
Good trade-off between Strenght and Aesthetics
more aesthetic's centric

Don't do brosplits. Your muscles take approximately 48 hours to regenerate after a workout. Training them once a week is a loss of potential gains, also those routines are filled with volume, due to them being 1 or 2 muscle groups per day, so strenght gains are non-existent.

This is the routine I'm currently on.
I started out 1.5yrs ago with SS, went on to GSLP and then PHUL. Finally settled on this ULPP (Upper Lower Push Pull).
This is a good routine if you dont wanna completely forget legs but also dont want to train them twice a week.

>Day 1 - Upper Power
Bench Press 531
Cable crossovers 3x8
Chinups 3xF + Pulldowns 3x8
Rows 3x6
OHP/DB shoulder press 3x6
BB curls 3x8
Tricep Pushdown/LTE 3x8

>Day 2 - Lower Power
Squat 531
Leg Press 3x8
Deadlift 80%5RM
Leg Curl/RDL 3x8
Calf raises 3x12
Abs: planks, hanging leg raises and cable oblique twists

>Day 3 - Push
Overhead Press 531
Bench 3x8
Dips 3xF
Cable crossovers 3x10
Incline DB 3x10
Tricep pulldowns/LTE 3x10
Cable lateral raises 3x10

>Day 4 - Pull
Deadlift 531
Chinups 3xF
Rows 3x6
Pulldowns 3x8
Facepulls 3x8
Shrugs 3x15
Curl variation 3x10

Whoops, looks like you accidentally posted the version you meant to delete. Luckily I saved the good one for you. Here.

I actually meant it, there was already the old thread with that pic so it gave me the duplicate file error
I still prefer phraks version but Veeky Forums's is fine

Lat pulldown machine a good substitute for weighted chin ups?

chinups/pullups are better.
lat pulldows serves the same function as the assisted chinups machine, when your strenght hasnt caught up with your bodyweight

Fair enough. I just dislike Veeky Forums's version because it subtracts one pull to add one push lift on Wednesday (compared to Phrak's GSLP) which seems imbalanced imo
Of course, it's 90% the same exercise. However, you should still aim to add a 5kg stack every week, and when the total weight stack reaches your actual weight, none to bw chinups. Maybe you'll do a bit less reps at first. Don't get disheartened, your lats and biceps haven't lost any strength, you're just getting used to the new and slightly different ROM. Keep at it, if you managed to do 3x5 lat pulldowns at bw you'll be able to do 3x5 bw chinups very soon.

My mother does those mom-gym classes 3 times a week and still has (predictably) the athleticism of a bedside table.
>She eats like a rabbit and has some belly fat
>she's like 5'3 (160cm-ish)
>has zero overhead mobility, like her arms get barely over 60 degrees
>has the beginning of a hunchback
>cant touch her toes
>has back problems

I have already lost my father to alcoholism, I wanna help my momma get healthier.
The positive is that her diet is already healthy, she could do with more proteins but it's fine

I'm thinking about a "routine" for her

I was thinking of something like this, everything super light at first because I dont wanna spook her
>goblet squats
>rear delt raises + one arm rows
>work with elastic bands ("YTWL") or shoulder strenghtening drills while prone
+ plus a fuckload of stretching and mobility (elast band shoulder dislocators, pec minor and front delt stretches etc.)

this would be done every other day or daily, depending

Get her to do some cardio as well. Biking/swimming is good fort that (especially swimming with the mobility)

yes I forgot that, I should convince her to start running again

Underrated, but for a beginner like your mom just focus on calisthenics and mobility. She is in it for general health and quality of life, I assume, so no need to use weights just yet. Calisthenics are better for building up a base, imo, and mobility sounds like a priority for her.

there's no calisthenics way for her to train her pulling muscles tho
no pullup bar or way to do inverted rows where we're at
just dumbbells

