Food Pyramid

What would a healthy food pyramid look like?

My take:
Base Level: Healthy Fats (coconut oil, avocado, salmon, pistachios, nuts, etc) and low carb veggies.
One above base level: higher carb veggies, lower carb fruits, healthy proteins
Two above base level: higher carb fruits, whole grains, crappier proteins
Peak: Refined grains (white bread and crackers), desserts, anything with added sugars.

How would you lay it out?

Literally just switch the fruit and meat squares
OP fell for the keto meme

Using your image I would put vegetables at the bottom, then meat, and then carbs, followed by the fats

Apparently the longest lived populations (blue zones) don't make more than 5-10 percent of their diet animal based.

Lower is anything high in vitamins, low in carbs (be it fat, prot, or carb).
Middle 2 are lean protein and healthy, higher carb foods.
High 2 need be anything with fat or whole grain.
Last is anything with sugar.

At least imo.

I like that except for the fats. The latest research is showing that we've demonized fats way too much. Your body is actually very efficient at burning fat and eating more healthy fats and less carbs drives down systemic inflammation. Inflammation being a root cause to many diseases.

'Food pyramids' are retarded because it implies a one-size-fits-all dietary guideline. What you should be eating should be dictated by your lifestyle.

That's a good point.

I think the benefit to a food pyramid is that it should help the general public establish a baseline idea for healthy eating based on the available research. From there, each person should be encouraged to explore what works best for them, with professional health advice where needed.

That being said the average normalfag should not eat according to OP's pic, because they all chug down too many carbs which is one of the reasons they're all so fat. Put the carbs group above the milk/meat group and that would be more appropriate.

Now get the government to outlaw Roundup use on crops in the U.S., and over the next 10 years most of the obesity problem will go away because nobody will be poisoned by glyphosate anymore. Between that and getting people to stop eating too many carbs, weight control and lifestyle changes won't be difficult at all.

lol who the fuck made this the wheat lobby?

6-11 servings of bread and pasta get the fuck out of my face

The wheat lobby would tell you to eat more meat since livestock eat a helluva lot more grains than humans can hope to stomach.

Yeah well, you can eat a loaf of bread but you're not going to eat a tub of mayo

That is a jewish level of trickery.

>not eating grass-fed beef

Uneducated fag here. Are things like rice and wheat bread really that bad? I've tried reducing them before, but I just felt hungry all of the time. I run and lift pretty consistently so I don't like feeling famished.

Cows and chickens are the biggest welfare queens on the planet

Are you at a bodyfat percentage that you consider acceptable? Are you performing to your expectations? Then don't change anything.

White rice is one of the least nutritious and least filling foods on the planet.

Ok, well like I said when I skimp out on carbs I am constantly hungry.

How much do you run, and how many days a week do you do all forms of training, and how many hours a week total do you do all forms of training?

Protein and fibrous foods provide a much more filling feeling. When you reduced their intake, what did you replace them with?

Meat and eggs
from the routine thread
rotate this 3 times a week... one day off

Legs/Cardio Day
>1.5 mile jog
>Maximum effort steep hill sprints
>1.5 mile jog back

Upper Body Day
>Face Pulls
>Cable Crunches
>Wood Choppers
>Back extensions

>15-20 min of HIIT on stairmaster

Throughout the week/greasing the groove
>neutral grip pullups

Beans are the ultimate superfood.

Around 50% of your total calories in carbs, stay away from added sugar, and try breaking up all your eating into 5 or 6 times a day instead of just 3 times a day. Be sure you're getting enough water.

Ah ok sounds good... thanks

Look closer to the top right

It's upside down child