What body can you expect to have once you reached 1/2/3/4?

What body can you expect to have once you reached 1/2/3/4?
I'm currently at 0,75/1,5/2/2 and I don't feel any different from the start in looks

>what is, a QTDDIOT

You can look almost any way, depending on how you did it.

>skinny to still skinny/ skinnyfat
>skinny to fat
>skinny to otter
>fat to fat
>fat to built
And worst of al
>normalfag to slightly denser normalfag

The only certainty is that you went up in muscle mass

I'm well past 1/2 and just below 3/4 and I still look skeletal and weak. Certainly don't look like I have any muscle unless I wear a tight shirt to show off my chest.

>dont wanna be skinny, eat more
>dont wanna be fat, eat less

Me currently at 0.9/1.5/2/2.5
>inb4 DYEL
yes i know. It's only been a few months

you can't "expect" to have any body at those stats, it's going to vary wildly

it does not take the same amount of muscle in the chest and triceps to bench 225 at 5'2" with a barrel chest and short arms as it does at 6'5" with lanky arms and a thin torso (to give an extreme example)

Just hit those and you will be disappointed in upper body for sure. Legs are good but I thought I would at least look DECENT. Nope, you will be dissatisfied my man.
>Arms: 14.5inch, shoulders not even that big and chest shity (might b genetics for chest th0). Rip.

Btw 5'10 so not lanklet.

You will never actually know. Body dysmorphia will be in full swing by the time you reach 1/2/3/4. Welcome to forever small

tfw this

Assuming that the limb lengths scale in proportion with height, the manlet and lanklet are going to have the same bodytypes i.e. the same relative amounts of muscle.

but they won't, because the shorter man is much more mechanically efficient at that exercise and doesn't require as much torque at the joints to move the weight (which means less muscle cross sectional area)

also, limb lengths do not necessarily scale in proportion with height, which is why i gave the extreme example of a 6'5" man with long limbs (relative to his 6'5" height) and a 5'2" man with short limbs (relative to his height)

all i'm saying is, find me someone with long arms and a good bench press who doesn't look jacked as fuck (you can't)

and find me someone with short arms and a good deadlift who doesn't look jacked as fuck (you also can't)

You look way better than me and you're only stronger in OHP...
How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

That must be the shittiest tattoo i've ever seen

you are ignoring bodyweight you pleb, a guy who is 5'2" might weigh 50kg on average while a guy who is 6'5" will weigh close to 100kg.

Body mechanics or not one of them is trying to bench 2x bw while the other one is doing 1x bw.

the point, regardless of the height thing, is that the more mechanically suited you are to a lift the less muscle mass you will need to have to move X weight

take two guys that are 5'10", one with short arms and one with long arms, the guy with short arms will need a lot more muscle mass to deadlift 405 than the guy with long arms

do you understand now?


That's some Mr Ice Cool tattoo level right there m8 jesus

You dont even look like you lift, You cannot be near 1/2/3/4

>that tattoo

Only you dont gain scaled amounts of muscle mass. Gains are limited. A pound of muscle on a 5'4 midget looks like a lot more than a 6'6 daddly longlegs looking motherfucker. Both will likely put on mass and strength at a similar pace, but the midget will look jacked exponentially faster, as there's less surface area to cover with muscle. It's why most pro bodybuiliders are 5'4-5'9.