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Veeky Forums I have a problem.

I am a recovering skinnyfat and im doing pretty well. I've lost 30 lbs from may 3rd and Im about 140 lbs 5'9 currently. I am going to a big family gathering for the 4th of July and this will be the first time my extended family will see the weight loss. I was excited for this because I assumed I would be getting some compliments, but I'm now worried about some negative responses. I saw my aunt today and she gave me tons of shit about the weight loss. Saying that I "Looked sick" and I should be bigger considering I am almost 21 (I'm actually 19).

Any tips for how I should handle the gathering? I'm not gonna skip it. I plan to eat a burger or two (no bun) when I'm over there just to show that I am not starving myself. My aunt is thin but most of my family is overweight to some extent.

>I'm over there just to show that I am not starving myself

if you are 5'9 140 you are starving yousrelf. this is obvious to everyone but you apparently.

His BMI is 20.7. How is that bad?


Damn, tumblr is a gold mine.

New fatty article from The Guardian

Some select quotes:

>Nearly everything physical is difficult. I have no stamina.
>... I did an event in New York where there was a stage, two or three feet off the ground, and no staircase leading to it. When it came time for the event to begin, the authors with whom I was participating easily climbed on to the stage. And then there were five excruciating minutes of me trying to get on to it too while hundreds of people in the audience stared awkwardly.
>There are things I want to do with my body but cannot. If I am with friends, I cannot keep up, so I am constantly thinking up excuses to explain why I am walking slower than they are... and sometimes, it seems like they are genuinely that oblivious to how different bodies move, as they suggest we do impossible things like go to an amusement park or walk a mile up a hill to a stadium.

>impossible things like an amusement park or walk a mile up a hill
>a mile

>The last time I flew in a single economy seat, I was in an exit row. I fitted in the seat because on that particular airline there was no window-seat armrest in the exit rows. I boarded and sat. Eventually my seatmate joined me, and I could instantly tell he was agitated. He kept staring at me and muttering. I could tell he was going to humiliate me. He leaned into me and asked, “Are you sure you can handle the seat’s responsibilities?” He was elderly, rather frail. I was fat, but I was, still am, tall and strong.
When she blows out her ankle completely (tendons, bone and all):
>When I came to, I was on the floor and I was sweaty, but I felt better. Then I looked at my left foot, which was facing in an unnatural direction, the bone nearly poking through the skin.
>Many paramedics showed up and 83% of them were hot.
>83% of them were hot

Fat people are so fucked in the head

That is actually a pretty sad story, she is clearly a woman who is trying to cope with past trauma through overeating.

She also is not delusional about her weight issues, and actively losing weight to at least dampen the impact of being morbidly obese.

What a waste

/T H I C C/

>#fat babe

I would bang the living shit out of her

This is actually a thing. It's been proven that simply by letting yourself become morbidly obese leads to a lowering of the IQ

You see things like this and hope she is getting the help she needs, but you know she's just surrounded by 'yes' men who only tell her not to spot her self destructive behavior : [

Due to toxic buildup? Can you poison your own brain with lipids?



she has a point desu senpai


>believing any of this narcissistic personality disorder power fantasy shit

i've known fat people who at least weren't crazy

No she doesn't. It is not a linear amount of fabric since 16 to 20 is more of a difference than 0 to 4 despite being numerically the same.

>no bun
Why not? It's a celebration. Might as well have a beer or two. I did today.

BMI is retarded and irrelevant. Face it, you have an eating disorder/body dismorphia.

T. former eating disorder fag

Btw, I was saying that user has an eating disorder, not you. But you're stupid for believing BMI has any legitimacy when it's held to any level of scrutiny.

How about an archive for that?

Gross, but I know what you mean. I used to have a fwb that is a super leftist vegan (while I'm essentially the opposite), and whenever we fucked, I felt like my ideology was prevailing, in addition to getting laid. Was a GOOD feel.

Then ignore BMI, focus on how functional they are and how in shape they look

this desu


It doesn't have to be real, just lulzy

And it's also not out of the realm of impossibility


The chick in that image has a weird hobbit face and none of that cringey make-believe shite is remotely true.
Please refrain from posting this powerful reddit-tier cringe in fph threads lad

Fewer people buy fat people clothing, that means you have to sell it for more to recoup the cost of production. There, I explained the phenomenon.

