/plg/ powerlifting general


Test and dbol edition

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Best flat shoe for squatting now that mark bell meme shoes are kill?


third for squats and anime

dips/weighted dips after volume bench: yay or nay?

That's not allowed in competition lad

Zero drop running shoes?

Why does PL seem so much more interesting/fun back there?

less autistic


They're the ultimate 'no fun allowed' society, given power over fun.

I've got 2 weeks left with minimal training allowed

How the fuck am I going to survive? I feel like I'm going crazy already

SS is fine as the basic program to start with. After 3 (or more, if regular progress can be maintained longer) months, it's probably handy to deadlift, power clean, and chin ups once a week, squat heavy only twice a week, give yourself a light squat day in the middle, and bench once a week, OHP once a week, and do dips in the middle day. SS is a NOVICE PROGRAM to get NOVICES as up to speed on the important shit as possible as quickly as possible.

The basic Texas Method template most likely, though depending on the trainee's own predilections and goals, benefits from adding targeted accessories, especially focusing on the upper body. Close grip bench press, dips, and even curls, particularly in sets of 8-10 reps, are really handy in driving bench press/OHP progress on top of the 5x5 sets in the core lift.

An aesthetic fag might want to pile on a couple more Beach Muscle accessories for sets of 8-10, and consider shorter loading cycles because the faggot probably won't eat enough.

then pls respond to this:

>first time pulling off the floor with raised heels
>it's ten times easier

so oly shoes/micro plate under the heels means cheating when diddying?


so it just means my body shape feels better in that starting position? it felt much more comfy overall , and I felt stronger

yes, not too many sets or heavy weight though

where do i go after greyskull lp?


mhm yeah 6 consecutive turds of Norman Khan have dropped into the toilet like a rock

Uhh here we go... Make that seven... Eight

And nine

These Norman Khans are now piling up


Ten turds have now

Ooh what's this yes yes now 11-13 khans have fallen but the dryness from the previous turds have left and now they're more wet but not usually wet

Hold up 14-16 now, these are more lubricated logs than turds now

It was clear the first ten turds was from my breakfast and/or lunch and now what I am shitting out now has quite a distinct difference completely different meal, clearly is my dinner that I am khanning out now

Did I mention I dropped another log? Well I did

This is quite the pile of Khan that is accumulating if I do say so my self


Hopefully wiping isn't too bad




Yup, y'all can't handle this
Y'all don't know what's about to happen baby

PLG - Big boy
But I'm from OWG though - weak boy

It's everyday bro
With the powerlifting general flow
200 posters, one thread in 24 hours
Never done before!

Passed all the competition man
/fraud/ is next
Man I'm popping all these deadlifts
Got the brand new adipowers
And it met the SBD too
And I'm coming with the lads
This is Team plg, bitch
Who the hell are flippin' you?

And you know I kick them out
If they ain't with the lads
Yeah, I'm talking about you
You beggin' for attention
Talking shit on Veeky Forums too

But you still hit my phone last night
It was 4:52 and I got the text to prove
And all the recordings too
Don't make me tell them the truth

And I just dropped some new merch
And it's selling like a Mark, Bell
plgs where I'm from
We chew 'em like it's a gumshield

We squatting with a SSB
The Chains just for fun
I Ed Coan and Pin
Catch me at nats one
I cannot be outdone

plgers number one

It's everyday bro
It's everyday bro
It's everyday bro
I said it's everyday bro

I was asked to run my friend TRX classes today and I have no fucking idea how to use TRX, never did it

Can I just tell them pick the barbells old fags?

I thought this sort of thing was illegal in russia?

bring her home

I'll remind you that he was actually a man.

I'm beginning to feel like a Squat God, Squat God
All my curl bros from the rack to the bench nod, bench nod
Now who thinks their quads are strong enough to box squat, box squat?
They said I squat like a robot, so call me squatbot.

But for me to squat like a Slav must be in my genes
I got a belt in my back pocket
My spine'll go off when I half-cock it
Got a fat tit from that bulk profit
Made a living and a lifting off it
Ever since Candito was still uploading
With Michelle feeling on his nut-sack
I'm an GDE still as honest
But as rude and indecent as all quarter reps, liftaholic (lift 'em all with)
This snippety, snappety, clickety PLG
You don't really wanna get into a ATG match with this squattily squat
Packing a sleeve in the back of the bag, pack backpack squat, yep, yackidy-yac
The exact same time I attempt these >athletic strength stunts while I'm practicing
That I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' barbell
Over the back of a couple of twinks and crack it in half
Only realized it was ironic I was signed to Texas Method after the fact
How could I control it below? All I do is drop dive-bombs, feel my snap of attack
Bro splitters are having a rough time period, here's a Pussypad
It's actually disastrously bad
For the wack while I'm masterfully squatting this masterpiece as

I'm beginning to feel like a Squat God, Squat God
All my curl bros from the rack to the bench nod, bench nod
Now who thinks their quads are strong enough to box squat, box squat?
They said I squat like a robot, so call me squatbot.


