If you drink whey protein shakes post workout you're a faggot and you know it

If you drink whey protein shakes post workout you're a faggot and you know it


Your a faggot in any situation

anyone who buys this is a faggot

I actually agree, kids and their post workout shakes. Most useless of all timings to drink a whey shake is post workout.

Taking it intraworkout with some fast acting carbs will give one energy needed to finish the workout, and a pre workout shake means there's available, fast absorbing protein in the body while training and after it, since it absorbs for hours anyway. Post workout shake is NOTHING but a stupid way to fill oneself instead of eating a proper meal, which should be the basis of one's diet.

So yeah, OPs right, post shakes are for faggots. Drink a cup of coffee pre workout, take a quick intra shake with 1 scoop of whey and half a spoon of dextro for example, and then eat a proper meal after workout.

Protein synthesis is at its highest for the 36 hours after muscle break-down. Take protein any time during the day, pre or post, it doesn't matter when because the higher protein synthesis lasts for over 24 hours. It literally doesn't matter as long as you have enough protein daily. Ironically, you're just as retarded for suggesting taking protein during your workout.

Main point about intra workout shake is the fast acting carbs. I definitely agree that you can go without putting in the 1 scoop of whey, but the mix is WAY too sweet in my opinion.

No need to drink a protein shake intra workout when there are bcaa supps on their own

Whey is a lot less expensive compared to BCAA / EAA products, not even mentioning dextro as it is basically free.


+1 for not being a contrarian asshat

I was told it helps with muscle recovery after a workout. Am I doing it wrong taking it after a workout?

Don't listen to the scrubs on here. Whey is fine. I prefer casein just because it's thicker and helps to feel more like part of a meal. ON Nutrition is fine. I use it, but supplement extra glutamine and BCAA's in. Side note: There's no peer reviewed studies that show BCAA's do anything. I still take them though- just in case!

>taking advice from these retards

You should see the whey as something much more simple than what you think it is. It is basically an easy fix to a diet that needs some good quality protein, while being relatively cheap and non calorie dense (meaning whey's calories come from protein mainly). Thats whey. The timing doesnt really matter to the body too much and you hearing about anabolic windows etc is just stupid. Taking it before a workout ensures that your body has available protein for hours, which is good. Taking it after means the timing is a bit later, but the bigger problem imo is that one should really just try to get in a good normal meal rather than supplements. Drinking a whey shake diminishes appetite.

you people didnt even read the previous answers im sure.

You also heavily contradict yourself in your very own post, which is funny enough.

so what is the correct timing for a sipp?

Neckbeards everywhere.

ad hominem

Like I said: Neckbeards. Clearly you printed out the logical fallacy chart that's pinned everywhere on reddit. Good day, sir. *tips fedora*

ad hominem 2

>protein shakes
The powder for people that are literally too fucking dumb to eat properly.

pound for pound it is the cheapest form of protein

>tfw protein shakes is literally the cheapest protein in my country unless I wanna get fat or die from mercury poisoning in my 30s