Realistically, how could someone achieve total power in today's Western democracies?

Realistically, how could someone achieve total power in today's Western democracies?

By using populism as the election ground and pushing right-wing policies to undermine a democracy from the inside.

To be already an elected leader of the country and to have a full blown civil unrest or a openly hostile foreign power that would allow the leader to suspend elections and the division of government to be a de facto dictator.

So not Donald Trump? Got it.

By making the bureaucracy so convoluted and complicated that no one knows what the fuck is going on, and then using that to get stuff like extra term limits, legal fraud and corruption, and gerrymandering to keep a select few in power. Combine that with a disarmed populace that no longer has free speech and you have the recipe for totalitarianism.

by bribing politicians with $$$

>Combine that with a disarmed populace
Oh, fuck off with your "muh freedom to shoot kids in school" bullshit, Amerimutt.

How the hell is granting the government a total monopoly on violence a good idea, user?

>American logic

bcuz the state a good boi n dindu nuffin

It's not hard logic to follow user, if you want to oppress a population that doesn't want to be oppressed, first you take away their ability to fight back.

>get yourself to executive power
>get a good number of your people elected to legislature
>have followers in the army
>also have armed, organized followers among the populace
>engineer a situation in which state of emergency can be decreed.
>abuse the state of emergency to shape the state as you like

Find a flaw.


sorry but LMAO

B..but everyone knows right-wingers are evil.

Take advantage of people's emotions to erode checks and balances against tyranny to benefit your clique, which people view as the sole solution to the problem, something you will need to gain a kind of monopoly on.

It could be anything, fear of racism, fear of terrorism.

In Hitler's case it was fear of communism and frustration at the great depression. His core of fanatics believed the Jews hated Germans and they were getting revenge on the Jews, a kind of catharsis, also that the Jews lived a kind of sorry existence and they were putting them out of their misery. The modern view of them is biased, obviously, people seem to think they woke up one day and decided to be evil and they are just inherently evil, stupid bad baddies. Unfortunately evil isn't something distinct and separate from us. They were human like us, they experienced the same emotions, some were quite intelligent. Only by examining the truth can we find out exactly what happened.

Vanilla ArmA III is shit desu.

At minimum, you need CBA, ACE, ACRE/TFR, RHS USAF, GREF, and AFRF, US Military Mod, and CUP maps to have a proper experience.

erode the power of law enforcement agencies and undermine trust in the electoral syst- oh wait

>this faggot again

>Muttmericans STILL bealive that neckbeards with M4s could defend themselves against the state

M4s are illegal in the states.

citation needed

Look. The 2nd amendment people have a strong point about the importance of an armed populace. But they continuously blew their chances at popular support by being autistic. Whenever there was a school shooting the anti-gun groups would naturally push for more control citing safety. Yet when asked what to do about the continuing trend of school shootings the NRA crowd just kept yelling "shall not be abridged!", refusing to put forward any policy alternative to gun control that tackled the issue or any of its root causes. Every so often they would say that it was less of an issue of gun control and more one of mental health but then they refused to push for more mental healthcare systems.

If you have an issue to deal with and one side offers a solution that erodes freedom then you have to not only bring focus on the failings of the other sides solution but also offer one of your own that deals with the issue in a more constitutional way. Those in support of the second amendment only did the first half of that. The people are scared and the left offers peace of mind with gun control and the right has offered absolutely nothing.

what about just requiring gun license and clear criminal record in order to buy a gun like in the every single civilised country

Cutting edge AI and social media manipulation could get you pretty far with becoming a populist demagogue. But thats only to become elected, the easy part.

You have no idea user

We have offered solutions, but the liberals don't want to take us up on them. If they aren't willing to put armed guards in schools or allow teachers to carry guns then they shouldn't be surprised when these shootings continue.





>We have offered solutions, but the liberals...

I don't care about the liberals, I care about not getting shot on my way home from school. Nobody is offering anything beyond the status quo, 'keep calm and carry on'.

Welcome to democracy. Two sides present two different solutions, both sides disagree with the other's solution, so neither gets passed.


sorry, not all democracies are as polarized and disfunctional as yours

True, but the status quo is better than ineffective measures restricting freedom for the sake of saying we did something.

By being Amazon, Disney or Google

This was written by a legitimate psycho and retard, just look at the last paragraph.
If it were that easy serial killers wouldn't get caught

Most serial killers don't get caught. About 30% of homicides go unsolved, and the chance of them being unsolved is much higher when the victim and murderer don't personally know each other.

What is this stupid LARPing these fags are talking about?

Most of the homicides are the common plebians. You bet your ass if they were targeting the top brass the feds will be employing Gitmo techniques

Gitmo techniques on who? You have to catch them before you can torture them.

populism comes from left and right idiot

Just control the federal reserve. Infinite money cheat unlocked.

>be fat 4channer
>meme about how you and your /k/ommando friends could totally bring down da gubmint
Never fails to make me chuckle

You literally can't. The world is doing well right now and everyone wants to uphold the current law and order.

Wait for things to go catastrophically wrong, and play to the crowd's darkest desires, using propaganda that appeals to mythological archetypes.

