Do you guys put butter or coconut oil in your coffee?

A lot of people on fitness youtube seem to be doing it.

It's a meme for people that didn't know fats are good for them.

This fad-like bullshit seems to be for people who put cream and sugar in coffee.

Is there any benefit whatsoever for someone who actually likes coffee (meaning drinks it black)?

He adds fats to his coffee rather than sugar, that's the point. I don't see what the point is except to make people who don't like coffee able to drink some butter and call it coffee.

as far as i know, everyone here drinks it black because:
-it suppresses hunger
-has 0 cal
-gives some energy

i'd rather get my calories from elsewhere than literally spoonfuls of butter

What I'm getting at is that a lot of people think fats are only bad for them, so the idea that fats can actually be good is novel to them.

Fats have calories you literal retard


supposedly its a way to get energy without you breaking your fast. and you keep your body in keto state.

I think he's talking about black coffee.

That makes some sense, I guess.

He said black and that he'd rather get calories from something other than butter you mouthbreather

35% cream. The rest is useless.

Honestly dude, i don't. I cook with butter and coconut oil and i won't change that. I have normal cholesterol levels and just had a stress test recently. Everything went better than expected. I do MY workout program 6 days a week and three of those are HITT cardio for 25 minutes. I used Light cream and sugar in my coffee everyday.
FYI, my bodyfat is 12%.

>without you breaking your fast
>a brick of butter

You're supposed to do this on a ketogenic diet. It's funny when people do it and add a shit load of sugar. Like the lady in my office that doesn't know shit about dieting.
>"hey user tried your buttered coffee and I feel fatter.
>SEE her 2 big spoonfuls of sugar and adds honey.

So is there actual benefit to doing this if I drink coffee black?
I am not replacing sugar with fats, I am just adding fats.

No. People just use it because they're paleo/ketogenic and can't have sugar/milk.

No it's just an excuse for American's to shove as much butter blocks down their throat.

It's a meme born because military people put butter in their milk when they have to be awake for extended periods of time. It's quick energy.

People have been putting cream and butter (which is cream) in coffee and tea for 1000+ years. It makes it taste better.

Only in america does it become a fad or a meme because for some reason butter is seen as evil there

>put butter in their milk

Black coffee breaks your fast.

>Only in america does it become a fad or a meme because for some reason butter is seen as evil there

It's because Americans have no restraint. If you tell them butter is OK they'll have a brick of the shit every meal, every drink, every snack, every breath. No shit, obese, artery-clogged people would be taking a breaf, bite of tha butter, take a breaf, bite da butter.

I'm older than 30 and American, and even I am shocked daily by the sheer lack of moderation in the average American's life.

yeah I saw Dr Ronda say this. Im kind of fucked as i rely on it as appetite suppressant. drink 3 cups in morning...

It's a societal and cultural thing. Anywhere commerce is king stupidity will prevail.

>calls it fat burning
>400-500 calories just on the coffee
>no brotein, just fat
>doesnt explain why it burns fat

>falling for the keto meme

Gourmet Coffee Beans
Freshly Ground in my grinder
1 tbsp Grass Fed Butter
2 Egg Yolks
2 teaspoon Collagen Protein
1 tbsp MCT oil

Welcome to gainsville boys

Butter is literally milk fat though
I dont understand in what fucking realm it makes sense to waste butter in coffee when 99% of it is flavored and salted for cooking. Just use regular milk and a better coffee prep device fucking spergs.