Day 1:
[Shoulders] Push Press - Working up to a new 1RM or doing 3x5 of 85% of 1RM, depending on what I feel like.
[Chest] Incline Press or Decline Press or Dumbbell Press - EMOM/AMRAP
[Back] T-Bar Row or Pulldowns or Seated Rows - EMOM/AMRAP
[Legs] Leg Curls or Leg Press - EMOM/AMRAP

Day 2:
[Back] Trap Bar Deadlift - Working up to a new 1RM or doing 3x5 of 85% of 1RM, depending on what I feel like.
[Shoulders] Overhead Press or Z-Press or Dumbbell Overhead Press - EMOM/AMRAP
[Chest] Incline Press or Decline Press or Dumbbell Press - EMOM/AMRAP
[Legs] Leg Curls or Leg Press - EMOM/AMRAP

Day 3:
[Legs] Box Squat - Working up to a new 1RM or doing 3x5 of 85% of 1RM, depending on what I feel like.
[Shoulders] Overhead Press or Z-Press or Dumbbell Overhead Press - EMOM/AMRAP
[Chest] Incline Press or Decline Press or Dumbbell Press - EMOM/AMRAP
[Back] T-Bar Row or Pulldowns or Seated Rows - EMOM/AMRAP

Alternating exercises between the two options depending on what I feel like, not set. Counting the volume on each of the EMOM/AMRAP exercises and trying to beat it, increasing the weights based on estimated 1RM after the first set which is slightly heavier than the following sets. It's kinda like a 3 day modified version of nSuns 3CAP program. Obviously a focus on shoulders above chest because shoulders are lacking heavy and my chest is overdeveloped. This is also during a cut. For those that don't know, EMOM = Every minute on the minute, meaning every new minute on the clock I start a new set, which also means I never rest even a full minute. AMRAP = As many reps as possible. It cuts down the time in the gym and I really enjoy this approach. This also gives me the possibility to do what I "feel" like doing with the first exercise and changing exercises on the fly depending on what I feel like that day.

To specify, i quit the EMOM/AMRAP sets when I can't hit more than 5 repetitions, which puts me at a comfy spot where I can recover but still having done hard work.

I haven't been on Veeky Forums for a few years but I'm trying to gain as much strength as possible before October. However, because of my job (military) I can miss the gym for days or weeks at a time. If my routine is ABCABCx, and I can't go to the gym on thur/fri therefore losing AB, do I start on AB on sat/sun or just do C on sat?

Also, what kind of programming is suggested for someone who can't keep a dedicated routine? Is it ok to do stuff like auto-regulation when restarting with ann SS-type routine or should I do the LP as suggested, along with the 10% deload?

it's gonna be hard, because any kind of programming has as its base consistency.
If you cant go every week it's gonna be hard to progress and I would advise just trying to mantain a certain level of strength, with a full body routine like SS possibly with accessories if you feel like you need them

I do accessories as needed, mostly just roman chair sit-ups and facepulls because my abs and upper back are significantly weaker than the rest of my body, and reverse flys and other stuff for rotator cuff. None of those except the facepulls are things I really need to do more than once a week, and I have time to deadlift once a week most of the time, and do squats nearly every time I can go to the gym.

I'm still getting noob gains at the moment so I'll keep doing 5x5 shit until that stops happening, but when it does what sort of programming would be best?

>that pic
when you see the dogballs, they cannot be unseen

A B C A1 B1 X C1
On 5x5, 3' interset rest
On 3x12 , 45'' interset rest

- Back Squat 5x5 & Front Squat 5x5 , alternate sets
- Adbuction Machine, 3x15
- Leg Press, 3x12
- Roman Chair Hyperextensions (with weights), 2x18

- Flat Bench, 5x5
- Skull Crushers, 12x3
- Curls, 12x3
- Preacher Curls, 12x3
- Wrist Curl, 12x1
- Reverse Wrist Curl, 12x1
- Dips (targeting chest), 5x(at least)3

