>eating eggs
>eating salt
>eating eggs sprinkled with salt

enjoy your high cholesterol and dying at the age of 35

back to vegan general

>not eating at least two eggs a day
Eggs are one of the best foods in the world.

Why are you guys so obsessed with what other people eat and do? Just worry about yourself, everyone can worry about themselves in turn.

I know this is a troll thread but isn't that the point of a board

>not eating salt
Enjoy your infertility, though it's probably for the better.

>still doesn't know the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol

Because your actions affect others. If you were to smoke I wouldn't give a shit, but every time you eat animal products you are directly contributing to an animal suffering and trashing the planet via wasting water, crops, land, and co2 emissions.

Sup fags.

5 (five) year lifter here.

I had a blood test for the first time ever 1 month ago and the doctor told me my cholesterol was high.

This didn't really surprise me as I've kind of been autistic with my IIFYM in the last few years. I've done stupid shit like eat 500g bacon, or 12+ whole eggs a day.

I am fairly sure my retarded saturated fat intake is what's got my levels high.

That said, I've completely removed eggs and bacon from my diet.

The doctor wants to retest me again in 3 months time.

I'll post back results to see if removing eggs/bacon actually lowers it.

I'm 29 btw, so I shouldn't have high cholesterol, and I'm LEAN (which surprised the doctor) because I have no history of heart issues in family.

Fuck off you dirty hippie

Oh me again with my autistic spaced out posts.

My blood sugar as really good, which surprised me considering I've also done dumb shit on IIFYM like eat retarded amounts of refined sugars to hit my carbs.

So I'm under the assumption that you CAN out-train a bad diet, in regards to your blood sugar levels.........but you CANNOT out-train a bad diet, in regards to your cholesterol levels.

>enjoy your high cholesterol and dying at the age of 35

How many eggs do I need to eat to speed that up?

strong argument, keep up with your selfish and self-detrimental goals of 2017 user

Most of those yolks arent fully cooked

Shut up cuck. Either post a picture of your faggot body or vid of your lifts or don't comment on anyone's diet.

Piss off you asshat, don't worry about what i eat. I"m going to eat eggs right now and smile thinking about your dirty hippie tears rolling down your stupid round face

Why is everyone here afraid of doing keto meme. Literally have more energy, my dick works, and I'm shedding fat.

what does lifting weights have to do with your selfish choices to detriment the planet? Maybe if you actually had an argument you wouldn't just attack people in a blind rage.
Why do you think I would cry about you eating eggs? It's more like watching a toddler throw a tantrum and feeling sorry for it, only you should know better. Again maybe come up with an argument rather than just thrashing around and throwing insults.

because not all of us are fatfucks who need a fatfuck diet

Ketogenic FTW

They cost a dollar at my local grocery store, because I fell for college meme.

I don't care about the planet all I care about are gains and this is a board for gains if someone is telling me eating tofu and seitan will give the average lifter same strength or aesthetic gains as meat eating does then I want proofs.

tl;dr post pics or stfu.

Because you fucking literal stupid hippie who fucking cares about the planet. It's not my fucking problem so i don't give a fuck. FYI, it's not your problem either you smelly dirtbag. Go cry in your herbal tea some more you faggot.

Went from 276 lbs to 190 lbs in 6 months. I had no choice.

This is a fitness board which includes diet and exercise. It's not a save the wales or the planet from people hippie board.

that's good, i'm not saying it's a bad diet, just that it's not a one size fits all diet for everyone here.

>walk into gym
>boil eggs
>cut in half
>mix yolk with thousand island dressing and pickle relish
>sprinkle with paprika

Good to hear you found out before something bad happened. What were your levels, out of curiosity?

Different guy here I disagree heavily with Keto not due to health reasons but mainly due to the fact that the diet itself is not a long term diet and doesn't teach good eating habits.

However I would say it's probably the easiest diet for a fatass to stick to since they all can eat as much cheese, bacon and whatever garbage foods they can while still losing weight. Shame most fatties don't even have enough will power to do keto.

Lets see your gains tough guy, probably don't have any which is funny for someone who only cares about gains, btw there are plenty of vegan body builders you can look up that more gains than you could ever achieve.

Yeah I could agree, some people do better with healthy carbs

He asked why people are obsessed with what other people eat and I explained because it affects others, he didn't like it and proceeded to throw a tantrum.

Your cholesterol levels are high because you're athletic and muscular. Cholesterol is not a condition of the heart, it's an essential portion of every cell in your body. Your body releases cholesterol into your bloodstream to repair any damage done to the arteries from stress and exertion (exercise).

That said, stop being a retard with your sodium and nitrate levels by eating 500g of bacon. That's just moronic.

You're the one that is demonizing fit diets. Again I don't care about vegan bodybuilders I want yours and every other Veeky Forums vegan advocate that posts here there are plenty of CBT meat eaters that give a good baseline.

found the fattie keyboard warrior that won't post pics

So you have nothing to show?

Yeah ketofag reporting, it's not something long-term, but it does give you a bit of discipline because your actually feeling full and not trying to eat from fuckin boredom. My physician recommends keto to fat fucks like me, but after they have reached their ideal body fat, he ups their carbs, lower fat, and protein every meal. He makes sure they exercise by lifting and doing cardio. The dude literally texts you every morning to get your ads off of bed.