I tried figuring out my 1RM today for back squat for the first time

I tried figuring out my 1RM today for back squat for the first time.

I hit 255 and failed at 285. When I failed I felt a lot of little pops in my lower back. It doesn't hurt right now but feels maybe a little strained.

Should I be ok?

why even max out when you're a novice

how the hell would we know the body is yours



OP if you felt a pop in your back

A) figure out where it is in the first fucking place.



B) see if you have a bulge coming out of one of those areas. Otherwise you might be just popped your back like cracking a knuckle.

I have workouts that go off my 1RM

How is that number for a beginner?

no, really, explain to me the benefit of maxing out when you have a 255lb back squat

do you need to know your max to do a percentage based program when your max is changing rapidly day to day, week to week?

do you have the technical stability to maintain correct form with your near absolute max? (evidently not because the OP hurt himself)

I'm assuming the reason is either for his ego or to set a percentage like you said.

But in terms of OP's dumbass hurting himself he probably had shitty form so shouldn't even have bothered.

Honestly OP why in the FUCK did you jump from 225 to 285??

Even just for warming up jumping 60 is shocking.

I mean I know not to go so high of a jump now. Figures a newbie would make a newbie mistake yea?

Also it was 255-285

My mistake.

Still. For most PRs if you're trying to go up do it by 5's. Or by 10's. But that's a huge jump either way.

Alright thanks user!

So how is 255 for a first? I think i

>doing a percentage based program with lifts like that
for what purpose? you could so easily just do a linear progression.

Is it the 5 rep format? I agree it sucks you could do less no problem, but just do a linear progression.

Could've hit 265*

Don't mind me I suck

Did you jump 30lbs?

'Warming up' for weightlifting = priming your nervous system for the lift. Taking a big jump like that around your max may have fucked your ability to do more.

Try this next time:

>Then add 5-10lbs max for single attempts after.

(That's roughly 50/50/70/80/90% if you were paying attention.)

Starting with the bar is a meme. Telling a newb to go max ain't good, but finding your max (whether through single attempts or a calculator) so he can start around his real/percieved 60-70% of 1rm is much better than working with the bar. For one, the movement between 60-70% and using the bar, and/or really submax weights, is ccompletely different to the point of being useless. It's also worth repeating that technique follows strength and strength doesn't follow technique.

you are making a gigantic assumption in thinking I would advise the OP to start with the bar, and a very wrong one at that, to the point where the rest of your post is a pointless strawman

the Starting Strength suggestion of starting at a weight such that bar speed noticeably slows down is a good one, and I am assuming most people here are not trying to run the Sheiko novice program and having a coach select their weights for them

I think maxing out when you squat 255x1 is a waste of time, you could have had a productive training session instead and put 5 more pounds on your novice squat, and probably not snapped your back up in the process - novices have not yet had the time under the bar for their technique to be stable and translate well into high intensity ranges (tl;dr, weird unpredictable shit happens when novices try to max out)

Sheiko novice is for 250-300 wilks Tbh

You do realize you can estimate 1rm using other maxes, right?

isn't the Sheiko "novice" that's floating around (the one that resembles the 3 day) different from the actual Sheiko novice program that powerliftingtowin covered a long time ago? That was the one I was referring to, I recall it having a shit ton of GPP and weight selection being entirely up to the coach

might be wrong I'm not a sheiko aficionado

I followed a very similar format actually. I just didn't understand how much I should've added once I hit my perceived max.

Actually as I remember I was starting to round and popped the bar off my back behind me when I felt a little too much stress. Someone was also spotting actually so I'm probably fine yeah?

This is my first max also
