
How do you guys deal with hunger? I've recently started dieting, and I've noticed myself getting hungry a lot of the time. How do you guys cope with that sort of feeling?

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After three weeks you'll still feel cravings, but your brain will magically and automatically reject your desires of fucking up your diet.

Remember that real hunger is acidic pain in your stomach.
Fake "I want to eat because I'm a fat fuck" hunger is felt mostly in your mouth, sometimes your throat.

drink lots of water to fill your stomach so it doesnt think it's empty?

benefits of water too right?

Kill off that hunger by drinking lots of water.

Boiled eggs with Tabasco sauce, eat as many of those fuckers as you like.

I like keto for this reason. I get hungry, but it's not an overwhelming desire to eat.

Also, lots of black coffee, diet soda, and water.

Rice and beans all day err day

just go like a week without food and you will never feel hungry again because your fatty hunger will feel like nothing by comparison

also in my experience if you wait a few hours when you feel hungry you wont actually feel hungry anymore

eat rabbit food

A lot of water and protein in diet.

coffee definitely

>I've recently started dieting, and I've noticed myself getting hungry a lot of the time

Seek medical attention ASAP

Lots of water. Don't go straight from a calorie surplus to deficit - take 5-7 days of eating at maintenance first. Don't have too harsh a calorie deficit.

For me it helped changing breakfast to overnight oaks and 2-3 protein shakes (with water) right between meals.

Intermittent fasting

Whilst maintaining your deficit, lower the carb % of total caloric intake.


Also, distracting yourself until you forget that you wanted to eat

Discipline, IF, water, caffeine. IF is definitely the biggest of those, I don't know the science of it, but I get noticeably hungrier when I break routine.

i eat 8-14 serves of vegetables a day. never feel hungry and never eat over 2100 calories

Green tea, water, or boiled eggs. I try to eat more filling foods.

skip breakfast. it kickstarts hunger

The feeling of being full is a volume constraint. So if you are feeling hungry, just drink a bunch of water. Not only will you start to feel full but you're actually giving your body something it needs.

Go on a high cholesterol diet on as low of a cut as you can stand. You'll get a gallstone and it will be nearly impossible for you to eat more than half of your TDEE. Or try caffeine.

>overnight oaks

desu fasting for more than a day ends my cravings and feelings of hunger

I eat about one meal a day and am a big fan of stuffing my face, I just stop eating and drink water until I am offered food or I get really hungry.

tl;dr: fast for a day or two (48 hours)

I give in to it.

Hunger never goes away.

I know im gonna sound like a douchebag, but when im gonna break my fasting or eating extra calories i go to the mirror. If i like what I see i dont fuck my diet up because i still wanna look good, if i dont like what i see i dont fuck my diet up because i wanna get better.

I stopped eating carbs and the hunger went away.

that's because hunger is hormonal not in the stomach.

Do IF and cut as many processed carbs as you can and after 2-3 days hunger will just go away, no matter how much you restrict calories

stop being a feminine pussy who needs their tummy filled at all times

deal with it
the hunger means that the fat is falling off your body, fatass


all it means is your body is secreting too much ghrelin because you either eat too many carbs or too often. Or both