I'm bored. Here are some things I've learned

I'm bored. Here are some things I've learned.

1: Hide your contempt and hate for fat people. Keep it to Veeky Forums.

2: Hide your power level when it comes to working out and fitness. "Oh yeah, I workout a few times a week. Makes me feel good". Never discuss the amount of effort you put into your body unless it's with another serious lifter.

3: Drink beer with your friends and let loose every once in a while. People will assume you think you're better than them or vain if you don't want to drink because of your gains. Boring too. If you absolutely don't want to drink, say alcoholism runs in your family or somethign like that.

4: When people ask you for advice about lifting/being in shape act humble and show interest in them. You don't actually have to give them real, tangible advice because they'll forget it. However, they won't forget that you tried to help and seemed to care. "Be consistent, that's the most important thing. it takes time but you can do it" Something generic like that goes a long way and will make them feel good.

5: Don't show off your body, everyone will think you're a douche. Flexing your biceps and posing is laughable. If you have a good physique people will know.

6: If someone offers you food, accept it. It will make them feel good. Eat the 500 calorie brownie your aunt made and tell her it was delicious.

7: You probably have muscle dysmorphia. Remember that guy you used to think was big?

8: Girls don't really care about your physique or strength that much. Guys will however.

9: Having a social life will make you way more happier than gymceling. Don't blow people off for the gym, you'll regret it when you're older.

10: Squat plugs work and are a great way to improve one's strength.

All redpilled advice until 10. Fuck you OP

Thanks OP, I needed to hear this right now

p. good

1. Realize that cultural marxism is destroying society and that getting swole means literally nothing when everyone is killing themselves by degenerate means, which will ultimately mean western civilization collapsing

2. Homosexuality is just a fetish and the letting these disgusting hypersexual faggots ever adopt children is a fucking mistake

3. Doing drugs only short-circuits your mind into thinking it's something else (i.e I'm so wise now because I'm so high haha)

4. You should blow off people you know because in reality "friends" slow you down of your personal and financial goals. You'll regret it when you're older.

5. Stop being a fucking normalfag that thinks having sex, making a lot of money and being accepted by your degenerate piers is a good endgame

6. Hitler did nothing wrong

Wow guy, your life must be non-stop good times..

you know this is a fitness board, right? you shouldn't be lifting until you hit puberty since you are so clearly twelve years old.

>I'm an emasculated, low-ranking male who picks easy scapegoats to act out against in retaliation for my low social status
>wah wah, everyone's a degenerate, everything is degenerate

piss off, you're not enlightened, you're just stupid and angry

I love you. This is why i keep coming back over the years.

Know how I know you're a virgin?
>the d word

you don't use a plug?

are you still a beginner? once you start putting up serious weight you've gotta start plugging.

it's just like a belt, it's safety equipment once you go past a certain weight. you don't hear squat plugs discussed very often because people, even me are embarrassed to admit we use them sometimes. people who don't lift seriously just don't understand doing whatever it takes

>posting on Veeky Forums on a friday night
>thinks he's had sex



>you'll regret not having a social life when you're older

studies show this is patently untrue as people basically stop hanging out with friends at 35

here's the real pill of whatever color: basically 99.999999% of people are trash and if you are not trash there is an =0 chance that anyone around you is also not trahs. other human beings are a waste of time

>kekistan having anything to do with /pol/

Golden one pls go

Hitler literally did nothing wrong. People who think otherwise just happily swallow the jewpill because it's easier than finding info the Jews don't want us to know. Hitler was a great man. The holocaust is a lie, but I wish it did happen.

>making a lot of money

haha enjoy being broke boi.

ceo 10k /day

>3: Drink beer with your friends and let loose every once in a while. People will assume you think you're better than them or vain if you don't want to drink because of your gains. Boring too. If you absolutely don't want to drink, say alcoholism runs in your family or somethign like that.
>Have to lie to meatheads because they're such plebeian trash that improving yourself or having morals makes them throw a "Ju tink ju bedda den me!?" tantrum

Fuck off.

Give more life-lessons, OP.

I don't hang around people I can't be myself around. No sense is putting up an act, shit is exhausting.

Today OP was not a faggot.
Disagree with 3 and 10 though.

Wow im actually surprised. These were all 10 out of 10 points OP. Except maybe 8 and 10.

I do agree on 2. Homosexuality is a fetish as well as heterosexuality, mostly in the form of the penetration fetish that cripples other ways of sexual pleasure labelling them as "degenerate".