- Deadlift. 5x5
- Underhand bent over row, 12x3
- Lats machine, 12x3
- OHP, 12x3
- Shrugs, 12x3

- Close grip flat bench, 5x5
- Incline db bench, 5x5
- Hammer curl, 12x3
- Dips (targeting triceps), 5x(at least)3

- Back squat 5x5
- Walking lunges with db, 10x2
- Roman Chair Hyperextensions (with weights), 2x18
- Adbuction Machine, 3x15
- Deadlift 5x5


- Pendlay Row, 12x3 and Upright Row, 12x3, alternate sets
- Bent-arm pullover 5x5
- Chin up, 12x3
- Wrist Curl, 12x1
- Reverse Wrist Curl, 12x1
- Db seated shoulder press, 12x3
- Db rear delt row, 12x3


3x5 handstand pushups
3x5 shrimp squats
5x5 dips
3x8 hanging N raise
5x5 front squats

3x5 false grip pull ups
3x10 romanian deadlift
3x5 ice cream maker
3xf L sit hold
3x8 hinge rows
3xf parallet N sit

3x10 one arm kb swing
3x30ft one arm kb walking lunge
10 minute amrap-10 box jumps, 10 v-ups, 5 burpees
5x10 heavy kb swings
3x15 kb twists
100 double unders

Need some help.
Starting in about 2 weeks I'll have 2 months plenty of time on my hands and I want to do a more intense routine (so far I went to the gym 3x per week and had kickboxing 2x). What do you think of the following routine? Keep in mind I'm still pretty new, been lifting only around half a year.

>DB flies
>bench press
>OHP/The Press™
>bent over barbell rows
>DB side raise

>tricep pushdown
>core exercises (leg raises, etc)

>calf raises

>barbell row
>core exercises

>bench press
>DB fly
>DBside raise

>HIIT (I don't have gym access over the weekend)
>1,5 hours cycling

What would you add to Thursday and Friday?

The sticky is shit for routines.
I am not all serious about muh lifting (e.g. I don't count calories intake and burnt, I don't care much about how much grams of protein I should take daily nor about meme optimal windows and I don't bulk / cut).
I didn't find any routine targeted to what I seek and when I tried some I didn't saw the benefit of routine against just lifting with the mood.

I just separate body parts (sometimes) or do full body workout by literally doing all the machines if I can't lift do to the gym / exercise for several consecutive days.
Convince me to spend time doing research to find a routine and stick to it.

its not exactly the hardest of exercise, but you can always lean back holding the side of a door frame or do one arm dumbbell rows.

I've been going to the gym for around a month with a friend and he has been helping me, but now I'll be going abroad and I have to keep working on my own. Is it a good idea to follow the image in OP whilst adding 3-4 more specific muscle related exercises for each day. For example, do day one and add 3 chest exercises, do day 2 and add back etc.

Would it be fine to replace the hammer curls with skullcrushers for the Veeky Forums GSLP? I'm not really concerned about my forearms, they're fine, and I want to really strengthen my triceps without having to buy any cable equipment for tricep pushdowns.

I dig the light AMRAP sets and the progression:

Now, the question of - what about progressing in weight? That's what the AMRAP set is for. For every rep over 6 for the 1x6+ exercises, you will add 5# to your work set the next time. For every rep UNDER 6, subtract 5# from your work set the next time. For every rep over 5 for the squat and deadlift, you will add 10# to your work set the next time. For every rep under, subtract 10#. Always subtract the weight. However, I would not add more than 10-15 pounds total to any of the 6+ exercises, or 20-30 pounds to the squat/deadlift in one session. Going higher tends to make the next session 6+ or 5+ set to fall short. For most folks, 10 and 20 is about right. This doesn't mean to skimp on your reps though - if you can do more than 7-8 reps, do more.

>Convince me
Fuck off.