If you want to make things in the world go catastrophically wrong, you would need the creativity and genius to find a way to do it that noone else has noticed yet. To actually succeed in making a catastrophe happen, you would need a team of people, and you are unlikely to gather a team of enough people with malevolent purposes who would want to commit to your goal. (and plus, they'd want power for themselves).

So yeah. Wait for things to go bad on their own and seize the opportunity.

heh, maybe next time don't forget which board you're on.

Where was it stated that dictatorship was the goal? Control is easier without the spotlight. The cult of personality works both ways: ultra positive or ultra negative.

You're right, the fact that this is Veeky Forums makes it even worse

then you're relying on finding enough people with evil intentions who won't stab you in the back. And you can only keep yourself hidden to a certain degree- you will have to entrust a certain level of insider knowledge to just a few too many people.

How do you get such a team of dedicated followers? Maybe convert them to your secret cult or something.

>And you can only keep yourself hidden to a certain degree- you will have to entrust a certain level of insider knowledge to just a few too many people.
Implying rule by shadow government isn't the most well thought out system of control. It doesn't even matter who is promising what, the same results still happen in the end.

>playing Analma instead of RS2

Give me an example of your favourite shadow government

They'll shoot me after they read that if I posted it. They have NSA tapping all of our computers, microphones, and computer cameras. I have tape over mine I hope you do too.

...I'm only joking about being shot. They'll just blacklist whatever I'm trying to get into. It's lower friction that way.

I'll say the communist conspiracy was pretty effective. I hate it, but it was effective.

>If they aren't willing to put armed guards in schools or allow teachers to carry guns
The first is potentially a good plan, but it would require massively raising education budgets, which will never happen.

The second is nonsense. I'm a teacher, I am not a fucking soldier. Not American here, but I planned my entire life to move to the US and teach there, but I now refuse if I'm expected to shoot people.

>can't shoot bad guys to save your kids
What the fuck kind of person are you?

>become super rich
>buy up the biggest media companies in the country and make them broadcast your propaganda, create a cult of personality
>make sure that the majority of voters always get their news from your media.
>if your country has a national network like the BBC, great, you can turn that into your pr-channel
>bribe opposition leaders and fund controlled opposition
>ruthlessly carachter-assasinate anyone that looks like they might have a chance against you
>engage in corruption, gerrymander, use the police or the judicial system for your political goals - the media that most people follow will never report on these, so you can safely consolidate your power
>keep increasing your wealth from public funds, buy the loyalty of powerful people

If your country has no term limit and you can don't fuck up the economy too bad you can just get reelected over and over again, while being a dictator in all but name.

Is that a part of the job description?

>Taking away guns is too authoritarian
>But having armed police monitoring the children all day every day is not.
>Neither is giving teachers the implicit authority to kill kids they perceive as a threat.

The absolute state of the right wing.

Nothing secret about it, it was just openly corrupt, and people were too scare to say anything about it.


Not to mention a good chunk of teachers would be overwhelmed by the very fucking idea of shooting a child that they have been educating for years, probably would lead to psychological trauma for many, most would probably hesitate to pull the trigger, also all of the complications with the police seeing random people walking with guns.

>>Neither is giving teachers the implicit authority to kill kids they perceive as a threat.
We're going to have in school executions, and the teacher will be declared innocent because they had 'reasonable grounds' to execute the child.

It's bizzaro world alright.

>you need someone to tell you how to defend the weak and innocent and expect payment for it on top of that

>armed police is authoritarian
whether a police is well armed or poorly armed doesn't change the fact that they have a monopoly on violence and maintain the law. Unless of course you believe the police is oppressive, in that case why are you entrusting your life to them with the 2nd amendment?

>teachers can kill kids perceived as a threat
The same reasonable self-defence laws that apply on the streets would apply here too.

Drop the macho bullshit. Killing children is quite a big moral conundrum.

Most western 'democracies' are, beneath the surface, bureaucracies. Just either be born into an aristocratic/old-money family or become a super-rich CEO of some tech titan

>only the government can have guns
>but the government is systemically racist
Pick one.

>the state's monopoly on violence is too powerful
>to deal with increasing gun violence we expect more state employees to arm themselves
fucking brilliant

I wouldn't exactly call it a "moral conundrum". There's a shooter in the school, if you don't shoot back then everyone, including you, will die. If you do shoot back then only the shooter has to die. If you seriously can't find the will to shoot back then your moral compass is so fucked up I don't trust you around any children.


implying education should be state-funded

What amazes me is how people bitch about these very bureaucracies yet call for more power for them at the exact same time.
People deserve to be oppressed.

So lets take a hypothetical situation. You suspect a child has a gun, but have not seen said gun- and the kid refuses to hand over his bag. What do you do? Execute the child?

Sometimes things are complicated beyond your dense macho bullshit, you philosophical zombie.


>What do you do? Execute the child?
Yeah, you definitely shouldn't be a teacher. You would seriously consider executing a child for not handing over a bag when you have no evidence of them even having a gun? If you execute the child you'll go to jail for life like the psychopath you are.