Whenever I go clubbing I always get confronted by fat fucking dudes talking shit about how they could probably beat me in a fight and whatnot. I feel like this is some inferiority thing similar to fat girls picking on skinny girls. Does this happen to anyone else?

If you're shredded they're probably intimidated

I'm not huge but I have some muscle and I always go out in a tight shirt to show it off for the sluts. I live in a town full of rednecks where no one works out and the dudes can't even dress properly so I probably look like a fucking model in comparison.

They think youre queer. Small town rednecks hate homos. Quit bein gay and youll be ok

>tfw 5'9 and 145
>want to go up to 155 and eventually 170

The fuck dude? You're going into skeleton mode while I'm almost out of it.


I think I might do this then.

This is tumblr body positivity in image form

Ok I'm heading out to get a slice of pizza and a blended mocha rn



Ashley Tisdale...

I see, thanks.

just found this

how can you complain about stomach pains but turn around and be like THIS IS NORMAL AND HEALTHY AND SEXY. I AM APPEALING


BMI is one of the most accurate indicators of health. If it's high it always comes with the negative side effects, whether you are carrying muscle mass or fat mass.

I need help
I'm looking for that comparison of Marilyn Monroe with a modern day mens magazine model, does anyone have it?

You can see he knew what was going to happen in that first pic.
Second pic is komm susser todd.

People like you are why we have this problem.

just say, I'm 90% lean mass

You're retarded if you actually believe what you just typed.

When I was younger I used to just make and eat tubs of cookie dough. Was always super skinny and never saw anything bad result from my terrible eating choices. This is #thinprivilege.

Until they go on a camping trip and the person tries to make it into some lame ripoff creepypasta.
>Implying fatties would willingly go into the woods for a camping trip
Shit, fatties don't even have enough energy to cook themselves decent food.

Thank god, I thought I was going to see some horse lordosis.

If only you got quints, your post might have been worth something.

What's that shit on her thighs? Acne?

I love ones like these where the fat fucks struggle to do something normal people do easily, then they sit and contemplate suicide for a second.

Most punchable face?

bullshit, you know how many fatties try to claim trauma or abuse? About the same amount that vastly underestimate their daily caloric intake.

Good on her for losing 150lb, but that was easy, noob losses if you will. It'll only get harder and when she's saying things like
>I am constantly thinking up excuses to explain why I am walking slower than they are.
>impossible things like an amusement park or walk a mile up a hill
>but I was, still am, tall and strong.
These are the prototypical phrases of a fatty fupa who isn't going to make it.

I used to agree, but it's just an unfortunate side effect of the stills. After watching the actual thing she's actually on the verge of tears and I actually felt a little bad. She didn't want to be fat and she didn't want her dog to be fat, honestly I can sympathise with someone wanting something but not willing to put in the effort for it. For instance I would love to bench 2pl8 but here I am shitposting on a mongolian
spring action spider trap forum instead of lifting.

>tall and strong
So tall and strong she can't walk a mile, and takes five minutes to step up onto a stage two feet tall. If they'd needed to make an emergency exit everyone would have burned alive because of her.

I'm skinnyfat, (though I've never been "overweight" in that I'm tall and have never been over like 170-180lbs give or take) and part of the reason why is that the limbs on the left side of my body are both fucked (due to multiple unrelated injuries) to the point that I can't do anything strenuous with them including lift heavy weights or run, plus I have a degenerative genetic condition that causes my lungs to be weak to the point that I can't really do cardio properly.

I come to Veeky Forums because my shit health necessitates that I do SOMETHING, and this board has literally been infinitely more helpful than any actual doctor (it's absurd how little general knowledge doctors have outside of their specific field of expertise). I've been able to cut down on calories and come up with babby-level cardio shit that I can do based entirely on this board. It's a very real possibility that this board has added years to my life. I'm still skinnyfat, and the best that I'll ever be is just "skinny as fuck", because building muscle is simply not really an option for me, but again this board is hands down the best go-to reference material for general practical everyday non-medical-emergency-level health related advice.

I agree, after reading the whole article again she seemed like she wanted to improve, but then would make excuses like

>My clothes fall over my body the way they should and then they start to get baggy. I get terrified. I start to worry about my body becoming more vulnerable as it grows smaller. I start to imagine all the ways I could be hurt.