>I'm a total novice, can I use that
No. Head to literally l3ddit and pick one of the beginner routines without trying to add or remove anything; you'll find sane GSLP variations too.

db hammer curls don't belong to that program and don't make sense in that context. Same applies to skull crushers. You're searching for a different, not-novice program. Sure, add skullcrushers if you like. There's plenty of exercises for triceps without resorting to cable equipment.

Is that a gnu/linux terminal text editor? If so which and dotfiles pls?

>You're searching for a different, not-novice program.
What do you mean? What program?

For how long have you been training? what's your current weight, height, and Squat/Deadlift/Bench/OHP 5RMs? How many times a week can you train? I see you mention buying equipment, so I suppose you're training at your home gym where you'll likely be in the position to train most days of the week

I'm just starting looking at buying equipment for a home gym a few days ago because I live in fuckville nowhere, Wisconsin with no local gym beyond a planet fitness and a PT place. I would prefer to buy adjustable weights for much cheaper than expensive cable machines when possible. I'm here because I'm looking for a good variation of greyskull to do as my first program because I was told it's less memeish than SS/SL. I don't have any 5RMs on the lifts because equipment hasn't been bought yet (want to know what routine I'm doing before buying equipment). Height 6'0" and current weight is 215lbs, down from 265lbs from dieting and cardio. I'd like to train 3 times a week if possible as I still want plenty of hours to work and study, but if the workouts are considerably short I would mind doing more days.

>I'm here because I'm looking for a good variation of greyskull to do as my first program because I was told it's less memeish than SS/SL
Well, I'm sorry to tell you that I believe SS for at least 12 weeks would be the best route for you. Add accessory work as much as you want. After 12 weeks check on and if you beat at least "untrained level" then you may consider to move to a different routine.
Whatever you choose to do, don't hop routines every now and then. Give each routine at least three months.
About equipment. Just get a solid adjustable bench, a solid and reliable squat rack with solid and reliable safeties; if there's a pull up bar then it's better. And obviously a barbell. If you manage to get some dumbbells than obviously it would be nice, but they tend to be expensive.
About workouts length: obviously if you manage to dedicate a little time every day you won't be required longer sessions few times a week; still this doesn't apply to you since you're just beginning. Your estimated frequency will be just fine for now.


Duly noted, thank you for the advice. Any particular reason SS and the like are considered meme exercise routines, or is it just people wanting shit on something for no reason other than to sow distrust?

SS is a meme if you keep doing it for too long. It promotes the necessary neuromuscular adaptations and gives a solid foundation. People are anyway generally lazy and so every now and then there's someone who sticks to it for over 1 year, reaching T-Rex mode. You should generally switch routine every three or six months (max).
The gist of it is: don't stay on SS for more than 6 months.

Cool, thanks for the serious answers.

What does Veeky Forums think of Fierce Five? Found it a while back:

Workout A
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x8
Face Pulls 3x10
Calf raises 2x15/Tricep pressdowns 2x10 Superset

Workout B
Front Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8 (any grip)
Ab work 2x15/Bicep curls 2x10 Superset (Any ab work)

Acceptable Substitutions
Face Pulls-Reverse Flies
Tricep pressdowns-overhead extensions, skull crushers…etc. (basically any tricep isolation exercise)
Lat Pulldowns-Any form of pull/chin up. You’ll need a dip belt to add weight. (You need a pull from above your head)
Overhead Press-Incline Bench
Pendlay Rows-Anyhorizontalpull to thechestwith awide gripandelbows at 45 degrees. NOT BOR. See FAQ.
Bench-Decline bench, dips (leaning forward) You’ll need a dip belt to add weight
Front Squat/RDL-You have to swap both for a Deadlift and a leg curl. This isn’t an either or kind of substitution.
Front Squat-Paused back squats

