What is really inside Lenny's stomach? Has he gone to a doctor to check it out or is that for cookie cutters?

Is he dying?

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That's what happens when you abuse HGH for years.

It's probably calcified shit. My dad has the same thing but not as severe. They did an x-ray on him and found basically a chipotle burrito sized piece of hardened shit.

Hardened shit? How does that even happen?

It's a combination of IGF-h and insulin, that causes that.

>What is really inside Lenny's stomach?
A combination of giant abs and enlarged gorged organs.

Cookie cookie shit

>Is he dying?
His health is probably at severe risk.

I wonder if he can get any kind of surgery to remove that giant cannonball, he'd actually look pretty good without it

My dad's fuckin diet consists of corn tortillas, bread, beer, and meat. Motherfucker does a cocktail of vitamins, and downs it with coffee. Went to go take him to his physical, blood work was average, doctor he was just concerned with his stomach. Decided to take x rays. Doctor told him he had shit clogged in his intestines and needed to have surgery to take it out. It inflammated the abdominals which gave him that ninja turtle look.


Lenny is the ultimate rebel without a cause. A true fascist despite a lifetime lived in squalor. It will be a sad and completely expected day when he dies


There hasn't been any solid research on the issue so nobody can say for sure but it almost always happens to people abusing both HGH and insulin at the same time. It's hard to study because people who abuse these things aren't very open about it.

Yep couldn't believe it either. He eats fruit smoothies now to help him shit, but still hasn't changed the eating habits. Going 64 years old and still kicking ass. Lifts and does alot gardening work.

What do you guys think about Lenny's stack?

He also talks about his pre- and post-workout at around 1:00 and 11:00, respectively.

don't try and act like jason didn't fucking nail this impression

Lenny has evolved beyond peek performance leaving all cookie cutters behind.

Lenny is more like the Tom Platz of drinking tranny piss

it pissening

Elvis Pissley

janoy should move to vegas and become an elvis impersonator with 1% autism, barely noticeable bro, would be sick it futureening, it vitamin Ments

add adhd acdc hdtv right mom

It's from insulin abuse. I don't know what lurks inside underneath those layers and layers of abdominals, but insulin is the cause of the gut. A lot of pro bodybuilders get an insulin gut, but most of them are also willing to see a doctor about having it treated.

Lenny pussied out of an MRI, so he'll probably die from whatever is lurking in there

>inb4 he gives birth to the next Sith Lord Spaniard

That's actually not bad

Maybe he's pregnant with the baby zyzz-us.