Max Bench

How much does Veeky Forums bench press?

I maxed out at 205 my first time lifting. Not to brag but that's pretty outstanding.

185 for 5


if I arch my back I can get huge numbers. I dont, so my bench numbers stay moderate but I get a mind muscle connection and big pump

tl;dr I dont ego lift



My max is currently 205 for 3.

>tfw been trying to get 215 this past month and continuously fail over and over again

eat more


155 for 8

barkley can bench 405 for reps apparently

Sounds like a solid estat. How much do you weigh?

How is increasing your bench ego lifting?
You don't have to hit a 1rm every time you go into the gym.

225 for 12 or 3x8
180 bw
Max i have no idea


Arching your back is the proper way to lift. Enjoy torn shoulders.

117.5kg x 6 I probably could have squeezed an extra rep or two but no spotter didn't want to risk it.

>3 months in the gym
How weak am I?

havent lifted in 2 months but im gonna start this saturday

>not resting long enough between sets
>eating like shit
>not getting enough sleep
>bad form
>huge jumps in weight
pick 2-5


H-hi Veeky Forums

I b-b-b-bench 70lbs 8 reps for 4 sets.

I couldn't b-b-b-bench the bar last month so I'm definitely gonna make it.

Hahahaha are you fucking stupid? You are supposed to arch your back in bench press. That is the correct way to do it.

245x5 after lifting for 9 months @ 40 years of age. First day I struggled with 135

I maxed out at 260 in my first year of highschool, but then again I was fat.

Good progress user, you'll make it if you keep trying

About a month benching, started at like 90 3x5 now at. Not eating protein or anything just drinking whole milk here and there.


Are you implying being fat equals being strong?

How much do you guys bench with dumbbells?

I do 65lbx12
I don't do barbell benches because of shoulder injury, that doesn't hurt when I do dumbbells for some reason.

in the 1.5% bracket on deadlifts, 22.8% bracket on bench

long arms man

Arch your back and put your fucking shoulders back so you're not grinding your tendons to shreds.

215 5x3
155 lbs

That's very respectable. Almost 2pl8 for reps at 155 lbs is better than 90 percent of the scrubs at my gym.

When I started, my max was 60 lbs. Now I'm at 2 pl8. You got this famalamy

Weight moves weight, look at powerlifters

275 3x2
havent maxed out
220 bodyweight so i know its whatever

I'm doing 3 sets of 10 for 80 lbs right now. I think I could do 90 but I'm worried I'll blow all my stamina early on during my sets. This is my third month at the gym and I started around maybe 40. My weight right now is 128 lbs.

never tried my 1RM but I can lift 72kg + bar for 5 reps

stop stuttertyping when fishing for compliments you massive homo

Source for pic?

damn she losing mass? must be her off season

I am a lady.

My bench is up to 100 3x5

I am still fat sadly so my strength is meaningless.

Someday my husband will want to have sex with me again.

Are you some sort of skeleton OP
that's the standard noob max

I think my arms are too long. They're about 6'5" and I'm only 6'0". The most I ever could do was about 185 once or twice and I could probably max at 165 or 175 now.

I have plateaued at 60kg after lifting for 3 weeks (once per week).


187 lb bw
220 lb 5x3

Goddamn, these numbers are fucking depressing

205 for 5
225 for 2