whatever works for you. It's clearly a bb-tier beginner routine, and probably not the best route for most.
rather than doing "squat-{press/bench}-dead" and "squat-{press/bench}-{dead/power clean/chin up}" you're doing immediately front squats (usually not so easy for newcomers) and limiting the deadlift motion in B to romanians. The "acceptable substitution" to replace front squats with a "Paused back squat" isn't too acceptable as well.
calf raises and ab work don't even need to be put in a routine as "main lifts" and for sure they don't contribute to the "fierce five" name.
then again, the most important thing for a routine is to stick to it and if a newcomer prefers to stick to this rather than to a different routine, good for him. He'd be blessed with noob gains.
Anyway I feel that progressing in SS to chin up would probably be better than starting with lat pulldown; replacing it with chin up from day 0 won't solve the issue.
The dip belt suggestion is amazing, since it's clearly a routine for beginners and a belt to add weights will be largely unnecessary.

Can this shit actually work? Will be posting some more

Same guy, same question

Last one

I'll try to give you an honest and serious answer.
If you're serious, get a gym membership.
If you really, REALLY can't and you're confined to callisthenics, visit the bodyweight general.

Saving money to get gym membership, thats why im asking. Recently went through some shit and ended up with little money.

can i do my own greyskull LP, but skip rest days?
i really can't resist the urge to kill myself without going to them gym

Go to the catalog and look up /bwg/ or bodyweight general. They have basic routines that will teach you how to progress, thus making you stronger. Also, look up calisthenics subreddit for more routine information.

Consider investing in a pullup bar or, if you have somewhere to hang them, gymnastics rings. Gymnastics rings are better because you can do much more with them than you can with a pullup bar.

Rest days are important when doing full-body workouts like GSLP/SS/SL/etc. You build muscles when you rest after a gym session. If you want multiple days, do a 5-6 day PPL.

I have one, but I lost a piece f it

Really small metal piece.

Any Ideas how to replace it?

Alright so there is no bw general right now. Well I have to kll time somehow, what do you think about them pics guys?

in all seriousness they're "men's health"-tier
as suggested try the subleddit , /r/bodyweightfitness/ has a recommended routine.
contrary to I wouldn't consider callisthenics a valid alternative to real strength training, at best it's complimentary especially if you lack a strength foundation. Once you've built it you may go "convict mode" all you want if that's your goal. I don't want to hold you down but it will be really difficult to _start_ from it. At least, that's my humble opinion. Good luck and keep it up.

any recommendations for a PPL?

Read the OP

can i do the ULPP without rest days? looks good desu

You still need your rest days, but with ULPP you'll only have 3 rest days vs 4 rest days with your standard 3 day fullbody workout. If you're still feeling really restless, go for a run after your workout and/or on your rest days. Do C25K if you've never done serious running before.

Anyone got a hybrid weight training/calisthenics routine? I want to work up to muscle ups.

so with three rest days, would it go something like UxLxPP?

If I still have juice in the tank on my lifting days ( a big if) can I do more sets, or would this be detrimental to my gains?

i meant

Doing a modified version of Swoletide's gvt.

Holy shit so much volume. Each workout takes nearly 2 hours.

If you have extra energy, burn it on a run. Be patient with the lifts and increase the weights at a steady pace. Don't go whole hog early in your lifting career and burn yourself out, or you'll never want to go back.

Why is Candito's U/L Strength/Hypertrophy so underrated?
>Linear strength gains
>Allows for a variety of exercises so you can actually hit every muscle on your body, unlike SS and other beginner routines
>Only two heavy days so you don't hit mental barriers
>Contains low reps with high weight + high reps with low weight training
>Not a shitty full body routine so you can actually give your muscles a workout instead of barely working most of your body

Why does Veeky Forums throw an autistic tantrum when you say you do a brosplit? I don't want to or need to bench/squat/DL/mil press 2-3 times a week. I'm in the gym for 2 hours a day 4 days a week already. How is that not good enough for gains? How am I suppose to make more gains without throwing away what little free time I already have?

The only way I'm training muscle groups twice a week is by ditching half of the isolated workouts in my routine. And why would I do that when I don't care about strength gains?

