Fat people love

Why are we trying to decrease the amount of fat people in the world? They just make us look better. If everyone was fit, the competition would be SO MUCH.

Right now in the US, if you aren't fat you're already better looking than like 80% of the people. I like living like a king. True fit people will always have discipline to stay away from garbage foods and unhealthy lifestyles, so I say let fatties continue being fat

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theres honestly some truth to this. I live in europoor and while not everyone here is fat like in murica, everyone is dyel and being muscular is really rare. And i love it, because im like a very rare human being for the normal folk.

Lol, we must hate the fat to make ourselves feel better about ourself.

But honestly you are correct on so many levels.

I wouldn't give a damn about fat people if healthcare wasn't paid by my tax euros.

the problem arent too many fat people, but sjwhales and tumblerinas wanting special treatment for being a hamplanet. Learn to take some responsibilities ugh

This, OP. If you weren't a NEET, 90% of your pay check would be going to fatasses and their obesity meds

Sure, we would have less competition, but it also means a drop in attractive women, which was the original reason for why we would want less competition.

The problem is that it's a massive public health issue and even an environmental issue due to the strains it puts on the health insurance system and the food supply. I'm not an FPHer but it's ludicrous that we have access to the best food and the best health & fitness technology and information in human history yet we're fatter than ever

Yeah but what about when all the girls get fat


just like there'll always be fit men, there'll always be fit women pining over the fit men

Fat people make up 5.22% of humanity's biomass, which is roughly 242 million people. They're consuming that much more resources. The fact that it's summer and I have to smell them is the cherry on top.

what does this even mean? Are you saying that only 5.22% of the human population is fat?

Fat people make up 5.22% of humanity's total biomass, which equates to 242 million people with an average BMI.

that doesn't make any sense you dumbass

fucking brainlets I swear


fat people are fucking disgusting

there should be a year notice where if you don't drop your bmi to a healthy level or don't make any improvement you get executed

if you're too fucking fat to work or help humanity there's no reason you should be leeching off of others

Fat people are 5.2% the weight of the entire 7 billion humans

Not fitness related

>Veeky Forums doesnt realize that if fat people (((run))) wild all of us will look in shape no matter how dyel we may be
>doesnt realize new age chads and stacys will bang each other unless wanting to bang and sculpt fatty


>we have access to the best food and the best health & fitness technology and information in human history
>the best health
That's why we're getting fatter than ever. We got too good at keeping these fatfucks alive.