How do I gain confidence with gains without creeping women out?

How do I gain confidence with gains without creeping women out?

Don't be a fucking creeper

Your first have to define what creep means. I have asked so many women this question and none have given me a straight answer.

The art of haggling is being willing to walk away. Don't look desperate. Baby steps, user, baby steps.

talk to women
>at school
>at work
>at home
>at parties
don't talk to women
>on the bus
>in the library
>in the bathroom

Because you are ugly. Girls are amazingly straight forward with people that are as or more attractive than they are
A creep is an ugly guy

no u

>at work
Yeah, you can talk to women there, but don't dip your pen in the company ink. Unless you work at a restaurant, of course, then it's practically mandatory.

This. Pretty much a creep is a guy who the girl considers unattractive and gives her attention

I used to know a girl who worked in a small store so I joked about seeing her on the cameras, she never talked to me again.

Sometimes the best advice is from their reactions, I've avoided saying shit to my gf that I've said to other women that don't react well. Here's hoping I don't fuck up.

But the point is, if you ask a woman the question they wont give you a straight answer no matter who you are. So there is no point in using it ourselves. Its not really a word.

Eh, not really. Even someone uglier than you would think you're weird if you're creepy.

I got a fuck out of an uggo whale but I could tell she was still creeped out, albeit desperate.

A "nice guy" is a guy is a guy who is content enough to be friends or too wimpy to make a move

A loser is a guy who isn't liked by any of his peers

A creep is a mix of the two who looks so desperate you'd end up in an alley-way dumpster

That would be a murder rapist. Again, somebody with a unique definition of creep. Its not a word.

But it is a word. It is a word in the very literal sense of the word "word". What a nonsensical statement you've made.

Thats not true. Ive been talking to a lot of girls about this and other looks crap. Some are too stupid to articulate it, but generally speaking are women much more visual than men.

Women know what they find attractive, they talk in excruciating detail about what guys did during sex, what their turn-offs are etc.
Just because you dont hear it doesnt mean its never being said
t. slept with 22-25 girls and am friends with many who speak openly about this

>implying murder rapists aren't creepy

We've found the creep

You can still be a nice guy while having a full time gf but these days they generally want you to be rough and bad to an extent.

I wouldn't make the first move out of politeness incase she didn't want some fuck and I said things that were too nice at an early stage, they soon got tired of it and left after like 2 months.
It was always around the 2 month mark which is crazy.

Nah my first girlfriend for example was desperate and she still told me straight despite the fear of being dumped.

I still left the bitch tho.

What did they say creep means?

No. Creep is being used in a way that uses a context and assigns some arbitrary definition to the word to describe a person. The actual definition is never actually communicated, so people are kind of just like "eww creep" and its left at that. What the fuck does creep mean.

What does creep mean?

>doesn't make a move for 2 months
>chick leaves

Did you think she was a mind-reader?

I held women on a pedestal and couldn't make the first move without looking like a predator.

I'm getting better but still abit weird in my mind.

What? You asked her what creep means? Whatd she say?

>What did they say creep means?
You really shouldnt obsess over a dictionary definition of the word, its their reaction to the "creep" thats important. How you call it and whether there are universal standards for classifying creeps is totally irrelevant.
Why do you obsess over silly semantics m8

A creep is someone you find unattractive in some way that makes repeated unsettling advances or gives repeated unwanted/unsettling attention. Who someone defines as a creep changes from person to person, just like attractiveness, but the definition does not change. Different people like different things. Not all women are the same. Creep is a word.

any advice for somebody in a similar position?

Honest question, are you autistic? Do you order and make sense of the world in super strict categories and become unsettled when you cant categorize something properly? Whats up with you and the definition crap?

I didn't ask her if I was a creep as such but certain things said made her react like I was a creep. Things like saying her ass and tits were great but saying it way too much.

Why shouldnt I? By that logic I could just go around and call people made up words and get away with it. Classifying creeps is irrelevant, im not talking about that.
>Why do you obsess over silly semantics m8
Hardly obsessing. You should see me obsessing.

So an unattractive person who someone doesnt want attention from? Who picked the word creep. Doesnt even make sense. Creep means advance slowly.

Yeah man. Autist master race. Get on my level.

See this is why I want a definition. There is way too much confusion around the word and it causes way too much trouble for little reason.

why is this board full of betas

Creep, like many words, has variable definitions. You really need to just stop acting like a creeper dude.

It's like gay-dar. If a girl wears a plaid flannel that doesn't mean she's a lesbo.

>Is it autumn?
>Is she wearing uggs?
>Is she drinking starbucks?

>Does she have gauges ears?
>Does she cross her legs with one ankle on the opposite knee?
>Is she wearing a men's watch?

Look at the whole picture. Just because you breathe with your mouth open doesn't make you a creep.

>Have you been staring at a girl for more than a few minutes?
>Are you alone?
>Is it dark out?

