Why did Poland not have it's own Waffen SS division, when other slavic speaking countries like Ukraine did?

Why did Poland not have it's own Waffen SS division, when other slavic speaking countries like Ukraine did?

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Germany, and the SS in particular, wanted to colonize Poland and turn the people that couldn't be Germanized into slave laborers.
Why would the SS want to get chummy with them?

Germans were that assmad about Poles existing in Poland

Polish underground state would often assassinate those who worked with Nazis
Plus, Poles just did not want to fight for someone who has just ruined their country

Pretty sure Einsatzgruppen B was dedicated to Poland

They tried multiple times but Poles aren't traitorous bastards and nobody wanted to sign up. And if someone was willing to work with the occupant the Polish Underground State would have them assasinated

>In January 1943 the SS Germanische Leitstelle in occupied Zakopane in the heartland of the Tatra mountains embarked on a recruitment drive, with the objective being to create a brand new Waffen-SS highlander division. Some 200 young Goralenvolk signed up after having been given unlimited supplies of alcoholic drinks. They boarded a train to Trawniki, but got off the train in nearby Maków Podhalański, when they had become sober. Only twelve men arrived at the SS training base in Trawniki next to Lublin. At the first opportunity they got into a major fistfight with the Ukrainians, causing havoc. They were arrested and sent away. The whole idea was abandoned as impossible by SS-Obergruppenführer Krüger in occupied Kraków by an official letter of April 5, 1943.[7] The failure has inevitably contributed to his dismissal on November 9, 1943, by Governor General Hans Frank.[8] Krüger committed suicide in upper Austria two years later


pfft hahahahaha
Why did they try to recruit drunkards exclusively?

Historical kek

>Nazi ideology claimed that Gorals (Górale) were descended from ethnic Germans who allegedly settled in that region during medieval times in significant numbers. They were considered by the Nazi ideologues to be a part of the "Greater Germanic Race". The concept of the Gorals being from German descent did not originate with the Nazis themselves. For example, the 1885 Meyers Konversationslexikon entry under Goralen stated, that Germans (also) lived in that area in the 11th century but were slavicized.
This is retarded as fuck, from an anthropological perspective aren't Gorals the least "Nordic" population in Poland?

Poland was preparation for what Germany intended for Slavs as a whole, they couldn't get any volunteers when they were actively genociding them.

All Waffen SS volunteers from conquered countries are disgusting collaborator quisling cucks.

Cause there was no "Poland"

They could only get people to sign up after giving them a few drinks, that's why most of them got off the train when they got sober.

Nazis were known to rewrite anything to fit their rhetoric.
Does it surprise you they came up with retarded shit?

>they couldn't get any volunteers when they were actively genociding them.

Despite sounding weird on paper it's not uncommon for people to join people trying to genocide them.

Foreign SS divisions were recruited out of desperation more than anything, but the Polish were hated more than any other of the untermensch of Eastern Europe.

When did these conspiracy theories become accepted history?

All SS battalions were of people accepted or tolerated by the germans ,i mean i dont believe the exaggerrations that germany wanted to exterminate every pole ,they were fine with them destroyed culturally ,so they couldnt support "polish" units since polish as a culture should cease to exist ,poles as a people were probably even fighting some in slavic ss divisions

>,i mean i dont believe the exaggerrations that germany wanted to exterminate every pole
They didn't, "only" 80%...

Same reason there was no Waffen SS Division "Sowjiet Union" and instead a dozen or so ones from countries that didn't exist

>if I work for them, perhaps they'll see we're not so bad after all, or at least leave *me* alone

Not so wierd at all really.

Take a fucking guess, you retard.

>Germans purposefully starve the people of Eastern Europe, destroy their towns, villages, and cities
>Murder the Polish intelligentsia (Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, AB-Aktion)
>Subject Soviet POWs to starvation, forced labor, and brutality that results in over 3 million of them perishing
>Begin "Germanization" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw.
>Enslave millions of innocent Soviet citizens to prop up the German war machine.
>Use propaganda to portray Russians as being inferior subhumans
>"Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." - Gauleiter Erich koch
>"We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here." - Gauleiter Erich koch

>the Nazi attempt to turn the Poles into a slave race is a conspiracy theory

I'm sure all those Polish intellectuals who got marched into the forests in 1939 and 1940 were just going for nature hikes. Nature hikes they loved so much that they never came back.