Because brosplits are retarded and you clearly don't care enough to listen. You spend more time than you need to for less gains than someone on a good program.

Rate this routine. PLEASE. I have to start something on monday. want to raise my squat by 50 pounds and everything else symmetrical according to (350-400)

VxRxIxx (texas method) V= volume R = recover I = intensity x= rest

Volume day:
Squat 3x5 @90% 5RM
Bench or overhead press 5x5 @90% 5RM
Deficit Deadlift 3x5 @70% 5RM

Recovery day
Squat 2x5 @80% 5RM
Bench Press 3x5 @90% 5RM or overhead press slightly lower weight than volume day (unsure)
penday row (parallel barbell row) 5x10 with perfect form (light weight) (unsure of this)
Chinups 3 sets to failure bodyweight

Intensity day
Squat, bench, deadlift 5rm

>Why does Veeky Forums throw an autistic tantrum when you say you do a brosplit?
Because it's a waste of time if you're not on juice.
>I'm in the gym for 2 hours a day 4 days a week already.
Your routine is fucked up. Brosplit won't be the cure for it though.
> How am I suppose to make more gains without throwing away what little free time I already have?
By picking up a sane routine.

>you clearly don't care enough to listen
I care if I could get a quick rundown instead of the never ending paragraphs graphomaniacs on here type up

You aren't effectively hitting your muscles by splitting them up according to your arbitrary definitions you made up.
You don't know how to program.
You don't know anything.
You won't listen to people who know things.
You will never amount to anything.

>You will never amount to anything.
This is something you heard a lot of I'm sure


im going to try this

Not him, but either you want help or you do not want help. You clearly fall in the second category.
If you wanted, you picked a sane routine. You didn't need 2 hours 4 days a week to begin with. For some reasons you tend to believe that increasing even more the days you hit the gym while decreasing frequency and volume will benefit you.
Some people have to learn the hard way. Good luck.

What are your current 5RM? Are you stalling as an intermediate lifter? Honestly I'm not fond of the texas method, to me it's a quick patch for someone who hasn't started to periodize his training yet.
By the way that's a twisted texas method there and it seems to overcome its rationale. e.g. you replace deadlift 1x5 @ 90% 5RM with "deficit deadlift" 3x5 @ 70% on volume day. Moreover you insist in putting deadlift on friday, whilst it should be once a week.
I'm not defending the rationale behind the texas method, it seems to me you're pushing yours in an alien body.


Trying to go for aesthetics as a priority though strength is nice.

GSLP is more suited for beginners
PPL is for intermediates
PHUL and PHAT are for advanced intermediates

if you are a beginner you should care for strength only

Had this routine recommended to me. One user said it wasn't enough volume. Deadlifts are only 1x5 but worked up to 1x5, obviously.



1rm squat 345 (maybe could do more)
1rm bench 245 (could have done more it was easy af)
5x5 130 pounds OHP
Deadlift 320 x5 but could do more , working on hook grip

I wanted texas without cleans and back extension shit all i got is a barbell and rack

Why should you care only for strength as a beginner? Because that's a necessary starting point for any later route.

What's your training age? It could well be enough.

I didn't really stall, but I felt it was time, I started in April this year, but i have lifted before (year before for a couple months) so I know i should be doing intermediate

Right now Im doing a Power/HT split which I think is a modified PHUL, before I was doing a brosplit which actually made good progress (10+ pounds a week)

>What's your training age? It could well be enough.

Been training for 6 months. Can still progress linearly, but looking to do a routine that involves more accessories than what I've been doing.

Glad I could convince someone, it's a good routine. It's also fun to do, the optional exercises give you a lot of room to work with. I'd recommend using those for stuff like face pulls, side raises, cable flyes, etc.

and id rather not do madcow cause i HATE heavy pendlay rows, fucking gay exercise

Well, I'm pretty symmetric according to symmetricstrength and you lift a little less than me on OHP, a little more than me on squat and deadlift and much more on bench. I'm therefore not comfortable in giving you advice. And I love pendlay rows.... Honestly I do much more volume per week in every major compound you consider.

looks pretty good then.

