Moneybelly is a stress eater. Doesnt know that hes gonna blow up. happens gradually. Same happened to me, stress...

Moneybelly is a stress eater. Doesnt know that hes gonna blow up. happens gradually. Same happened to me, stress, suddenly you blow up to 300. you get fucking trapped. someone get this to him because no one will invst with a fat guy. hes got to nip this eating disorder in the bud

there are no fat crypto ceos
he must lost weight or else we lost $

Vitalik has given you all unrealistic body image.

No fat crypto ceos? Hahahahah isnt fluffyponzischeme a fatfuck? And doesnt it look like this twitter scammer whalepanada gets fatter and fatter on every conference he "rolls" lmao. Too fat for fun

h-hi guys

He's filling in as a token sink



this is how he will look in 2020 when hes worth 600 billion dollars


I have a bit of my portfolio in link too (bought at ICO) but I have 1 simple question to you bagholders:
Why should 1 LINK be worth 20c? Why 30?
The project is a great one based on an idea that's not really original but an interesting attempt to tackle the centralized oracles.
But don't forget there are other ways to accomplish tasks on the blockchain where the “oracle problem“ is not even relevant.
I know you are all bagholding and trying to shill this token but please answer this simple question: Why should it rise in value?I have a bit of my portfolio in link too (bought at ICO) but I have 1 simple question to you bagholders:
Why should 1 LINK be worth 20c? Why 30?
The project is a great one based on an idea that's not really original but an interesting attempt to tackle the centralized oracles.
But don't forget there are other ways to accomplish tasks on the blockchain where the “oracle problem“ is not even relevant.
I know you are all bagholding and trying to shill this token but please answer this simple question: Why should it rise in value?I have a bit of my portfolio in link too (bought at ICO) but I have 1 simple question to you bagholders:
Why should 1 LINK be worth 20c? Why 30?
The project is a great one based on an idea that's not really original but an interesting attempt to tackle the centralized oracles.
But don't forget there are other ways to accomplish tasks on the blockchain where the “oracle problem“ is not even relevant.
I know you are all bagholding and trying to shill this token but please answer this simple question: Why should it rise in value?


problem“ is not even relevant.
I know you are all bagho great one based on an idea that's not really original but an interesting attempt to tackle the centralized oracles.
But don't forget there are please answer this simple question: Why should it rise in value? be worth 20c? Why 30?
The project is a great one based

Poor linkies their shitcoin is going to 1 sat

woah sergey

who the fuck is that guy

this. as a bitcoin maximalist im out of the loop on the shitcoin stuff

Is it its final form?

ahhhaha I was gonna do that. we linkos think alike


full hindenburg it sick it piss

Ayy lmao

LINKmarines don't answer questions, we just believe

>just bought another 10K

He is actually Satoshi Nakamoto

I love how pic related is now the original.

yeah I was shocked that the photoshop isnt even much of an exagerration

Hi this is Sergeys mother here. Could you boys stop bullying him? He has a glandular problem so he finds it hard to control his weight. Just imagine how you would feel in hia shoes. If this continues I’ll be reporting you all to the Principal.


>Running shoes and jeans
They don't even know how to dress how do they expect us to invest?

the eth dev used to wear mlp shirts
the more autistic a dev is the more his coin will be worth