Setting is something wannabe PUAs get wrong often

Women are reacting positively during a flirt before sex and their mood the day after. Initially I wouldn't even touch them when we were horny but now I rub their arms (above the elbow) a little and wait for them to react positively, the key is their reaction when you start.

Then move on to the thighs and hips, it took me about a year to figure this out but it works with most women. Just don't go straight for the pussy or carress their hair like in movies it doesn't work (until you've been with her for a good 6 months). DON'T take too long to get things going and don't start too quick. That's about as much as I've learned so far.

lol no. We cant have variable words. Language doesnt work like that. And there is little point in confusing people.

>>Have you been staring at a girl for more than a few minutes?
>>Are you alone?
>>Is it dark out?
That would be a potential sexual assault. This is what im talking about man.

Creepy like desperate for sex and wanting to fuck several times a day, you can do that with a long term girlfriend but not someone you don't know much you've gotta play it cool to seem confident, that's essential to learn.
Then there's creepy like texting too much and asking where she is too much.

>creep means to advance slowly

creep (krēp)
intr.v. crept (krĕpt), creep·ing, creeps
1. To move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees.
a. To move stealthily or cautiously.
b. To move or proceed very slowly.

In other words to move like a predator. Anything that is perceived as dangerous trips alarm bells.

>Why shouldnt I? By that logic I could just go around and call people made up words and get away with it. Classifying creeps is irrelevant, im not talking about that.
If you are actually interested in how language works, look up Lakoff&Johnson's Metaphors we Live by
The insult creep is derived from the verb to creep, which means moving slowly or carefully in order to avoid being noticed.
Now with the insult, it has taken on a metaphorical character in that we attach a meaning to the word beyond its actual meaning. By that I mean that when creep is used, there is something else implied that goes beyond the original literal meaning. In this case, bad intentions.
The difference between literal and metaphorical is is that the latter is more than a statement of the alleged real process (ie creeping around behind bushes). It evokes certain images and, by implication, you pass implicitly a value judgment and prescribe a mode of behavior (the creeper).
Before shitposting all high and mighty, read up on some linguistics you creep

Also wait at least 30 minutes to an hour when replying to a text they look forward to a reply and makes you look busy/not desperate like a creep.

I'm assuming you are underage or trolling because yes, language has and always will work like that, words have multiple definitions that can be discerned by their context.

>"yeah like that dude is always creepy with me"
She isn't attracted to him and he shows interest
>"this creepy homeless man kind of just wanders around the park"
>dude looks shady, doesn't necessarily show interest
>"my boyfriend keeps saying he likes my tits WAY too much, it's creepy"
>she finds your behavior unsettling

The common thread with the word creep is "a unsettling person".
This of course had different connations based on context and from individual to individual, as all words do.
Unfortunately autists have problems with this and are unable to look at context.

>lol no. We cant have variable words.

So, advances that someone doesnt want?

same as above

This only explains one way that the word creep is used.

Yes but the other words with multiple defintions are set and everybody agrees on them. Creep is like a messy garble of arbitrary assignments that end up having no meaning and confusion results.

You convinced me.

why don't you uhh get outta that jabroni outfit?

>This only explains one way that the word creep is used.
No, it doesn't.
Try not to be autistic and understand what he means.
The word creep when attached to a person is derived from the verb to creep.
That is what the dude said.
This can conjure different images to different people but that is the root.

>This only explains one way that the word creep is used.
The point is that most people do not make sense of the world like you do. Everyone thinks in categories to a certain extent (we have to), but many autistic people have the compulsive urge to classify everything in such a manner that its not viable, helpful or even possible.
Language is not a fixed system, but more of a process that evolves and changes constantly. There is little need in analyzing in excruciating detail in which context some girl used a certain word, as it is no help for your understanding of that word.
Again, read some basic linguistics stuff if you are interested in it. Or go to Veeky Forums, the autism there plays in a different league.
Thats a metaphor again, because autism doesnt actually compete in leagues. It just means they are worse off than the people here, which again is debatable, I know

>This can conjure different images to different people
yes. This is what im saying. Its confusing, and its a bad word. A metaphor is more effective. Creep [not the literal definition] is so bad because people can just think the person means something else instead of a metaphor.

Thats why context is very important, but there is a lot of noise in interactions. Take
I love you.
Two parts are very clear: I (sender) and You (receiver). The love part is the confusing thing, and its pretty complicated. Love in the biblical sense? How Shakespeare used it? Thats very different from today's usages. Love as in your undying love for anime? Or loving as in having a good time?
Language is never totally clear-cut, fixed, noise-free

user do you think that the word love always means to want to fuck? No, it has various different variations to it to the point that not even the most specific definitions of love are enough to explain the feeling, but the word love is enough for everyone else to get what you mean. Creep is a lot like that. Its a personal feeling that everyone around you can understand at a base level.

TLDR; You're autistic.

If language werent fixed, we would be confusing each other constantly. There are edges where the words are still not set, like in this case.

