Are there alternatives to gomad that won't give me diabetes? Somebody suggested a dozen eggs a day...

Are there alternatives to gomad that won't give me diabetes? Somebody suggested a dozen eggs a day, which is pretty fucking dumb desu

Just don't be retarded by taking things to extremes and get on a normal diet with more calories

1 bag roasted unsalted peanuts per day.

Are protein shakes necessary if I'm in a 1000 calorie deficit to lose weight? I was 250 pounds 3 weeks ago, now I'm at 230. Been running 5 miles everyday and lifting every other day. I dont get enough protein from the eggs and beans I eat everyday.

gomad spikes insulin like crazy. I don't want to do that faggotry and have trouble gaining

That's why I'm saying don't do any meme shit like gomad. When I was in high school trying to gain weight for football what I did was make 2 or 3 peanut butter sandwiches and just eat them through the day. Depending on how you make them that's an easy 1000 calories and not too heavy on your stomach, at least it wasn't for me

Heavy whipping cream has no sugar. No muh diabetes.

The fasted I've ever (accidentally) gained weight was when I spent a few months snacking on PB&Js between meals. That shit adds up FAST.

>1000 calorie deficit
This is not healthy to do for an extended period of time. Your metabolism is going to slow way the fuck down and you're going to gain all the weight back once you go back to a normal diet.

>not doing DEADs
Never going to make it, OP.

>dude eggs and milk are bad for you
always based on idiots that thing correlation and causation are one in the same. Here's basically what you get

>high BLOOD cholesterol is bad, high body fat is bad, high sugar diets are bad
>people that eat a lot of eggs and milk have higher blood cholesterol, higher body fat, and eat more sugar than people that purposely avoid them
>therefore milk and eggs are bad
which is retarded, because people that are vegan are inherently conscious of their food intake, and have a high correlation with other kinds of healthy lifestyles. There are pretty much no vegans that are fat fucking blobs, while all of the fat blobs are completely uncaring about their diets, which obviously include way more milk and eggs than vegan diets.

My diet consists a lot of eggs and dairy, and guess what, my bodyfat, blood sugar, testosterone, and cholesterol levels are very good, and I know this because I get regular blood work done for unrelated health issues that I was born with. Eat all that shit you want, and get some bloodwork done, it's free if you live in a first world country, and it'll inform for 1000 times better about your own body than anything else can.

>he logs micronutrients

milk spikes your insulin even more than the milled jew does. I don't want to get diabetes man

milk spikes you insulin because it has sugar it in it. Fruit spikes your insulin, and white rice does too. Insulin spikes are not a sign of bad health, people with type 2 diabetes have fucked up insulin resistance from being obese shits that consume gallons of HFCS daily.

are you telling me if I do gomad for a month I'm not going to get insulin resistance. Because it sounds like I might

That is not how you get diabetes.

>don't want diabetes

Lol let me ask you my dude
How often do you eat fast food? How many burgers do you eat in a week? How much soda do you drink? Junk food? How often do you sweat? How much water do you drink? How much cardio do you do?

>How often do you eat fast food?
>How many burgers do you eat in a week?
>How much soda do you drink?
>Junk food?
>How often do you sweat?
>How much water do you drink?
tea, plenty
>How much cardio do you do?
None, because I hate doing cardio and squats

Good. I assume then you know the dangers of processed sugar intake. Yeah, consuming large quantities of milk is dangerous, but it packs on weight. I'm getting back into raw milk because I want to gain some fucking mass. If you want to get big, get dirty. Otherwise stop making posts on Veeky Forums and research alternatives.

thanks, I'm pretty dumb and appreciate the advice.

what op needs to worry about is getting gyno not diabetes u fucking mong


You don't have to worry about gyno if you already have it

Sunflower seeds
Flax seeds
Peanut butter

it makes it worse tho doesnt it

From bodily experience, not really, mines not too bad. I also do majority upper body excercises and it kind of evens out. Big arms and shoulders make it look less bad by comparison

i have asymmetrical gyno and when i tried to start bulking like a couple weeks ago starting off every day with oatmeal & 1 cup of milk my shit started to get sore

Is that Raistlin Majere? Once you take the black robe you get into some freaky shit.