Could the users of Veeky Forums survive an encounter with a tiger?

I know how this sounds, but just hear me out.

We have trained our muscles and reflexes to their heights, that's why we're here. We also have the brains that seperate us from common animals. A tiger has strength and speed, but that's *all* it has.

When the animal would pounce on us, all we would have to do is pay attention and we could step aside st just the right moment. Surely we're trained enough to accomplish that! Then instead of giving in to panic it would be a matter of landing a couple solid blows in a vulnerable spot. As Veeky Forumsizens.", our muscles are developed enough to hit hard enough to convince the tiger that he meal is not worth it.

My conclusion is yes, is Veeky Forumsisens would be able to survive an encounter with the average tiger.

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Ofcourse i could beat a tiger im fucking strong man

I would condition the tiger to relate the sound of my personal whistle to that of the feeling of unease it gets when on a small lifeboat.
Then I would slowly gain the tiger's trust by feeding him.
After a while I would convince him food is very scarce, and let him slowly starve to the point of exhaustion, then I would kill him.

Pi please go

>A tiger has strength & speed, but that's it

>average male tiger is between 200-675 lbs
>average bite psi is 1000~
>teeth & claws that have literally evolved for tearing apart flesh
biological wonder that has literally taken hundreds of thousands of years to perfect versus hairless ape that thinks it can 'step aside' when the tiger pounces like it's a fucking video game

You are stupid. Human loses.

It would use you as a plaything before fucking your shit up completely.

Tiger's are Fucking STRONG.
They have a maximum weight of over 500 lbs,can pull animals 2.5 times their size for miles,have a bite force of 1050 PSI and can run at a speed of 40 Mph
No human could ever beat a tiger.

Yeah, just shoot center mass, it's easy.


Even when "humans" fought tigers (sabertooths) on a daily basis, the encounter was more or less like this: The human was smarter and managed to spot the tiger and hide. If he was found out, he'd try to use fire to scare the tiger away. If that didn't work, or he hadn't a torch, it was over. You can't best a tiger not even armed with the best melee weapon you can muster. You can mortally wound it if you're VERY lucky and your weapon is VERY good, but you'd die before regardless.

You cannot 'dodge' a pounce. If you ran full speed towards a 3-year-old and jumped with your arms wide open, would he realistically be able to 'dodge' that? That's more or less the same weight/speed ratio a tiger has to an average male. Oh, and the claws. Ever seen the webm where a tiger 'hugs' a Zebra and manages to cut so deep that all its organs fall out? Hide is MUCH harder than flesh, and a zebra has MUCH more more fat, flesh and weight than an average male. It's that bad of a fight. Humans didn't evolve to fight tigers. You can be smart, and then you can 'survive' the encounter by not engaging at all, because if you do you're dead.

Fuck, most guys can't realistically handle a pitbull gone mad.

that's a 600lb + tiger launching itself like 15 feet directly at you

that's more than most people here will ever deadlift fucking flying at you with claws and fangs

Iv done it. Do you feel stupid now? Apologize. Cause faggot..? Iv rung tigers bells. And you think you know me? Natty, 100%. No way I don't win. Iv beat them before il do it again.




You pussies are wrong. If a human has a gun the tiger will get destroyed.

>I've rung tigers bells
w h a t

What am I reading here boyo

Did u rlly fight a tiger

What are you trying to convey here my man

Correct, but using a gun requires no lever of fitness, so your point is flying in the wrong direction.

The OP specifically pointed out that humans at their peak level of fitness would be able to defeat a tiger, to which many anons who are not stupid enough to believe their own e-stats began to pick apart the post.

The fuck

Probably, I've already survived two bears and an upset seal


What did you do to upset the seal?

I've thought about this. Or against lions or Bears.

Unarmed you would basically always lose. I wont say always because i know theres a dude that drove off a grizzly with some well placed punches.
But tigers are fucking savage. Fast as fuck, powerful as fuck, razor sharp claws and teeth.

With a good weapon like a katana or other epic shit, you stand a chance. How much of a chance depends on luck, the weapon, how aggresive the animal is being, and your skill with the weapon.

The thing is you would be completely scared shitless. The encounter would probably be unexpected and before you have time to think how to react to it the animal would have wrecked you. If the animal happened to charge at you full force you're done.