If she was really worried about being weak, she could train for strength, but no. She just eats up and gets fat again so she can "feel strong"
Not to mention all the instances of communist style intersectionality and self aggrandisation
>I sat down on a tiny wooden chair which cracked, and I realised, I am going to vomit and I am going to fall on my ass in front of all these people. I threw up in my mouth, swallowed it, and then did a squat for the next two hours. I am not sure how I did not burst into tears.
>fatty, doing phantom chair for an hour
lol smelling bullshit
>vomiting in your mouth then swallowing
Not possible, the gag reflex in the average human is very strong, so much so that trying to hold in vomit is impossible due to the increase in pressure coming from your esophagus, you might get it back down once, but because the gag reflex causes convulsions the aftershocks will most certainly escape.
The whole thing wreaks of persecution complex, virtue signalling and outright lies in order to garner sympathy. Altogether far more complex and manipulative than your average fatties manifesto, but it still has all the same underlying themes.

>"Your ankle is very, very broken"
>which is not to be confused, I guess, with just regular broken. My ankle was also dislocated.
he probably said
>you have a compound fracture
she probably stared at him blankly for a few seconds wondering if a compound fracture was some type of layered cake before he sighed and said
>your ankle is very very broken



You're a literal moron


>I’m a feminist and I know that it is important to resist unreasonable standards for how my body should look.


>slagging off other women and calling them hussies
feminist solidarity


is she holding a gummy worm in her hand? couldn't even put it down for the photo smdh


Look how tiny the cigarette looks in the other one's hands.

>100 recipes from my heart to your kitchen
>implying anything could make it through that plaque mine she calls a heart

jesus fuck

>This is actually a thing. It's been proven that simply by letting yourself become morbidly obese leads to a lowering of the IQ
Are you sure it's in that order? i.e. becoming obese makes you stupid, rather than being stupid makes you obese?

That "People on planes don't want to sit next to me" thing bugs the hell out of me. I was fat, and I commuted to work on the train. Like it or not, the train's got ~18" seats, and if you've got the opportunity, you'd rather not sit next to a fat guy that's going to hog a quarter of your seat.

Was it humiliating to have people stop in my row, realize they wouldn't have room, and move on? Hell yeah, it was. Did I take it as an insult to the laws of physics and blame the world for the fact that I took up more space than a guy that weighed 50lbs less than me? No. I took it as motivation. Fuck people that think that the real physical world is somehow "Weightist". You take up more space. That means the people around you have less space. You don't have a right to just spill out all around you.

Cellulite, I believe.
I'm probably wrong on this, but I think its what happens when you grow fat so fast that your skin struggles to grow out and hold it all.
Skin's not designed to handle that much additional volume in a short span, at least not well.

Bitch is wearing a beanbag chair as a dress


>A bunch of scientists tell you being fat makes you stupid
>Fat politician replies "b-but there are stupid thin people too! Checkmate atheists"

There was another article somebody posted which said it has something to do with the way neurons relax after eating, as survival needs have now been met. It makes sense to me, as somebody with no idea how any of this shit works, because the same thing happens with painkillers. Take them consistently for long enough and your brain slowly forgets how to deal with actual pain. This is why people feel like they're aching in random places for no reason when they quit opiates, the brain forgets how to filter that shit out.

Somebody smart explain this shit.

only getting bullied cause he's shortest



>I was just told I'm a cancer risk
>I am, but they didn't know that!
>omg people are so judgmental



This shit. This fucking shit right here. Imagine having a life so empty that you can become obese and it doesn't change anything.
>Parents already know you're retarded so don't do anything
>No friends to set you straight
>No relationship to sabotage
>No career to destroy
>The only people you know are on tumblr, so they only see the "best" pics that you decide to put up and think all is well

Next time you post in a "why do you lift" thread, post this screencap. To not be like this is the single bassline motivation that everybody shares.



Why obese people think vegan = thin?
You can hardly become obese from fucking meat.
Usually from sugar and corn syrup which is 100% vegan.Cheese also.

But meat? Hell no.
Maybe if you eat fat only.

Living without drugs is not living.
Living without vodka everyday is not living.
Living without cigarettes is not living.

It seems they do not understand how stupid they look.




