At what age did you accept aquatic ape theory and it's implications on human fitness?

At what age did you accept aquatic ape theory and it's implications on human fitness?


>aquatic ape
>the head diagrams look like nigger facial features
I thought spooks couldn't swim, though


>longer penis

>tfw 11cm penis

They don't swim well because their muscle type/density. Some revent research is saying the "all out of africa" stuff is b.s. though

you evolved on tropical beaches? is this why landwhales are so popular with basketball americans?





No secondary eyelids
No blowhole (can't even close nose)
Not being able to withstand deep water pressure
Incredibly shallow diving
Atrocious lungcapacity (especially at deeper depths
Horrible water speed

All those things on that infographic are useful but are not water specific.

Aquatic apes, right.

>not needed
>not needed
>world record 400 something meter without equipment
>see above
>world record 11 min without equipment
You should inform yourself before you form your opinion on things. I don't agree with all on the pic it was just the best fitting.

The theory doesn't claim we finalky or fully adapted to water just that we went through an aquatic stage in our evolution. And it doesn't mean like fish but like beavers or otters; generally land living but getting food from the water (regarding your retarded blowhole argument)

are you from /x/? this some /x/ tier shit

Bullshit. We evolved for running and intelligence. Some of those traits coincidentally make us better at swimming.

That's why we have a downward nose (shit for running), streamlined bodyhair, skin between thumb and index finger and body fat stored like aquatic animals rather than land animals?

This theory doesn't deny that we evolved for running btw. It just means there was an aquatic period involved

Wow read a book you downie cunt.
The downwards nose was inherited before running or swimming came into play. Next you'll be saying we lost our tails to swim better you turd.

You can better explain every part of your retarded theory with better reasoning than an evolutionary drive to swim. The only thing I can't think of a reason for is webbed fingers because we don't? Besides a few freaks, most people have very little webbing whatsoever. Certainly not enough to help them swim. Next up, humans are 7 feet tall to help them dunk.

>still refuses to look up what the theory means instead of embarrassing himself with unrelated nonarguments
>gets aggressive and insulting when pointed out where he's wrong
You must be quite the man.

there is no excess skin between our thumb and index finger. Squeeze your hand, there's fucking tendons there so we can move our hands. It has nothing to do with increasing the surface area of our hands

There is a little bit there and your thumb could actually move better without it

Do you even swim? That skin is only taut when the thumb point perpendicular to the palm. In line with the rest of the fingers (such as when you're swimming) there is no excess skin at play. Congrats on wasting everyone's time including your own over a meme theory.

>aquatic ape theory
>humans are most disadvantaged in water

Humans are one of very few land mammals that are both excellent runners (endurance, mainly) and excellent swimmers.

>thinks he can out swim an alligator, bear, hippo, etc.
>thinks he can out run an alligator, bear, hippo, etc.

go back to /x/

fucking what

The average elephant can swim further than the average human. We're not "excellent swimmers"



i guess you never heard of convergent evolution.

>using a world record to justify argument
That's like saying all ancient humans could carry all hunted prey individually because the world record deadlift is almost 1200 lbs

alligators are apparently somewhat easy to outrun, even in a straight line, the others hold up though.

You are completely wrong.

Humans are one of the slowest land animals for their size. Humans are some of the only mammals without innate swimming knowledge, and have to learn how to swim.

Humans were not built for running or swimming, we were built for talking. We also have very intricate hands, which are suited for making, carving, and climbing. Climbing is probably the missing exercise for humans, as we evolved from tree-apes to cavemen and used to climb tress to stalk our prey before throwing a rock at it. Or we would use our communication skills to organize a hunting party and overwhelm animals with a barrage of rocks. But we are shitty at running (no hooves, paws, or tails), and fairly shitty at swimming without knowledge of swimming techniques (see niggers at the pool for an example).

this doesn't seem to mention that our fingers and toes turn in to prunes when waterlogged because it gives us enhanced grip on slippery rocks and shit. it might, I just didn't look that hard. also, it's hilariously simpleminded and stupid but whatever. bye.