Now, if someone sentences you to a tiger fight 1 month from now gladiator style things would be different. If you have time to prepare, a weapon of two of your choice, someone training you and you know it'll be you or the tiger, i think you stand a pretty decent chance.

fishing with net

>With a good weapon like a katana or other epic shit


Mostly this, with a couple nitpicks. Katanas would be shit against a charging, pouncing, swiping tiger. You'd probably want a polearm and a shortsword to stab the fucker in close if you had to. Also, I'm willing to bet that a surprising number of men wouldn't be scared shitless in the sense of being paralyzed by fear. Perhaps a quarter of them would be truly brave, and fight because they have the gene-deep understanding that they have to fight or die.

I've read somewhere that in the gladiator fights in ancient Rome against bear and tigers etc they would almost always win. So maybe someone who's reached 1/2/3/4 with some melee weapons can beat a tiger.

What did he mean by this

Most likely no, but you never know.

Are tigers natty

Gonna add onto both of these.

Since we're only trying to survive, not necessarily win, then your first plan should be to try to escape. Generally, tigers will not attack prey straightforward. They will attack from behind. There were a series of tiger attacks in a tribe in Africa, so to counter this, the tribe started wearing masks on the backs of their heads. The rate of tiger attacks plummeted to almost 0 iirc.

Tigers have an incredibly strong gag reflex. If it's coming straight at you or if you have a clear shot from a side, try to shove your arm as far in it's mouth as you can go. It's risky as all hell, but you're about to get mauled to death by a fucking tiger so what do you have to lose? The biggest issue with this is the fact that tigers sometimes won't open their mouths before they're on their target, and will approach close-mouthed, or at least closed enough where it wouldn't be reasonable to get your hand through. I think it's kind of a 50/50 here I believe. But I guess if you're shoving your hand at it's face then it'd likely try to bite you so I guess that's 50/50 as well.

Another trick would be to carry around a bright, colorful umbrella. Since bright, uncommon colors in nature are commonly signals that say "don't eat me, I'm poisonous" as well as the surprise factor of the umbrella popping open, and also appearing much bigger than the tiger anticipated, it should be enough to scare it off.

If it were truly a random encounter, it really is up to chance. If someone suddenly told you "hey, you're gonna encounter a tiger at some point next week" then I'd just do the above and hope for the best. But if you had it planned Gladiator style and you actually had to fight it then is probably a safe bet to go by. Unless you want guaranteed victory then just go out and buy a shotgun.

yep. Frosted Flake spoon lifts x failure

A tiger? In Africa?!

fuck me, I meant Asia. I forgot specifically where though.

>fighting tiger
>not riding the tiger

How are you ever gonna be a differentiated man, brah?

check this out


Ah well, it has probably escaped from a zoo, mhm

I squat 3pl8, the tiger wouldn't last 10 seconds.

Oh fuck

This is the most absolutw dumbest conclusion i have ever encountered

In what fucking universe do you survive an encounter with a 600 pound apex predator who's one solid job in this world is to tear apart it's prey with razor sharp teeth and claws charging at you at 40 miles per hour

Yes and our evolved brains tell us to stay the hell away from tigers


man I can barely survive my bi-weekly encounter with a 1pl8+25 bench

OP you said "the users" so teamwork will be involved.
Fatasses will serve as bait, then the bjj wanabe skinny lanklets will tighten its limbs with all the grip strenght they have. So it should give 2 to 3 seconds for the turbo manlets to punch it in the paws and maybe belly, so it'll be immobilized. Then the powerlifter will have to clean-jerk-smash on the floor the tiger repeatedly, in order to stun it properly. Finally, the curlbros would choke it.
Then the bearmodes would tame it while the /f/rauds fill it with roids. That'd be a good mascot.

That Monster can fucking dive too???
>I have no chance

Yeah tigers love water actually

Most decent tiger enclosures have pools.

>tiger aquatic ape hybrid theory

No, go google number of people killed by tirgers, in the last 200 years it's like over 200k

>We have trained our muscles and reflexes to their heights
>We have trained our (...) reflexes to their heights
You don't train your reflexes when weightlifting you fucking retard. And stop with the fucking we part, 99% of fit isn't even fucking close to their height in muscles.

They don't necessarily attack first. You could act nice and the crush its neck.

this kind of mental handicap is why i keep coming to this place

>You could act nice and the crush its neck.
>You could act nice

You mean like.... compliment the tiger?