How come only jews gets accused of killing jesus when it really was romans. Shouldn't Italians also be blamed?

how come only jews gets accused of killing jesus when it really was romans. Shouldn't Italians also be blamed?

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Except Pilate gave them a chance to release Jesus. The Jews, in their lust for blood, took a criminal over the Son of God.

>The Jews, in their lust for blood, took a criminal over the Son of God.
Jesus was Jewish though. Does he take blame too, for being a Jew?

Yes. That kike bastard and His people killed the Son of God.

Because they got punished by god for it by getting their country destroyed and their people scattered over the whole world for 2000 years after which they got gassed before they got redeemed again. If any of todays jews are even genetically jews and not Khazars

but how come italians weren't punished?

They became christians.

Because the Gospels were written at a time when Rome was the eminent superpower of the world.

Pilate didn't want anything to do with it, he thought it was just a bunch of bickering between kikes. He gave the Pharisees a chance to forgive Jesus and let him go, but they refused. He even offered the free either a murderer or Jesus, and they chose the murderer. Kikes are the scum of the Earth, and friendly reminder that they are NOT the original Chosen People of the Old Testament. They are subversive Canaanites that believe only in a God that will destroy their enemies.

The Romans really had no interest in executing Christ; it was only from the endless pestering of the Jews that they caved and had him crucified.

The Romans wanted to release Jesus. The Jews said “His blood is on us and our children” while pilate washed his hands off Jesus’s murder.

> If any of todays jews are even genetically jews and not Khazars
Khazar meme is still going strong it seems.

Because it's true. Most Jews today are so fucking diluted that I doubt they have a single drop of actual Jew blood in them. They're all Khazar/German/Spanish/etc. mutts with fat noses.

>Because it's true
Y-DNA and mtDNA disagree. There is little mtDNA dilution from mediterranean after the exile, but these were primarily Greeks and Italian converts.
>Most Jews today are so fucking diluted that I doubt they have a single drop of actual Jew blood in them.
They still share great genetic affinity with the Mizrahim and Samaritans (Samaritans being Jews who never left their homeland).

nice try shlomo

fpbp, they did it for the shekels

>Crowd chooses Jesus Barabbas.
>Bar (son).
>Abba (father).
>Crowd chose "son of the father"
>Crowd literally chose Jesus son of the father
Obviously something went wrong in translation at some point.

This board seems to be flooded with JIDF. There is some really vehement defense of the Hebrews that goes on over innocuous shit.

Because Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire

It was not a Roman practice to allow conquered peoples to choose among prisoners and pardon one. It turns out that Barabbas's first name was Jesus as well, and the entire idea that Pilate was offering to spare one prisoner and kill the other is a mistranslation.

Bar Abbas means "son of the father," and was what Jews who viewed the Messiah as a violence revolutionary figure called Jesus, in contrast to those who saw him as a spiritual savior and called him Christ.

When Pilate was asking the mob who they wanted, Jesus Christ or Jesus Bar Abbas, he was asking whether they wanted this man as a spiritual figure (in which case he would have spared Jesus), or as a political leader against the Romans (in which case he'd have to execute Jesus). When the Jews said they wanted Barabbas, he knew he had to kill him.

Jews wouldnt fuck off so Romans offed him to make them calm down.

Thanks this helps. I hadn't heard that interpretation before.


Well he is the son of the father

So either there was a pardoned criminal who was coincidentally named Jesus, son of the father, or we're talking about crowds clamoring to have Jesus released.

Yes yes, next you'll talk about how some random roman soldier named Pantera raped Mary.

>random roman soldier named Pantera
That's pretty fucking metal.

Jesus wasn't "Jewish". Not only was he was the son of God, so putting him in human categories is stupid, but Jews are cursed Hebrews that rejected the Messiah out of fear or for their personal gain, attracting God's wrath on them. Hebrews that recognised the Messiah became simply became Christians.

>they are NOT the original Chosen People of the Old Testament.

They lost God's favor when they killed his son. Christians are now God's Chosen and I swear if I have to hear another American sionist protestant tell me that Jews are the Chosen People (essentially missing the whole point of the New Testament), I'm going to go mental.

That's basically what happened. The crowds loved Yehoshua (the Sanhedrim didn't, but that's because they were a bunch of lying, cheating whores who bought their way into Roman citizenship) however the Roman leadership were acutely aware of his status as a subversive figure.
It is said that the whole story isn't so much a mistranslation as it is a fabrication. A (conspiracy) theory states that Christianity had been 'sanitized' for Roman consumption by Saul of Tarsus (later called Paul) and other early predicators. They were aware of Christianity's corrosive influence on the Roman psyche (especially among the lower classes, but also the lesser children of nobility) and consciously tried to 'doctor' the facts into a narrative that didn't paint the Romans as bad guys (since that would've been a non-starter).

You are literally ignoring the fact that all the gospels literally refer to Barrabas as a separate person.

The Talmud and rabbinic traditions in general are full of disgusting stuff about the Messiah and his followers, it's no wonder Jews didn't want it translated.

