Help: white coated tongue

What do I do? I went to the doctor and she said it's natural. No it's fucking not. I brush my teeth and tongue twice a day.

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It depends, but sometimes white tongue is a symptom of detox.

Uh oh. Looks like somebody has Thrush.

Buy a tongue scraper, a brush is not enough.

I had that my entire life until I started intermittent fasting. Not sure what caused the change, but only eat during a 4-6 hour window each day.

My doctor said I don't and that I should stop being a hypochondriac.

This and using Listerine afterwards should help you fix your tongue bacteria in no time

It's natural when you go prolonged hours without eating. Most people get it. Mine used to be worse so now I always clean my tongue with a spoon and they're barely there. Try it user

Grab the end of your toothpaste and scrape the shit off your tongue with it. I do it twice a day.

Maxfax fag here, (dental and medical degree) your tongue is normal m8 stop wasting gp resources

Try switching to Almond Milk instead of regular ones. It tastes better, your skin improves, healthier and makes u have less mucus. I quit milk and it's great

one of the jew tube videos somewhat, with way too much hype and psuedocrap explains it, but at its core it is somewhat truthful.

I already filed for disabilities. I'm hoping to get swanky parking by the end of the week and free cuts at amusement parks

almond milk is expensive water

I'm sure you can probably convince some retard with the way the NHS is run atm.

What sort of toothpaste do you use user?

Whatevers on special

it's called candidiasis
and you have AIDS

Fingers crossed (put that as a disability too)

This is candida

Almond milk isn't milk. Almonds don't have tits. They don't have nipples. You can't milk almonds

>eat 2000 calories in 6 hours

Well almonds are not robots yet you can activate them

I don't drink milk. I only eat halo top

So consume fiber and take probiotics.

>It tastes better

I had this and my breath was pretty shit. Drastically cut milk products permanently and go a couple of weeks without coffee.

Wow, so hard.

You're supposed to use toothpaste with it, fyi

put water + salt + panthenol in your nose 3x per day

personal preference I guess, original ones that are sweetened ( 60cal a cup) tastes so good tho

gross desu

why are you tripping on an anonymous web forum?

Just eat a red Twizzler before going out

Isn't it just extra bacteria? A littler extra doesn't matter. If it's going orange you have way too much. gross.
reduce your sugar intake and see if it helps.

Because I want senpai to notice me

I've been drinking cow milk since I quit my mom's tits. Quitting milk didn't help nearly as much as avoiding touching my face and having a new shirt under my face every night.

fucking easy. I'm doing it leangains style so 2200+ on lift days and 1600 on rest days.

Today was a rest day:
breakfast (9am): 1 grilled chicken breast + 3oz peanuts + black coffee
lunch(12:30pm): 1 grilled chicken breast + pork belly + cappuccino
1600 kcals; 130g protein; 20g carbs; 110g fat

lift days are lower fat but higher carb. easy to hit 2200 with rice, bananas, and chicken breast

how long did you go without milk. Go at least a month or two to really feel the benefit. Most of my issue cleared up since no milk

>doctor who has spent years in med school and presumably several others practicing
>some autist on Veeky Forums thinks he knows more

I went about a month without it. I only drink whole milk.

I don't recall my skin getting better because I was going through it rough and wasn't taking care of myself in any way at all. For all I know, I could have cleared up and would have looked better if I simply took a shower and exfoliated a little bit.

Your doctor is right. You're just a little dehydrated thats all. Drink something

>130g protein
not enough imo

you smoke but you dont want to admit it

Sounds like you should stop being a hypochondriac, then.

I've had thrush. It's very easy to diagnose. Unmistakable. You just have a different colored tongue. Get over it.

BUT it's disgusting looking. I want a pink tongue.

Don't swallow cum

i had this a couple of months back, now it's just back to the same old red (huge chasm running down the middle fuck me)

i think it was because i wasn't eating enough (??)
at first i thought it was cause i was living a pretty alcoholic lifestyle, but it doesn't seem to matter much, maybe drink more water?

in short, idk lol

doctor here. Its natural, really. You can try to wash it off with hydrogen peroxide


It's a natural buildup of bacteria and other matter on the tongue surface.

It's quite normal and is NOT thrush.

Certain diets, as has already been alluded to, can lead to a more prevalent case of it. Milk, soda, and sugary drinks are likely culprits, and so is carbohydrate high diets, and diets lower in fiber.

Minimizing it's appearance can be as simple as brushing the tongue, and using listerine on a regular basis.

More reluctant cases can be improved by using a 1.5% solution of hydrogen peroxide swished around for 30 seconds. after spitting out the solution again scrub the surface with your brush to help work free any material still stuck to the papillae, then rinse a couple times with fresh clean water and follow up with listerine to remove the taste of the h2o2 preservatives.

yea no shit, almost everything is more expensive than water, name a drink that costs more than tap water

cheekie marry me
that's not even a trip you dumb newfag


eating 2000 calories in one sitting is fucking easy

Healthy ones?

what the h*ck is that supposed to mean

Beta pls go

Healthy, filling food.

I use floss (seriously)

get a good length of floss and use it to scrape across the tongue. Go over the same spot a few times and you'll notice that white gunk start to come off.

Buy a stainless steel tounge scraper. Got rid of my horrible bad breath and made my tounge look nice and pink. Should be the one with a bunch of reviews on amazon.

Yes it is natural you fucking idiot and stop brushing or scraping your fucking tongue, you're going to end up with a bad problem if you keep doing it. Your tongue indicates the state of your digestive fauna and it's completely normal and desirable to have a coating on it.

nigga das nastay
I'm too damn expensive to b having as a wife kek

I read somewhere it had something to do with to much protein or protein from dairy