Jesus Christ plebbit

good programme, but mehdi is almost cult like in his teachings

>muh arms
mehdi literally said you can do arm work AFTER you've done the main lift, like chins and curls

and that;s not hard to figure out alone either, just fucking to arm work

what should I do tomorrow for w4d3 of 3x int? the amrap or a 1RM attempt?

The squat rack is shinin' in the corner
There ain't a curl bro in sight
The music's stopped playin' everybody's turnin'
And don't you know
It could be a beautiful new PR, hey hey

Runnin' down the treadmill
See how the sweat shines brightly on your forehead
In the squat rack where once was pity
Mister George seegar is squatting here today, hey hey

Mister George seegar please tell us why
You had to stall your lifts for so long (so long)
Where did you go wrong?

Mister George seegar please tell us why
You had to stall for so long (so long)
Where did you go wrong?

Hey you with the big nose
Welcome to the shittiest general
A celebration, mister George seegers up there waitin'
And today is the day he's waited for

fucking kek

Wrasslin shoes

Hit the main lifts then blast one or two variants. Like deadlift, bench, then do front squats till just shy of getting a hernia.

If I replace all normal deadlifts with deficit deadlifts will my max go up faster?

plus they r danguros

how should i program weekly periodization in a hypertrophy block?

i dont want to do it the traditional "taper to lower volume and higher intensity" way since it's a hypertrophy block so the point is to reach for maximum volume, not maximum weights.

so i'll just do more sets but what should i do with the intensity? just try to lift more weight (i'm using RPE for the main movements)?

>Test and dbol edition
Fake niggas out.

All Stars.

>volume bench
For what purpose?

This. It's like GDQ but for lifting.

Texas Method.

>Fake niggas out.
Fake niggars are the 140 lb chinks pulling sumo and benching with a JAP grip

Bunch of scrawny elitists thinking you're the real power lifters. You're not

if you feel good do the 1. if you dont do the amrap.

9 hours and 40 posts
That's an average of 14 posts an hour!!!

If your weak point is your triceps then I'd do dips
If your weak point is your chest then I'd do a shit load of heavy db bench
If your weak point is your front delts then I'd do a shit load of ohp
Or you could just do a lot of weighted dips like you suggested and have that be more or less good enough. You don't have to be entirely optimal, just do what you enjoy.

14x9 = ???




Nobody has anything to say. The current meme is "Candito 6 Week". Just like when Trappy would spam Sheiko.

Sean posts poops and farts, and the good trips have left.

So guy I told this guy that I could write a hybrid oly/pl program with the main emphasis on PL. I wrote it could you guys look through and give me some feedback?

Ive got no idea where to upload it though maybe I should post some pics? Well pic related. All the lifts are set to 100kg 1rm

The guy' main focus was hyperthrophy and raw strength gain while slightly maintaining the olympic lifts. So what I did was I took the Cowboy method as a template and modified it down to 6 weeks and changed a thing or two to be able to add the oly lifts.

I think it might be slightly low on the accessories and obviously it isnt perfect so I'd like to hear your criticism

LITERALLY just lift outside of the ipf and you can tell WADA and the USADA to go fuck themselves.
Shit I'd say that as long as you're not a retard and don't think that it's immoral to lift against natties as a roider then it'd be pretty fucking easy to just come to a USAPL/IPF meet a month or two off cycle.

Looks challenging, but definitely worth a couple cycles.

Don't worry about the accessories, you really won't be lacking anything with all the overlap those exercises have.

WADA and USADA are a joke.

They need us, not the other way around. More people are starting to figure that out.

You know what the real joke is? The USGA and WSGB, especially with their brain dead VODO followers and their AFGO allegations, the shit that goes on in the BSLO is just ridiculous.

Just started SS working up until weight slows 90kg, but I have a question, a the bar supposed to rub my back during highbar? It's like the area right between my traps.

The bar shouldn't move up or down your back during the lift. Create a trap shelf by pulling your shoulders back and down, and engage your lats by pulling the bar into your traps.