I wanna do texas without cleans or back extensions/ anything i cant do at home

Or madcow without pendlay rows RIPPPPPP

How to make Front Squats hurt less? The weight I do with them is far too easy but shoulder pain always makes me drop.

im fine doing pendlay for light weights but i dont like the exercise one bit for 5x5

My goal is to get my squat from 350-400 (1rm) then maintain that strength level while cutting body fat until about 14-15% then maintain that BF and strength while increasing my rep maxs at the same weight (i dont really wanna go over 400 squat)

Thanks user.
Just for future reference, how should it be changed in say 6 - 12 months?

in all honesty you'll check in 6 months how you've progressed and switch routine accordingly, hard to tell now. I wouldn't suggest to keep a routine, any routine, for 12 months.

Understood. Thanks for the help user!

STVT German Volume Training variation:
Go as heavy as you go every set and drop the weight as you go (if needed) instead of staying at a lower weight that you can do all the sets on. Swap out exercises after 4 weeks or so.
10x10 - 4:0:1 tempo (4 sec negative each rep) - 1:30 min rest betweenEverything else - no particular tempo - 1 min rest between
*** = Tempo is optional

Monday - Shoulders & Bis & Abs
OHP - 10x10
Face Pulls - 5x12
DB Lateral Raise - 5x12
BB curls - 10x10
Hammer Curls - 5x12
Forearm Curls - 5xFailure
Decline Weighted Situps - 3-5x12
Hanging Leg Raises - 3-5x12
DB Side Bends - 3-5xFailure

Tuesday - Legs
Back Squat - 10x10***
RDL - 10x10
Leg Ext - 5x12
Leg curls - 5x12
Seated Calve Raises - 5x15 or Failure

Wednesday - Back & Traps
Lat Pull Down - 10x10
Cable Rows - 10x10
T-Bar Rows - 5x12
Machine Pullover - 5x12
Hang Cleans - 5x5
Wide Grip Pull-Ups - 5xFailure
Decline Weighted Situps - 3-5x12
Hanging Leg Raises - 3-5x12
DB Side Bends - 4x12

Thursday - Chest & Tris
Incline DB - 10x10
BW Dips SS w/ Pec Flies - 10x10
Decline Bench - 5x12
Rope Pushdown - 5x12
Single Arm DB Overhead Tri Extensions - 5xFailure
Push ups - 5xFailure

Friday - Cycling HIIT and active recovery

Saturday - Deadlift & Squats & Abs(Secondary)
Deadlifts - 10x10***
Front Squat - 10x10***
Weighted chin ups - 5x5
Power Cleans - 5x5
Calves - Superset with Abs
Decline Weighted Situps - 3-5x12
Hanging Leg Raises - 3-5x12
JackKnife Situps - 3-5x12
DB Side Bends - 3-5xFailure

Sunday - Chest (Secondary)
BB Bench - 10x10
DB Bench - 10x10
Incline Chest Press - 5x12
DB Pullovers - 5x12
Pushups - 5xFailure
LISS cardio of some sort at a different time

niggaz I gotta start on monday plz help me out

just do it.

stop being a fag. do the work.

"just do it" i asked to rate the routine babe

That's retarded mate.
Get this no rest days thing out of your head

I'm trying to put together a new bulking routine that incorporates stretching.
How does this look?

Oh, I should also add that I'm trying to add extra focus to my weak points (biceps, grip, and core) as well.

am I gonna make it or is my program trash? I'm right between intermediate and Novice.

Heavy days I go 5x4 on my compounds, Light days I go 5x8. Squats and Deads are the exception (they are always 5x4).

Basically I do two days in a row and then rest for 1-2 days and then do the next two days in a row.

I want an aesthetic frame but I don't want to give up my compounds.