And now biblical "archeologists" claim they have proof of this because they found a tombstone of a Pantera somewhere. Except Pantera was a pretty common name for Syrians at the time. It's the same school of archeology that supposedly found Jesus' tomb and then made a facial reconstruction of the darkest, ugliest semite you could possibly imagine.

BS excuse. Romans could have said no. They simply listened to some pressure. The Romans aren't blameless, and yet everyone acts like they are

fucking bizarre

Keep telling yourself that, Grugtin Luther.

Honestly anybody who actually tries to justify Christianity's horrible treatment of Jews by using the tired >HE WUZNT A REAL JEW GUISE CMON should instantly be labeled an idiot and barred from further discussion. Your Messiah was a Jew, get over it.

>It is taught that Rabbi Eliezer said to the Wise, "Did not Ben Stada bring spells from Egypt in a cut in his flesh?" They said to him, "He was a fool, and they do not bring evidence from a fool." Ben Stada is Ben Pantera. Rabbi Hisda said, "The husband was Stada, the lover was Pantera." The husband was "actually" Pappos ben Judah, the mother was Stada. The mother was Miriam "Mary" the dresser of women's hair. As we say in Pumbeditha, "She has been false to "satath da" her husband." (b. Shabbat 104b

Since when is Joseph "Stada"? Also, take note of that later name "Pappos Ben Yehuda".

>The Sages said: Not a few days passed until they seized Rabbi Akiva and incarcerated him in prison, and seized Pappos ben Yehuda and incarcerated him alongside him. Rabbi Akiva said to him: Pappos, who brought you here? Pappos replied: Happy are you, Rabbi Akiva, for you were arrested on the charge of engaging in Torah study. Woe unto Pappos who was seized on the charge of engaging in idle matters.
Then it starts talking about Rabbi Akiva's execution. Rabbi Akiva was executed in the aftermath of the Bar Kokhba rebellion, about a hundred years after Jesus. This is the person who is the husband of our "Jesus ben Pantera". It's very clear that this is just another guy with the same first name.

putative father*. I'm not sure why I wrote "husband", that's obviously wrong.

Italians were the ones doing the blaming

What reason would the random people of Jerusalem have to think he was the son of god?

>They simply listened to some pressure.
Are you being purposely stupid?
Why the fuck should the Romans start and insurrection or riots over some guy who claims to be a prophet?

The Pharisees practically governed that region as a sort of satrapy. They wanted Jesus dead because he threatened the traditional Jewish religion by creating a new one, and they decided to have him killed with popular support from local traditional Jews.

>I can't tell the difference between Sadducees and Pharisees.

>jews crucify a heretic
Blood thirsty monsters, all of them.
>Christians burn a heretic
It was different time...

If jews never killed Jesus he wouldn't have died for our sins. Why are jews always right?

How fucking dumb do you have to be to say something like this? He was Jewish in every single sense of the word. He believed himself to be the messiah of the JEWISH faith.

Not an expert here so correct if I'm wrong, but surely the Romans knew that the Jews were waiting around for their neo-david mecha warlord messiah king to show up and lead Israel to world conquest, and this guy shows up and starts claiming to be the guy. Why wouldn't they flex their arm and quash the leader of some prophetic insurrection? Why do you think they marked his cross with "king of the Jews" (INRI)? It wasn't to respect or honor him, I can tell you that.

so because the romans were too afraid of the jews, they're blameless? okay.

But wasn’t Jesus sent to earth specifically to die?

Weren’t they just fulfilling gods destiny?

Judaism is the rejection of the Messiah, Jews are the wretched and cursed people who cling to perverted old ways and refuse to be saved. They are the poor remnants of God’s Chosen People who couldn’t accept the Good News. There were no Jews before Jesus, simply Hebrews who worshipped God. God sent his son to save all of Mankind, but some Hebrews couldn’t accept that God had extended the Covenant in His infinite benevolence, and so they rejected Him and killed His son, becoming Jews. Jews have little to do with Hebrews, other than a vague genetic relation. They wander the world and gradually lost all contact with their practices after they lost God’s favor. They might still believe they worship Him, but what they really are tools of the demons.

It’s not exactly difficult to understand. Again putting human qualifiers on God is stupid, but if you really want to: if anything Jesus was the third Christian, born of God and the first Christian, herself born free of sins. But he didn’t believe himself to be the Messiah of the Jewish faith simply because the Jewish faith didn’t exist yet, and because he didn’t “believe” he was the son of God, he just is, he just always knew.

The difference is the Jesus really is the Son, the Messiah, while heretics are just heretics who more often than not deserved it.

They are LARPers from pol who think Christianity is about crusading

>modern italians

>Chosen people

Ashkenazis are just Europeans larping as jews. Mizrahis are the real ones.

The Romans were punished. God cursed them to become Italians.


>Pilate is remembered in all non-Christian literature as a cruel tyrant
>was eventually recalled to Rome for being too harsh
>xtians expect us to believe he allowed a crowd of Jews to sway him

underated post holy fuck lmao

Son of the father, meaning son of a whore, who the fuck knows who his father is.