It shouldn't move.

posted a couple times asking for critique on my squat form, and I was told I should switch from high bar to low bar

should I just switch over and keep the same weight or deload to try and get good low bar form? (doing SS btw)

It's a slightly different motor pattern, and it requires more shoulder mobility. I would recommend dropping weight (5-10%) if you're going to switch.

What're the best el cheapo squat shoes?

Can anyone post the best videos on form for the main lifts and different variations of them?

Dude, cut the shit. If you're doing SS, then all you need is in the book, and here startingstrength.com/video/lifts

My back sweats like fuck idk if that's why. The bar isn't physically sliding anywhere more than 1mm or something. I think I just lose retraction at the bottom of the squat.

Well fix it then. And chalk your back if you have to.

Is this acceptable lowbar? R8 pls no h8

It's high. Need to go another 2-3 inches lower.

>those skinny legs
go lower m8

I thought this was a girl and now I'm really disappointed...

yo fat retard listen to this song

Ok. I'll have to try to go lower. I switched to low bar because I had a terrible habit of just dropping ass to ankles in high bar.

This was 80kg btw, not a good squat at all.

TRX is a good single ply suit. T-REX is the multiply version.

>pull 140kgx5
>start squatting again same day 3x5
>120kg pull

guess I'll always be weak


Don't say we never gave you anything.

Fuck off, Trappy. Nobody owes you anything but a fucking necking.

thats normal your body will adapt to the squat fatigue and your pull will go up

I hated trappy but this place sucks since he left. Nobody here lifts equipped anyway so it's not like you fags are any better.

This place sucked before he showed up, it sucked while he was here, and now it sucks afterwards.

So go fuck yourself.

Yeah I'll get right on that, tough guy.

is calf training a meme

You're better off building strength in your calves by flipping tires, pushing the prowler, and hiking.

If you don't do conditioning, then you might want to train calves directly. They help with stability in the squat.


Power Snatch: Max

95% x 1 x 2; 90% x 1 x 2

Snatch Pull: 3 Rep Max

95% x 3; 90% x 3

Pull Ups (bodyweight): 10 x 3

Back Extensions (moderate to light): 10 x 3

Ab Wheel Roll Outs: 10 x 3






Post your actual working weights.

Also, reminder that you talk a lot of shit for someone who can barely do a bodyweight pushup.

Shoo shoo!


Is that a rare meg?

Didn't you say your oly lifts and technique had gotten worse on your oly lift specific program? Top kek.

>bench only in variation



Here you go

yeah I havent been doing classical lifts with much frequency at all

this week has had the most frequency in a long time(like 12 weeks lmao)

I usually only jerked, cleaned or hang snatched once a week and on saturdays I would do heavy full C&J/Snatch

the program is just for strength and thats working but hey you cant win everything

what kind of filthy saracen lifts on sunday

probably will work up to a 75 or 78kg power snatch

do my percentage work

probably do 110kg for the 3RM snatch pulls

do my percentage work

obviously my bodyweight pullups will be bodyweight

probably use a 25lb plate for my back extensions since its supposed to be light

obv you dont weight ab wheel rollouts

Training on Sunday leaves Friday night and Saturday free for fun. You don't go out so it doesn't matter.

I'm a gde with a 280 wilks after 3 years lifting but somehow have a higher Sinclair than Panzer

That's really... Embarrassing...

>Goes on a specialized program for oly lifting with a coach and everything
>Gets worse at oly lifting

You can't make this up

my rest days are Friday and Sunday

>Goes on a specialized program for oly lifting

well that's kind of false

this program I'm on has me fucking benching and shit

the goal of the program is to bring up your raw strength numbers in squatting pulling and pressing

and that's working pretty well so I'd say that the program has been very successful for me

if everything falls into place next week I should squat about 200kg which would be 15kg of PR in 14 weeks

Are you retarded? Try Westside for 6 months and see if it doesn't unfuck your lifts.

tfw benched 118 for 2 on monday

we 120 soon

How much do you weigh?


She said "I wish I was a man."

i have been cutting for the last part of my training cycle, lost about 5-6kg in 6 weeks. Training went great for the most part and i actually got stronger, but ive been feeling like fucking death for the last week.

probably a good idea to just carb the fuck up before i max out in 5 days right?

Like chubby or lanklet? Where do you live, you need help with your bench like yesterday.

Yeah and add some stimulants for training.

Isley tier

more lanklet really

coach wants to take me up to 94 eventually

and for oly my bench is literally fine