There's nothing macho about doing the right thing. A child who picks up a weapon to kill you and the children your responsible for is a murderer. There's no grey in this area.

>state employed teachers is as equally as authoritarian as state employed SWAT teams cruising down the road in armored APCs with phone monitoring equipment(stingray)

call the police, only they have the authority to force to remove someone's bag.

Teachers don't become members of law enforcement, they are just given the ability to defend themselves, like you can anywhere in America.

What kind of linguistic bad faith do you operate under? I would not. I'm just using the same rule of law which the police act under- the same rule of law which excused the killers of Trayvon Martin and many others recently- unarmed people legally executed due to the suspicion of being armed.

you sound like a faggot bootlicking conditioned weasel cunt, i bet you're a fellow bong aren't you? i fucking hate how pathetic and stupid my fellow countrymen have become.

Except you're not the police, and are thus held to a higher standard if you kill someone. You can't aim your gun at someone just because they have a suspicious bag, because you aren't the police and it isn't your fucking job to make arrests. You have a gun to defend your life if there is a shooter, and you know there is a shooter when there are gunshots or when you see someone pointing a gun at you or others.

>You can't aim your gun at someone just because they have a suspicious bag, because you aren't the police and it isn't your fucking job to make arrests. You have a gun to defend your life if there is a shooter, and you know there is a shooter when there are gunshots or when you see someone pointing a gun at you or others.
George Zimmerman wasn't a Cop either. There are laws out there which allow this shit.

Well, go ahead and execute a child who's doing nothing in the middle of a class full of children and see if you get away with it then.

>Well, go ahead and execute a child who's doing nothing in the middle of a class full of children and see if you get away with it then.
I'm saying, you definitely fucking would, as previous cases prove.

Undermine the independent judiciary system. The thing about rule of law is that no man can be above it. So, remember to attack the courts, scare and bribe the judges and attorneys.

Also useful to deligitimize/block independent press. Controling information is essential. Making your propaganda very believable isn't necessary, you can even run contradictory messages, muddying the waters and creating uncertainity is good enough. You can even run your own counter-propaganda to bring out dissidents.

Keep industry leaders close, but pursue economic protectionism. International bankers and industrialists are hard to control because they, by necessity, split their support by many governments. You can buy the loyalty of national corporations by shielding them from foreign competition for the domestic market. Reward the corporations that are loyal to your regime by granting them state contracts. Alternatively, just nationalize/socialize these corporations and appoint people who are already loyal to admnistrative and managerial positions. The end result is more or less the same, you can go at it from the left or from the right.

>Teachers don't become members of law enforcement, they are just given the ability to defend themselves, like you can anywhere in America.
This. It's just self defense. I don't know why leftists don't understand the concept.
>teachers are smart enough to attain bachelors and above
>not smart enough to figure out if someone demonstrates opportunity,capability, and intent(yes, the deadly force triangle)

And yes citizens arrests are allowed in America. If you see someone with a "suspicious bag" you don't do a god damn thing until they draw a weapon. When they do, you drop them. Simple.

George Zimmerman was alone and might have been assaulted, trying to execute a child in the middle of a classroom won't yield the same results.

In the other user's defense, teachers in America are pretty fucking dumb, there is an argument to be made that specialized armed guards should handle students defense rather than the teachers.

>there is an argument to be made that specialized armed guards should handle students defense rather than the teachers.
pretty much my entire point, I think they're being wilfully ignorant to just what being an unpaid security guard actually means in reality

I don't think anyone, including me, is suggesting that we force teachers to carry guns, only that we allow teachers who want to carry guns into school to do so.

Doesn't Texas already do that?

these things have precedents though, there is so much that can go wrong with armed teachers and so little that can go right

>In the other user's defense, teachers in America are pretty fucking dumb, there is an argument to be made that specialized armed guards should handle students defense rather than the teachers.
Four of those school cops did NOT act when they were supposed to. They waited outside, despite their training. At least one was let go.

Well, it's either allowing teachers to carry guns, coughing up the extra funds to hire armed guards, or accepting the statistical rarity of school shootings and that you're far more likely to die from literally anything else.

Honestly why aren’t those faggot and their shrief Israel being blamed for this clusterfuck?

>there is so much that can go wrong with armed teachers and so little that can go right
I can tell you haven't taken the time to look up shooters who were stopped by carriers. Do a lookup, don't just go to gawker or whatever the fuck, and research it. The MSM won't tell you about it but it happens all the time.
I don't know. I guess to keep the heat on the guns and off the people.

While I'm all for completely banning guns, it wouldn't work in America because Amerimutts have already spread their weapon obsession so far you could get them easily illegally. This isn't a problem in other countries, but mutts gonna mutt.

>This isn't a problem in other countries
Britain. Arms banning. Crime gone up or down? You mean gun banning works in Europe and Japan. Does it work in... Africa? South America?

No duty to protect or serve m8
Orders are to wait for backup.
Because the average response time wasn't high enough.

It's worth noting that in none of the countries that implemented gun control, did the homicide rate actually go down as a result of said gun control.

To be fair, nowhere else has the same problem the US has with guns. There is no precedent in Western politics for the shit you're going through right now as a nation.