The only issue thus far seems to be people being unwilling to check what the theory even claims. And humans are literally the best endurance runners in the world.

No it's not. Someone claimed humans are shitty designed for diving and the world records are perfectly suited to show what our bodies are capable off. I didn't claim all people could dive 11 minutes.

The theory seems to be claiming that humans evolved as aquatic or semi-aquatic mammals which is totally preposterous.
It's true that life started in the oceans but primates adapted to climbing trees not swimming.

>humans are literally the best endurance runners in the world
No. Humans can train themselves to become better endurance runners over time, by communicating to each other methods of training for marathons. Humans are poorly built for endurance of any kind.

It's a theory for people who don't understand convergent evolution.

What does convergent evolution have to do with humans being able to cool themselves off by sweating? That alone makes us very good endurance runners.

>Humans are excellent swimmers

No it doesn't so thanks for proving my point. The claim is that between trees and upright walk was an aquatic period in which our legs adapted to standing upright etc.

Stop posting. That humans evolved for endurance running isn't disputed by one person in the world except you. It's why we have millions of sweat pores thin fur etc. and it's how hunter and gatherers in Africa still hunt. Without communicating trainings methods etc. you dense tryhard

>aquatic period

Is their any evidence to back this up other than /pol/-tier infographs?

Horses sweat. Are you going to tell me that horses are aquatic?

Guess how many aquatic animals sweat? Zero.

Humans sweat adaptation correlates to humans having smaller windpipes than other primates. The reason humans have smaller windpipes is because we have large, intricate vocal chords, which were evolved with speech. Basically, the less you could speak (such as was the case for Neanderthals), the less successful you were. But as a consequence, humans are terrible at panting to regulate temperature at exertion. So sweating evolved as compensation. Horses have to sweat because they are so massive now (horses used to be smaller, but humans bred them to be draft animals).

Well, you're just wrong about endurance running. Humans have always been shitty at running. Out of Africa is bullshit. Early humans were able to easily hunt because of the existence of giant sloths, which were easy pickings. Then we had an easy time hunting early bovines as well, up to domestication. Africans are not exemplars of hunting. Early humans hunted by organizing hunting parties and throwing rocks, which is what our chimpanzee cousins continue to use.

You might wanna go back to elementary for reading comprehension because my post was relating sweating to endurance running, not swimming.

Yeah. Apes walk uprightly in the water. Meanwhile the evolutionary process to get to upright walking on land are so far that it seems unlikely to happen wothout such period.
Other factors like our nose shape and fat storage point at it too. Also most fossils are found around water but this of course doesn't mean much on it's own

It's still disputed but it neatly fits (FOR WHAT IT CLAIMS, problem is that most people think it claims the human body as of now is designed to be aquatic)

You are literally retarded. Stop posting

>Are you going to tell me that horses are aquatic


>humans are built for endurance running
>the guy who invented jogging died of a heart attack in his 40s
Sure, makes total sense.

Out of Africa is now out of balkans

I just spat my drink all over fucking lmao.


I sure hope humans didn't evolve out of the balkans

This cunt is just trying to grasp at an excuse for having webbed hands the freak

Nigger tribes in Africa still practice endurance hunting. Basically chase an animal until it's too tired to keep running away

Look up mexican running tribe and African running tribes

These are not examples of cavemen. These are examples of poor, uneducated modern humans. You have no proof this is even an effective means of hunting, let alone something our ancestors practiced.

We hunted the way chimps hunt
>organization through communication
>chase prey into corners
>use weapons such as clubs and rocks
>fall out of trees

When ground sloths were still around, humans could literally walk up to one of them with a pointy rock and carve off a massive side of meat, with the sloth unable to do anything. This is what led to rapid domestication: large herding animals never had an option. They have to feed as packs on grasslands. Humans just have to follow them around and eat one from time to time, and before you know it, you're herding reindeer. You didn't have to do any running, and you don't need any more endurance than the animals you're following, but you can even just climb on their backs if you want to.

