The heavy breaths at the beginning

The heavy breaths at the beginning
Even chads get nervous here and there

m8 he's doing that cause he's FAT

Looking good.

He really did a good job in this presentation desu, I watched it live and it actually held my interest unlike most of the presentations.

I couldn't believe all the big names like paypal, bloomberg, visa, mastercard ect that were involved in the slides.

Surely there must be so some sort of endorsement or partership in the works to allow him to use all these images on his presenation?

Yep. It makes me feel like we found about this way too early. It’s going to be so surreal when we start seeing promo videos from PayPal and shit mentioning ChainLink.

>tfw you buy a lambo but can't fit inside it


Rent free. Im buying more mother bitch.

>promo videos from PayPal and shit mentioning ChainLink
Why would PayPal need to do this? Chainlink is an enterprise solution not for consumers.

Is this even confirmed or just pure speculation?

when the fuck does it moon?

>You've probably heard that "Software is eating the world."
>To demonstrate this for you on stage tonight, I am going to eat these three big mac's in under one 60 seconds.
>Assistant? Do we have the countdown ready?


how did sergey go from being the saviour of biz, the premiere candidate of being satoshi nakamoto, the chosen one, the creator before bitcoin was even created, the future king, to being made fun of for being fat

the crypto world is fast-paced


New exchange when?

probably never

Why do you talk like a nigger?
"When is link going to get added into a new exchange?"

fuck you bitch bastird. oracle is a real problem!!

*going to be

found the pajeet