>Hide your contempt and hate for fat people. Keep it to Veeky Forums.
You don't fucking say you genius, nobody like hateful people.

who hurt you

>be a fake ass bitch in order to be popular with other fake ass bitches
Inspect your life OP. Your friends are not friends with the real you.

this should be in the fucking sticky

11. NoFap/NoPorn actually works and will lead you to becoming a better human bean

we're all CEO's here pal


Going on 7 years lifting now, including roids and all the ups and downs that you'll expect to see from doing this for a long time.

Solid advice all round.

I cringe at people who tell stories about rejecting cake at their workplace and getting all high and mighty about how the fat normies are trying to bring them down, you are actively harming your career. Grab a small brownie, thank the person who offered you and say it was delicious. It probably isn't more than 200kcal and just modify your portion sizes for the rest of the day if you're cutting. Don't tell anyone, just do it. Learn to be flexible or you will burn out, you can't run at 100% all the time unless lifting is how you earn a living. This also connects to the point about hiding your power level.

The autistic new fitness guy is a fucking loser, especially when he's DYEL cause he's only been lifting a few months.

Consistency is more important than intensity. It's better to grind out 4 workouts a week for 7 years than it is to do 7 workouts a week for a few months.

Agree on 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The only thing Hitler did wrong was trying to fight on two fronts.

>Consistency is more important than intensity

If you aren't weak willed you can do both

>making a lot of money

securing your own future isn't being a normalfag. stop justifying your pathetic minimum wage job. Aspire to do better in all fields.

>tl;dr dont be an autistic retard
amazing that some people need this spelled out

OP is anti-fit gate keeper.
Go ZYZZ all the way!

here are some of the things I learned

>there are no souls
>your "soul" is part of a vast and complex set of variables, linked to real world things, but also chemicals, sunlight, foods any many other things like that
>only science can properly isolate many of these elements and tell you how they work best in tandem
>as it turns out, the dietary, fitness science says that working out is a pretty good thing for your "soul"
>science also tells us that more than half of the people are sedentary
>many still are fat
>many bad variables because of that

and because you do not resist these people, you will become like them.

t. no friends

I've learned that you should start out caring about nothing and then pick the things you actually want to care about.



>Girls don't care about your strength that much

You are incorrect. Maybe on the high end, but if you start throwing people around they will want to be thrown around too.

1:legitimate and irreversible, no point in riling up the shills
2:what individuals do with consenting individuals isnt your or anyones concern, but yeah they are annoying
3:see above
4:if only there was some middle ground between constantly going out and never going out
5:1 and a half of those are worthy goals
6:hitler ruined the idea of a meritocracy based society for the rest of us

love the salt reacts

>Stop being a fucking normalfag that thinks having sex, making a lot of money and being accepted by your degenerate piers is a good endgame
Trip on, panzer

1. Train progressively
2. Pay attention but don't go full American Psycho over nutrition
3. Dating is easier the more you do it
4. You can't leave this place until you've made it

good one OP, this kind of sense and balance. lacks on Veeky Forums
10 is gold

This is all stupid and anyone following these "rules" are truly the most beta idiots.

>In this moment I am euphoric 2.0

>Hitler did nothing wrong

He did plenty wrong. The main reason they lost was because he wouldnt stop micromanaging his generals and thinking he knew better

Your body is the physical representation of your race if your a fat neckbeards or a dyel twink no one will take you or your ideals seriously and you won't be red pulling anyone. You just sound like a faggot making up excuses to not be in shape.

It's not so much rules as general advice, no need to be salty

literally this

What if I can't fucking drink because I am on steroids and don't want my liver to suicide.

you chose funny balls over drinking.

what the fuck are you doing with your life

these dubs are pretty spot on
worse of dating for noobs is the fear to ask or take the initiative, after that is all about being natural and jumping to the next target until anxiety dissapear

Having to lie or deteriorate your own health in fear that your ""friends"" will think bad of you otherwise

>people basically stop hanging out with friends at 35


How do I start dating?



Do not put dealing with health issues on hold for anyone or anything.

Work is a mercenary thing. Treat it as such.

Loyalty to an employer is stupid. Loyalty to people is not.

Don't take a job for money if you dislike the work. The stress of it will grind you to nothing.

Don't skip vacation time, especially if it's "use it or lose it".

Get a good mattress. It pays off in recovery.

Pretend to be better than you are until you are better than you are.

I don't think I've ever read so much bullshit, you're not giving any good "advice" at all. You're giving dudebro advice that will leave you nowhere.

1) Don't hide your contempt for fat people, you're changing your personality for someone you don't even care about. Being fat shows a lack of self control, hiding how you feel about these people merely encourages them.

