Oh my!!

Good heavens this man is yoked!!


Fuck off retard, that pic's shopped.

Is this the natty limit


Dude there's no way anyone could actually be that ripped in real life.

kek, cause its flipped horizontally. other than that he looks like shit. serious replies only please.

Past it more like

You sure about that ?

log thread

i leave this board for two years and someone still posts this guy

Apparently he is though?

Who is that big fellow?

I'd love to bro out with this guy.


Never understood this meme. Joined this shitty website 13 years ago. Still never bothered enough to wrap my head around this specific meme for some reason. It seems so plain and stupid


yeah user, yeah


Bump all you want, nobody will ever be able decipher his secret

We can get closer to knowing though, and every step closer is worthwhile progress

Thanks for the reply. I'm not that guy though. Just thanks for replying in general, a real man sticks with his thread. Real men like Mike are hard to come by, especially on this board.

Same. After all these years i still dont get it, never bothered to try to get it either.

Still here bruz, thanks for the support

the entire time i thought this was anthony keidis from the bloodsugarsexmagik days

my mind is blown