>modern humans

>left: attractive faces
>right: melting faces, not keeping their tongues on the roofs of their mouths

At least you're bigger than a gorilla? They average under 8cm.

these fuckin things are so creepy


I mean you must be black because no people in any race outside of Africa has ever looked at an elongated ape skull as an attractive look.

What are you dewing?

She IS ideal.

kekekek. Africans are the most genetically diverse race. Take a west african a south african an ethopian and a kongolese and you have 4 different skulls.
You're just trying to hide your insecurities behind forced racism.

>diverse race


Honestly, age 2.

its the biggest continent, your point?

reddit theory

The biggest continent is asia and if you'd have finished my post before blindly antagonizing to drag niggers down you would have gotten my point

>literal whale comparison

it writes itself

Alister Hardy pls go

>They don't swim well because their muscle type/density. Some revent research is saying the "all out of africa" stuff is b.s. though

You must literally not know how to swim. Not a single swimmer extends their thumbs to swim. You keep them flat with the thumb in line with the others. Nigger retards who can't swim need to leave Veeky Forums.


I actually want to get into rock climbing now

My nigga Mike Mew.

Hahaha I am laffing. You know about lactic acid right? It builds up in you muscles when you exercise, and makes them tough and sour. The best steaks are from stress free animals that have been killed as swiftly as possible. Running down an animal to death basically guarantees the worst possible quality of meat. Genius.

Apparently those are black doctors performing circumcisions.
Other then the book that explains what was going on in that pic, no one else on google pics talks about or even brings that pic up.

But you know, white trash and their whole WE WUZ KANGZ EVEN OF EMPIRES IN AFRICA!!!

Magical blonde haired blue eyed space snow niggers who are the progenitors of all human civilizations and culture.

Holy crap, I never realized these things were so fucking ugly

meant to reply to

The time has com for an air stage in our evo!

>My cock is so limp for negro seed I will plug up my ears at even the mention of potential race disparagement
t. 8 more years contributor

except your stupid theory is btfo'ed by your own argument, babies don't have innate swimming knowledge.

I was never "taught" to swim per se, like most closely-bonded parent-child mammals, most human children learn by being allowed to engage in a task with failure protection.

Most kids learn to swim by being lowered into water, and have hands held beneath them, just like a dog swimming for the first time you start kicking and rotating your arms like crazy, and slowly you extract from the noise of extremely varied motion patterns that work better.

Most parents would never dare, but I don't doubt that if children were placed in front of climbing obstacles and parents protected from failure, children would engage in the same noisy and varied, general sense of what it takes to climb motions to extracting more effective patterns

>Hunting to survive
Pick one.

We are shitty runners, because we dont needed to hunt. Our Food grows on the trees and in the earth. We hunted like 1-2 time every month or so. More for fun and to eat something different, thanto survive.
For see Food we dont Need to go very deep either, nor do we Need to be fast sweemers.
We climb good, because our Food is mostly on trees.

Usually it's your dad that teach you how to swim.
And most black moms can't get their weave wet so they're kinda out of luck.

>babies don't have innate swimming knowledge

They do, if you dump a baby in the water it will try to swim like any mammal.

yeah i read they forget to swim later

You're getting it wrong. There was a period of time when people lived at the beaches rich with caviar so all you had to do was to take it out of water with your hands and eat. The thing we get from it is pic related for better contact with wet rocks.

that's a typo in my post, the meaning of that sentence was "in the same way you claim babies don't have innate swimming knowledge they don't have innate climbing knowledge" if you read the rest of my post I clearly describe in detail what you are talking about

>our Food grows on the trees and in the earth
unless you live in the north where everything dies 6 months of the year.

>Africans are the most genetically diverse race
Yee yee nigga fuck ewhitey