Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of meat eaters?

Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of meat eaters?

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Fake and Gay

Nobody actually eats meat, people who say they do are trolling

is there such a thing as mods on Veeky Forums anymore? spambot advertising is not ok

>being a faggot vegan

I blame sipps. That forced meme caught on, and now vegans are trying the same thing

still here faggot and also still reporting you for spamming them (look in the catalog)

Does this statistic filter out the individuals who eat a high processed diet.

>50% of men who eat meat get cancer

Vegans are really this unironically stupid

Vegans are omega tier males

Protip, 100% of people who breathe die.

Correlation does not mean causation you massive cunt

What is your routine, friend?

ofc not, that would disprove the vegan shill

What rewards who spam bad dietary science think, doesn't matter
> >

Protip, 100% of people who don't breathe die.

Fuck off, you pasty vegan cunt.

cancer is just possibility. it's cellular mutation that causes cells to overproduce, shit could happen to anybody at any moment. fuck vegans.

there threads are good prime examples as to the state of humanity arent they?

>countless variables, from time, to how different chemicals interact, to the level of evidence of research things
>various levels of intelligence, and education in all
>decay of knowledge and repetition because not all participants were present 100% of the time
>spammy and shilly vegfags
>different parties who may have other than holy desires who meddled in all of this and who influence everything
>its like the snake eating its own tale
>a closed loop

or an angry beehive of fuck, in which the walls rarely are breached (drastic changes made). The state of nutrition has been so for a long time now? Like what? 10 years? Both parties are almost at a perfect equilibrium. Neither party can drastically convince another party as such so well that legislature can be changed.

The veganfags will obviously never admit to this as they are somewhat facing a losing battle so their image is extremely important to them. Any kind of admittance of some sort of infallibility immediately means that they are 100% Well yea, probably a reason that through the freedom that society allows you guys, you still only are like 2% of the whole population. And most of you arent even long term users lol.


apparently people on Veeky Forums are not even smart enough to understand the meaning of ~

You forgot to post

>Increased risk when eating red meat in excess
>Still not as high of a risk compared to cigarettes

I'll stick to eating my chicken and fish, you can eat all the greens you want while smoking friend.


Not eating meat can cause cancer, eating meat can cause cancer, smoking can prevent cancer, smoking can cause cancer, drinking fucking water can both prevent and cause cancer.

>how you ask?
It depends on which part of the body you're looking at.

>being in the sun can cause skin cancer
>any amount of uv rays puts your skin at a huge risk
>so I just avoid the sun completely now

That's what you bitches sound like. Over reacting a huge amount. There are healthy meats to eat too. Fish and lean meats add to ones health. By cutting them out you are at risk for many nutrient deficiencies.

>uv is an ionizing radiation
>uv knocks electron out of molecules on skin cells creating free radicals
>free radicals are carcinogenic
>anti-oxidants neutralize free radicals
>berries,leafy greens,carrots,sweet potatoes contain high amount of anti-oxidants
sun is not a threat when you're a vegan and your diet is full of anti-oxidant
same principle doesn't apply with meat
turn on your brain before posting next time, user

read up what fucking antioxidants are and why so many plants need them.

>implying vegan means lots of foods with high anti-oxidants
>implying by eating foods you can completely protect yourself from skin cancer caused by uv rays

On top of that you totally missed the point. I don't blame you, the nutrition deficiencies are probably hitting you. My point was that instead of avoiding something completely moderation can be key to a much healthier lifestyle.

everybody here understand your retarded point
>nutrient deficiencies
tell me one fucking deficiency disease only suffered by vegan, tell me fucking one!
you're a 14 year old

Only vegan. B12. Numerous studies show how around 50% of vegans suffer this one. And the solution is real easy. Eat a fucking steak. Now I'll write all the other common nutrient deficiencies. Proton, iron, creatine, EPA/DHA, calcuim, zinc, and many fat soluble vitamins such as d and a but many others.
>hurr durr limiting an entire category of food doesn't cause nutritional deficiencies


Why tell these lies con the internet?

I'd like to see the diets of the groups used for the study. People that eat vegan necessarily watch what they eat. The same is not true of all meat eaters and I would find a study that compares a vegan to that faggot that has eaten 10k+ big macs disingenuous

jesus man you are really behind in science. I thought your country is supposed to be leading in education.



Finally got a chance to watch

and jesus, this thing BTFO's most vegan crap, pretty much all of the health aspects.

down with the vegan agenda

Literally the first link off of google
Enlighten me. What science am I behind on.

all vegans understand
that's why they consume b12 supplements
before you say supplements isn't natural, b12 on your meat isn't natural either, the animals are supplemented

do you actually hear yourself? you don't follow the leading doctors but some idiots that are paid to misrepresent data. Why are humans so delusional? Why is the broccoli industry destroying the world by telling people that plants are healthy and meat not? Is this some sort of an strawberry conspiracy?

It doesn't matter if you take supplements or not the fact is the average vegan suffers from a b12 deficiency. Did you even click on the study?


The fuck does some vegan doctor have to do with anything I just wrote.

this is the conclusion of the study
>Vegetarians should thus take preventive measures to ensure adequate intake of this vitamin, including regular consumption of supplements containing B12.

if you do actual research instead of hopping on the first think google splits out you might find out that not only vegans have an b12 deficiency but also a lot of meat eaters. Same goes for Vitamin D. While meat eaters have to much iron and not enough Vitamin A, Vegans are better at Vitamin A, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Fiber, Vitamin C, Manganese and Folate.

I don't know what you are trying to argue. It's like when you guys say the average meat eater is at risk for this and that. Obviously there are healthy ways to eat meat but that doesn't stop you guys from jerking each other off about how good veganism is. Well here's a study that shows how veganism is bad. Obviously one can supplement and keep track of all their nutrients to make sure they are deficient in anything but the fact is the average vegan suffers from these deficiencies.

thats the guy from, which most of you guys use for your "evidence"

it's only because vegan food isn't supplemented with B12, unlike meat
so vegans have to supplement themselves
doesn't make meat healthy, doesn't make vegan diet unhealthy
if the b12 supplementation on meat is stopped, meat eaters will have higher prevalent of b12 def than vegans


Get off my board with your bullshit.
Hell Wikipedia has a section devoted to various deficiencies. You guys are literally only believing what you want to hear. Anytime someone suggests a problem you cover your ears, shut your eyes, and scream vegan is so good.

Its hopeless, its like you live 10 years behind. Are you from Texas?

Okay so you acknowledge that vegans suffer from b12 deficiencies but you don't acknowledge that its a problem. Are you retarded? That's the only thing I can think of that allows you to rationalize your logic.

It's fine to deny this. It just shows what kind of person that average vegan is. Despite numerous sources you still for some reason believe that you are superior for restriction an entire section of food that provides many essential nutrients that are difficult to get without these foods. To be told that something is better then shut out anyone who says anything against it shows how stupid that average vegan is.

if you're not supplemented, of course you will be deficient, vegan or meat eater, what part of it you don't understand?

So you are retarded?

no, you are

no, it just shows that your aguments are a decade behind and its annoying to debunk it all the fucking time since your average meat eater can't keep up.

Half a chance? 50% to get cancer? Who comes up with this shit? This is still wrong. Fuck.

>debunk it all the time
If you've debunked it just once. If there was one piece of solid fact you guys would shitpost it everywhere anytime there was an argument against meat. Literally the only benefits of veganism is that its healthier then red meat, not even all meat just certain kinds, and animals don't die. One can be illuminated with a balanced diet and the other just don't be such a pussy.