2) Don't hide your power level, it's good to be involved with an activity so much that you're knowledgeable about it and willing to discuss it. The difference is, you should have more than one hobby and be interested in more than one thing. If all you do is gym then you're as much of a faggot as someone who watches anime all day long. Go to the gym, paint, read, cycle, taker up photography. Have more than one fucking hobby.

3) If you need alcohol to have fun with your friend,s then either you're a boring cunt or your friends are. If you need to justify not wanting to drink to people then they aren't worth having around. There's nothing wrong with having a beer, doesn't mean you can't have fun without it or need to hide that you don't want to drink.

4) Act humble, BUT GIVE THEM PROPER FUCKING ADVICE. If you give someone bad advice they're going to remember that you gave them advice, they're not going to care that you helped them.

6) Stop fucking lying to people to please them. The only time you should lie to someone is if they're fucking dying.

7) Girls care about how you look and you're physique. The difference is, girls worth dating should care about more than JUST your physique. This piece of advice makes me think you're just a fat tub of lard who thinks that looks don't matter.

8) Having a social life doesn't make you happier, leaving the house is what makes you happier. If your social life involves sitting with your friends in a dark room every weekend then you'll be equally as sad as before. The key to happiness is being busy, not drinking with your friends.

you need to mix this with OP's list. maybe lose 4. and half of 1.

>You should blow off people you know because in reality "friends" slow you down of your personal and financial goals.
>not realizing that socializing and selflessness is the key point of fascism, as opposed to vain, position altering pursuits

>Having a social life doesn't make you happier, leaving the house is what makes you happier

kill yourself

This is really the only escape from suicidal depression.

replace "dating" with "social interaction of any kind" and you nailed it.

remember, you're on Veeky Forums

The more you do something the easier it becomes, be it lifting, talking to girls, or fisting. Be patient and never stop practicing.

Triggered degenerate detected

you sound like a marxist faggot. Did that fry cook job at Wendy's really fuck you up this much?


This is some solid advice right there. Thank you for putting it into words

Based user


Fuck social life. Most people are complete degenerates and a waste of your time (and gains). If you don't have any friends and want one, get a dog.

Kekistan reddit normies made /pol/ unreadable.

beer is not fun unless you a young baby early 20s faggot. Its always funny watching my fat, bloated from alcohol, friends faces reaction when I say no.

Nice get, friendo


You're adorable. And an idiot if you think any employer gives a single fuck about you.

>4. You should blow off people you know because in reality "friends" slow you down of your personal and financial goals. You'll regret it when you're older.

*claps hands*
Hol' up. This is a good one actually. Get rid of all your shit friends who hold you back and get new ones who challenge you, encourage you, etc. You wouldn't want to keep dating your first shitty girlfriend when your potential wife is out there, right? I would recommend keeping childhood friends; yet, some meme uni-"friends" or former coworkers? Fuck 'em. Trust me, they don't think about you or give a fuck about you.

>it's another low-status beta getting angry at society instead of fixing himself episode

Go read "Mediations" by Marcus Aurelius you pathetic faggot. Live a life instead of being jealous of other's success. Even if we were in a fascist society, there'd still be the same bullshit cat-and-mouse game of chasing social status.

Also you're getting your wish, drinking, drug use, and casual sex is declining among all demographics. What you're getting mad at on twitter doesn't reflect reality.

the REE in this thread is deafening

fourth post best post

>Beta trying to blame society for his fucked up life
I hope you realize that there is a 95% chance you would have been a slave or peasant in the vast majority of "traditional" European societies.

nothing got me until

>implying your boss cares at all about how you feel about your job
>implying they dont just want to earn as much money as possible through their work, just like you
>implying 99% of occupations dont have other people ready and waiting to replace you whenever higher-ups decide you dont work hard enough

you sound like an sjw who thinks everyone is there to help you out and be your friend.


>If all you do is gym then you're as much of a faggot as someone who watches anime all day long.

I don't agree, if putting all your experience points in one are floats your boat, then go for it, just understand it will alienate you. But I dislike the it when people try to control others by saying you should be this way or have x hobby etc.

To be honest most of this is pretty fucking spot on except for the very last point and arguably the first

Thanks op these are nice advices

lol no. Mountains of evidence proves it literally is the Jews who are ruining western civilization.

Words of truth. Except for part 4, because in National Socialism one of the central parts is being kind to your fellow citizens, getting along with your neighbours and countrymen.
Also anyone triggered by this guy's post is one of those pathetic losers on Veeky Forums who never made it nor will ever make it. These are the guys we constantly see here who never got strong and big.

>all this butthurt leftist and niggers
God's word user, God's words

These are all great advice, would also like to add

11. No one cares how much weight you lift other than lifters

12. Being lean >>>> being big



Best post I've ever seen on Veeky Forums