Europa: the Last Battle

Have any of you watched this? Some of it was long bouts of restating /pol/, but I did find some interesting insights on World War II history I've never heard.

>interesting insights on World War II history I've never heard.

Such as?

Different perspectives on the Polish corridor, widespread anti-German violence, Hitler's repeated appeals for peace (whatever they were for, I had no idea there were that many), especially the shenanigans that followed the war.

To caveat, I'm no historian, but it certainly made me think differently about what I was taught.

Anti-German violence when?

I think there was a good amount of anti-German violence during the whole extent of the war, what with there being a war with Germany and all.

>Different perspectives on the Polish corridor
>demand Poland give up its only access to the sea
>they refuse

Imagine my fucking shock.

>widespread anti-German violence

Pre-war or post-war? Because pre-war anti-German violence was nothing more than a poorly-concocted excuse used by the Nazis as a pretext for war and has been regurgitated by stormfags as if it were the Gospel ever since. Post-war persecution of ethnic Germans was very much real though.

>Hitler's repeated appeals for peace

Hollow promises at best, this was a man who had abrogated every peace agreement he had previously signed.

It's a rehash version of "the greatest meme never told" with a better budged.
Still shit with full of one-sided propaganda that falsified information and never mentions the abhorrent and dumb shit germans did.
They dropped stupid inbred shit they couldn't discuss or provide any source of proof like "Danzig Massacre" and instead replaced it with "dude, l-like trust us, t-there was 100% anti-german animosity in Poland and so it probably did lead to persecutions pre-WW2"
I also loved how they pathetically tried to justify ultimatum of Poland giving up corridor that they forgot to mention was majority polish(935,643 polish and 175,771 germ in 1921) and was only polish acces to vital sea trade.

Had Poland ever had control of Danzig before the war?

Pre-war, especially in the Sudetenland.

Seeing how Mosley also wanted to stay out of another war, I thought Hitler shared the same sentiment.

>Hollow promises at best, this was a man who had abrogated every peace agreement he had previously signed.

Fair point, but Hitler never wanted conflict with the British Empire. Even France wasn't really planned for, at least in the short to mid-term.

No one controls Danzig

Ah so Stormfront mythology. Thanks for warning us about this.

>Hitler's repeated appeals for peace

>Didn't want war with Britain
>took actions that would guarantee war with Britain


a guy i know did it

This was never his intent. Most historians are in agreement with this, Mazower, Kershaw, Taylor...

Hitler never seriously expected the UK to go to war over Poland.

Is he the raging stormfag I think he is?

>appeals for peace
>"dude like chill, we together with bolsheviks have invaded and massacred poles and got what we want, now why won't you just accept my peace treaty lmao?"
>"Ok, leave polish borders alone as it was before war and we can discuss" -lol no
pic very fucking related.

He is a national socialist as am i

Are you guys active in the identitarian movement?

You can't keep up this fence sitting position for eternity, brother.
Look at how they treat you.
You know you'll always be the one to make moves toward them and never the other way arround right ? Why bother at this point

Something tells me this isn't a documentary on WW2


This is going to be a fun one.

>they're actually quoting a fiction author

The absolute state...

>"Hey guys like I'm totally not a Nazi or anything but this documentary I found on really made me think! We weren't told these things at school!"
Friendly reminder these are the people who cry about shills 24/7, and pretend they are raided by 10 guys that are /leftypol/.

>Hitler's repeated appeals for peace

Hitler did make ''appeals for peace'', however they were basically ''you just fuck off while we do whatever we want on the continent''.
But apparently according to stormshits Chamberlain and Churchill were degenerate Jewish puppets for trying to prevent German domination of the continent (which was totally in line with centuries-old British policy towards continental Europe). Defending your own national interests is betrayal of the white race!

>Had Poland ever had control of Danzig before the war?
No, but that's irrelevant, because they didn't control it at all. The "Free City" of Danzig was very much in the control of the local Nazi party, which had taken full control of the city legislative body and had already outlawed all opposition parties and started arresting them. The only Polish presence inside the city was the post office (which the Germans massacred later).

>Pre-war, especially in the Sudetenland.
>the fucking Sudetenland
Remind me why Germany was entitled to claims in Bohemia, again? None of the kingdoms that became Germany had ever controlled Bohemia. The Hapsburgs had the claim there.

Also, someone who watched this garbage tell me if they mention "the Danzig ''''Massacre'''''", please. I need a good laugh.


The absolute state of stormfags man, wathcd the first part on ww1, and they claim that the US came into the war because of da joos, never mentioning the u-boats once. Or the complete belief in the stab in the back myth is like a fairy tale


>The Da Vinci Code

This documentary gives me a headache, I’m betting it’s actually just one big shitpost. It gets everything and I mean everything exactly the opposite way that it was really. I wish we could just send temporal drones back in time to get the absolute truth of the eastern front since a lot of what we have was recorded by Nazis and communists. Some of it could be right (especially some of the holocaust stuff) but even if it is its impossible to tell with all of the lies inbetween

It's another 10 hours of Stormfront Autism about WW2.