Is it fine to train every day or do you NEED rest days?

Is it fine to train every day or do you NEED rest days?

rest days are a meme to slow down your progress

Never stop training. I browse Veeky Forums on my leg press machine and constantly working out

Rest is necessary. But rest days are not absolutely necessary.

Just do a split and give each muscle group 1-2 days rest individually.

Depends if you can figure out how to spread your volume out properly.

Legitimately took me 5 years of lifting to figure this out.

I only recently a few months ago started lifting 6 days a week (PPLPPLx), but I found the perfect amount of volume per session that made it recoverable for me.

it's retarded to train the same muscle groups every day, but you can train different one while resting so yeah. you don't need rest days where you do absolutely nothing.

i really REALLY wanted to get my back exercises' numbers up. so, i trained my back every day, 100% intensity, for 15 days straight. results:
bb row 80kg - 110kg x8
db row 35kg - 50kg x8
pulldown 100kg - 130kg x5
rack pull 150kg - 300kg x6-10
biceps curl 60kg x20

...then on the 15th day, my left forearm swole up to the size of my fucking upper arm

it's been 20ish days since, i've been out of the gym ever since. its getting better but im going to see a doc and x-ray my wrist because i fear that i actually tore something with my straps while lifting like a retarded monkey

so, for me, the answer is no. or at least you have to be smart about it and not go balls to the wall every day. but i accomplished my goal so ya.

Not necessary, but you won't be at your max performance.

I accidentally took a 1-2 week break because I was lazy, assumed I lost some strength and would have to deload, but actually hit a new 5RM that I was stuck on for a while.

Do active rest
Go swimming or jogging on rest days

I take rest days from the gym, but on those rest days, I run for about 45 minutes, easy pace.

If you are natty and lift everyday, you are going to snap your shit up.

If you take gear, then sure go for it

Muscles needs 48 hours of rest to fully recouperate.
If your do it more frequent then youre losing gains(unless youre a beginner), and if youre too infrequent youre losing gains.

>i trained my back every day, 100% intensity, for 15 days straight

Well, what did you expect to happen?

God here are stupid as shit

i achieved my goal, and was aware there would be consequences

life is all about compromise

Get it checked. If its rabdo then youre fucked for life.
Or it could be something else that gives permanent dammage and disabilities.

You achieved your goal in the dumbest manner possible, congrats.

>I achieved my goal
>now I'm 20 days out of the gym
>now I have to start all over

You didn't achieve your goal if you got seriously injured. You're gonna lose all your gains now and have to start from zero.

Tired? then rest
if not, lift until tired

People here are stupid as shit*

All you niggas getting meme'd by all those fake natty jewtube coaches telling you to workout everyday are stupid. if you are natty 3 to 4 days of workout with 1 or 2 days rest in between will do fine.

I remember a nigga (I think it was CT) was telling the kids to workout their biceps everyday if they want huge arms. LOL

You still need to rest your CNS.

Or maybe just do an ABC routine with no rest in-between instead of training a single muscle every day.

I take two rest days between workouts, feels comfy and I still get nice gains


Have fun fucking up your CNS.

People here forget that when you workout not only your muscles get fatigued. Your CNS gets fatigued too.

And CNS works with every muscle group

I lift every day, you get the repeated bout effect. You get really efficient at lifting what your capable of. Some times it even stimulates progress although youre most likely going to need to rest and bulk eventually.

>Legitimately took me 5 years of lifting to figure this out.

Tell us more. What did you figure out?

Only lunks need rest days user

That I was forced to do 3-4 day routines because every time I tried 5-6 day routines I'd burn out from being over-trained.

That led me believe I couldn't do a PPL routine.

Fast-forward a few years of lifting I decided to try PPL again 6 days a week with lifts/sets/reps that actually made sense and were recoverable.

Nothing special, just a lot of spinning my wheels because I refused to learn how to organize volume properly.