Low Volume / High Intensity + Rest Pause is the secret

Low volume + high intensity + rest pause is the key to swoleness. Three days on / One day off rotation.

Do just enough to keep the gainz coming, no need to do tons of sets. The real work is done during recovery. Destroying too much tissue is counterproductive.


>low volume
pick one

I don't fault you for being ignorant, belief in Broscience is hard to overcome. I used to be a follower of Broscience, but several years ago I saw the light and decided to read books on physiology. When I learned about DC training / rest pause / HIT, it changed everything for me.

extremely wrong

DC/HIT is garbage, literally every single study conducted on single set vs multiple set training protocols clearly demonstrates that more volume (assuming you can recover from it) is superior

DC/HIT/low volume = you are a pussy afraid of hard work

>Low volume
what do you consider to be low volume?
Low volume in comparison to GVT?
Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer trained in such a manner, but their "low volume" was only low relative to bodybuilders who loved GVT style training.

Excellent question!

I do no more than 20 reps on a given exercise and I do (3) days on (1) day off. Just enough to keep growth going, but not enough to overtrain. It goes like this: Push / Pull / legs / rest day, then start all over.

post your body or your argument/advice has zero (0) credibility and will be ignored

The keyword is 'recovery'. I am on the slippery slope to 50 and I can't recover as well as I could 25 years ago. Back in the day, when I wasn't a pussy that was afraid of hard work, I used to do rep after rep with no issues with recovery. As I got older, recovery became a real issue and the multiple sets were causing me to go down in weight instead of up. When I got on board with HIT / low volume, I was able to recover much easier. To make up for the lower volume, I do more workouts (3 days on / 1 day off) than the usual MWF split. Low volume + more days under the bar + heavy weight gives me the best gainz with less chance of overtraining.

Thank you for your reply based on nothing but bullshit you heard while servicing alpha males at the rest area glory hole.

Please ignore my advice., I do not care if you believe it. Those who have ears and a spark of intellectual curiosity will do the work and discover for themselves that this is true. It is not my purpose to spoon-feed to you what you can learn for yourself. This information comes from folks a lot smarter than myself and have proven the concepts many, many times.

For the record, I am an overweight white guy that lives in the suburbs.

it is all about muscle overload.

muscle dont know what u do, it will just recover from all that shit you bein doing.

You speak the truth! I only do 20 reps total for a given exercise, but I use the heaviest weight that I can lift. If I can get 20 reps total in a 3 set exercise, then the next time I do that exercise, I add 5 lbs. After a few weeks of this, you will see huge differences.

There is an old saying that says if you throw a frog into a boiling pot of water, he will immediately jump out; however, if you put a frog into a cold pot of water and raise the temperature slowly, he will stay in the pot as his body adjusts to the gradual increase.

I do very gradual weight increases with low volume per workout, but do more workouts per week. For instance, if I can squeeze out 20 total reps in (3) rest pause sets for a given weight, then next time I do the exercise, I simply add 5 pounds. I hit each workout at least twice a week (3 days on / 1 day off), so the lack of volume doesn't really factor into it. Let's say that after (4) weeks, I have done bench press (7) times. For a MWF split, though, in (4) weeks you will have only hit bench (4) times.

nobody cares you irrelevant old faggot

gains are for the young and bold

You cared enough to reply and I thank you for that. Please keep the hate flowing.

You eat cum out of a dead nigger's ass.

i think you're just stupid and never learned how to program

which is why you're probably weak as shit and small and use your age as an excuse for your nogains

Yeah, I am pretty weak and small without much to show for all of the hard work (or lack thereof) over the years.

When your mother was purchased out of the back of a shipping container for a carton of generic cigarettes, I do not believe she knew how much of a disappointment her kids would end up being.

sorry i can't consider anything you say if you haven't deadlifted 500 it just looks like wingdings to me

I haven't deadlifted 500 lbs, so I can respect that.

If all you see are wingdings, then that suggests to me that you are on a pre-school reading level. It is probably close your nap time, so I suggest you get your rest. Dora the Explorer has a fresh new episode coming on tonight!

Your passive aggressive insults aren't getting you anywhere man. If you can't accept the fact that someone younger than you might actually be more knowledgeable than you then you're gonna have a rough time.

Actually, I was just having a little fun with the insults. I only add insults to responses that do not advance the discussion. Up above, one poster made a great post and I responded with an equally great and professional post. Posts that declare me an old faggot or dumbass earn the hate.

I accept that many folks younger than me may have more knowledge on a subject and I would certainly hope so. Fresh, new knowledge advances the species. The difference is that at my age, most of the "new knowledge" is the same stuff I heard 30 years ago. If a younger person gives me a nugget of knowledge that is actually fresh, new, and makes sense, I certainly listen and take heed.

In my 20's, I thought I knew everything....until I realized that I didn't. I then wised up and started to talk to guys who were 10, 20, or even 30 years older than me. The knowledge they gave me is priceless and saved me a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth. The only thing I needed to do is park my ego at the door and listen. There is nothing new under the sun, only things you have yet to discover. If you pick the brains of those who have already lived it, then you will certainly be more prosperous than your peers.


10x3 is literally god tier

this whole thread, as this whole board is bait over bait... nobody who actually knows what he is doing and achieved something would unironically post here or get advice from here.

the only somewhat legit shit i saw on here was the bodyweight general threads OP recommended sources of info.