Who here /onlykeepingfitsotheywilllivelongenoughtogetthedrugthatwillstophumansfromaging/?

who here /onlykeepingfitsotheywilllivelongenoughtogetthedrugthatwillstophumansfromaging/?

You mean gh or igf1? Because there are niggers on this board RIGHT NOW who inject that shit every DAY

I think he means TRT.

Only the top 0.0001% of wealthy people will have access to that drug.

no I mean proper telomere renewal without cancer.
The drugs you posted have no real proof of increasing longevity, certainly not immortality.

>meanwhile STD strains are still out there

Few mistakes with that
1. that's not how our economy works, if someone charged such a ludicrous price they'd just have a competitor that sold it cheaper, especially because of the insane demand.
2. there'd be rebellion against the upper class on a level we've never before seen in history.
yeah, so? there are probably stds that are much more complex than our aging systems. anti-aging is not even in the top 100 of our most advanced scientific aspirations.

Who here /liftingtolookgoodinsuitwhenifinallykillmyself/

That's not how drugs work. How's a competitor going to create it and sell it if it's patented?

1000 years too early, mate

Medical patents last only a few years

Spoken like someone that has no idea what they're talking abouy

I won't be rich enough to buy it desu

It wont be a drug, it'll be nano bots. And no one alive today will live long enough to see it become affordable for anyone other than billionaires.
Except those billionaires.


Just wanna get old enough for that discount at western sizzlin

Feels real fucking bad.

>1000 years

yeah more like 50-100 years desu

What if I befriend a billionaire?

>it'll be nanobots
No, that'd be an incredibly advanced way to solve a fairly simple problem. It also almost certainly won't be expensive considering demand

>believes there's a free market in the USA
>in healthcare of all things
Naive kid.

Hi, this will not happen in your lifetime. You can stop waiting now. The closest we'll get is uploading your brain to a computer in 20-30 years but it won't be "you". It'll be like your clone but with a separate consciousness. You'll die but it'll live forever if power is supplied indefinitely.

Until that shit gets renewed or altered slightly. You obviously do not understand how these monopolies operate.

Stop fromaging
The fuck ?