Take the quiz, bois

take the quiz, bois

this is some kind of next level broscience

>move fat

wtf im a dietician now

Is the thing about blueberries true?

Who the fuck writes this

are you fucking retarded? It's so cringe that you don't know that alcohol goes straight to the liver


Lol some of these questions and their answers just mentally hurt me

that is one thing
but reframing that to "moving fat around your body"
this shit is trash

They are called Trans fats because they transport fat throughout your body.

>To help trim your waistline, you should eat a diet high in fiber.


if you replace "belly fat" with "visceral fat," you'll find that their "correct" answers are, in fact, scientifically correct.

Damn it, I could move the fat out of my mantits? That's awesome!

>When you lose weight, you’re much more likely to lose it in your midsection.
Bf% counterd BTFO

Also wondering

How do I move it to my penis?

literally the last thing you lose is your midsection fat
as i said, this quiz is pretty much reviewed broscience

>zero calorie diet soda adds belly fat

you stupid art degree nigger, chylomicrons are composed of all 3 fat types.

it's not broscience. its worded for laymen but the question is addressing fat accumulation as a sign of design (eg isolated fat accumulation in abdomen is a sign of chronic corticosteroid use)

high fiber consumption causes malnutrition and poor absorption because you literally shit out your food half digested and before it can be absorbed.

Except they don't say visceral fat once

It is quite easy
Just use a rubber band, and time your trans-fat intake

...because they're using "belly fat" to refer to visceral fat

hope this is joke

>Does switching to diet sodas help? Although some research has suggested that people who drink artificially sweetened sodas as part of a calorie-restricted diet do lose weight, other studies have suggested that diet soft drinks could even lead to weight gain.

Not broscience. If you accumulate more fat around your abdomen, you are in worse shape than a person that accumulates fat in other parts of their body despite being equal in body fat percentage.

These findings are based on large scale studies that measure people abdominal circumference and compared their incidence of major health problems or mortality over time. Abdominal circumference is more useful than BMI.