Which ideology is best economicaly ?

Which ideology is best economicaly ?

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depends what your economic goals are, though center libertarian is best in general

a good dose of capitalism without any funny business

Liberal Anarchism

Best economically as in constant growth?Neoliberalism.

Best economically yet stable? State capitalism.

Depends what you mean by "economics". The darwinian, full capitalism system might proves itself the best at generating GDP, but the societal costs are so high or so risky that it might end up hurting your econonmy : There's a reason social housing was first developped by miner companies.


Can someone translate each pic plz? The ones I recognize seem pretty spot on.

Italian corporatism


I mean it by industrialization and making society more prosperous



Giving all the money to me.




Pre-1950sism. My grandma grew up dirt poor as fuck in the Great Depression and was happier than he is now. The Industrial Revolution and rise of globalism after WWII ruined the world, you don't need money to be happy.

I bought my grandpa a computer last year and last time I visited him he said "user, why'd you buy me this computer? Now all I see is news about niggers and fags and communists tearing down statues." I'm sorry grandpa.

Nothing wrong with this
>Being evil
Something very wrong with this.

>The ruling class exploits the proletariat
No, the workers CHOOSE to go to work, if they wanted to they could just go to the welfare office
In a truly capitalist society, the government would not have as much power over business, but, if you are suggesting that this imperialism is run by corporations, that is also incorrect, because there are more than one corporation, usually in competition with each other, making products less expensive and better quality
>it halts scientific advancement
Most medical services or scientific research facilities depend on money, so whatever research they are doing must generate revenue (i.e. making a product that utilizes data shown from research). Like Apple, through scientific advancement, we were able to get better quality communications devices that provide a service and product better than communism would; in communism everyone is paid the same, and competition is not a problem, meaning goods and services can’t be offered at cheaper prices and of better quality

Is your family still poor?

You sound a bit retarded, so I wouldn't be surprised.

The answer is neoliberalism, though.

Does he go on Veeky Forums? If so, please do an AMA thread with him later, I would love to talk to someone who grew up in that era

For me, it's classical liberalism

For any ancaps in the thread, watch this channel. youtube.com/user/bitbutter

Imagine putting effort into producing these unfunny memes in order to shill them on a parisian horse-riding forum.
What are leftycucks trying to accomplish?

>moralism is bourgeois
I seriously doubt that someone sympathetic to socialists made that particular shitty meme

Guild socialism

This is the best Chad meme i've seen. Thank you.

This is definitely a thing that happened

soviet union - north korea - nazi germany - hospitallers?
serbian liberation movement? - Hillary's America - Trump's America - devout christian
green party - GOP - no step on snek - confederacy
anarchy - DUDE WEED - fedoratippers - ancap

Anything but Communism

This but give half to me