Im pretty good with language I dont think I need to read linguistics to help me out here. Veeky Forums, would probably cite some irrelevant crap at me or give me something that doesnt help me because I already know it. I'd rather discuss it with the dudes who use the word and who are more likely to be around the women who use it.

but I'm not talking about love.

>Im pretty good with language I dont think I need to read linguistics to help me out here
Im out. 10/10 bait, I'll give you that

You dont have the slightest inkling of what language is. If language were as clear-cut as you'd like, we wouldnt be having this conversations. Let alone every ambiguity in every of your posts im not gonna bother citing.

10/10, good work

This thinking is autistic, and not Veeky Forums meme autism.
Almost all words are like this user, you just aren't currently obsessing over them.

Also what do you mean by "bad" word?
Do you mean it wants to kill me, is it evil, is it insufficient, or does it badass?

Also when we say unattractive do we mean sexually attractive or just mean that person doesn't attract others by virtue of existing?
Maybe the person isn't ugly they just lack a means of attracting others toward their vicinity?

>but I'm not talking about love.
You are a dense autistic fucker.
Everyone ITT is saying the same thing but you refuse to listen or even consider what they say.
Language is not fixed, this is objective fact.
20 years ago if my friend told me my brother was on fire I would think he was on fire, not that he was "in the zone" in whatever game he was playing.
Words change bruv, literally has literally changed it's usage in some cases.

Girl says you are creepy = you are person who makes her uncomfortable.
Context is the game, it could be behavior, looks, or setting but she is uncomfortable because of you.

t. someone who is high functioning autism but isn't retarded.

user both of the words describe somewhat vague feelings that can be proscribed to hundreds of different situations, but at the same time there is a limit to what you can prescribe these words too. For example, people would think its strange for you to say, "I love STDs" because that isn't a conventional thing for you to love. Just as it'd be weird to say that it'd be weird to say,"That guy who was helping that old lady across the street acted like such a creep."
That isn't creepy behavior and unless the man looked like he was creepy or doing it for malicious reasons then it would become unreasonable to use the word.

This is the most retarded and defeater kind of attitude to have, not to mention flat out wrong.

Stop trying to authority me into some corner with your citations or implied credentials or whatever.

>you are person who makes her uncomfortable
The whole point of this thread was some dude asking how to not be creepy. I said you need a definition first and then everybody thought they knew what creep means but they didnt. "context" isnt an answer.

I didnt refuse what they said, I merely acknowledged it and said it doesnt pertain to the conversation or its wrong or whatever.

See? the word confuses people. Its a bad word.

Do snakes creep in the english language, or slither?
Is creep related to cripple?

In the bible the snake first had legs, but was punished by god and now has to creep over the ground. Some cripples in the Middle Ages had to drag themselves over the floor like a snake.
In the mind of the medieval man and also in the root of our civilization, to creep on the ground is considered something for evil (the treasonous snake) righteous men walk upright.

It's just another variation of (ugly) loser

Even if the words love and creep were bad words what would you replace them with.
This comes off as though you want to create some form of Newspeak where the small intricacies of language are washed away for clear definable concepts which really just takes away the humanity that is imprinted in the words and would only be useful for autists.

I dont know but I can tell you I'm not trying to develop Newspeak. The English language has a vast vocabulary to pick from.

Yeah, attractiveness definitely has a lot to do with it. I'm an attractive person, but with pretty bad social anxiety. At parties/bars in college, I'd often just stand against the wall looking at everyone, too nervous to approach anyone and start a conversation. My friends would tell me that girls would ask who I was, that they said I was "mysterious" or whatever and they wanted to talk to me. Then it's be easier to go talk to someone knowing they want to talk to you. But yeah if I wasn't pretty I'd be fucked, I'd just be some loser creeping in the corner instead of the hot mysterious guy.

That isn't to say unattractive = creepy. You just have to be confident and funny. Gain confidence by practicing, and not caring if you get rejected. It happens

Just browsing through and I have found that you are an retard.

Creep is something that moves slow and steady or something that 's eery. "Creepy" is used to describe somebody's actions and "creep" is used as an insult to define someone's personality.

>it's creepy when he touches my hand
>that guy that always tries to touch my hand is a creep

I can tell that you're one of those overly analytical douche whips that still lacks the ability to grasp humor.

did you even read the thread?

>in the bathroom
How fucking retarded are you people?

You wouldn't be asking that question if you had read the thread.

>Generally speaking woman are much more visual than men

Quite the opposite actually. This is the guy giving you retards advice. literally just google "are woman more visual than men" and find contradictory evidence in the first 3 results.

>So, advances that someone doesnt want?
Yes, it's very awkward if you do it wrong. You'll likely come across the awkwardness a few times if you want to learn though. It's just a learning process.

Stop valuing women over yourself.

creepy is when your intention isn't congruent with your behaviour
read models by mark manson, faggot

It's hard not to fantasise over women if you haven't been with many, it's just a case of being with women longer or being with more then you'll see them as equal. Or if you're a pussy slayer alpha see them as below you.