Is this movie just vegan propaganda?

Is this movie just vegan propaganda?
Red pill me.

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it's vegan propaganda

Dietician here. Everything said in the film is accurate. They have sources for everything on their web page too if you're curious.



Lmao, get a real job.

it's the fucking most epic vegan propaganda i've ever seen. insane levels of insanity. who the fuck wants to live in THAT world. what the fuck is the point

The fucking dot point is.. don't be an amerifat and eat ONLY FUCKED FOOD

everything in moderation + genetics = fine. fuck this movie so fucking hard

I know we have to eat a lot more weight per gram of protein but I wonder what vegetables there might be that have a high content that would make it so one wouldn't have to eat ridiculous amounts to gain strength.

If you're just trying to gain mass though Idk you probably have to eat meat.

I'm a dietitian, which is how I know that you're not actually a dietitian. Also, you misspelled your, 'job'.

Veggie protein has a shit tier amino profile so have fun mixing and matching different types of grass to get what a simple pork chop will get you.

Socialist chris hedges chink mail order bride made it take a wild guess

I'm a dietician, which is how I know you're not actually a dietician. It has two accepted spellings. Nice try though.

Lol people claiming it's propaganda, how about some well done peer reviewed research to back your claims? Most of the things said in the doc is accurate and backed up by tons of research

Rice protein has actually been proven to be just as effective as whey for gaining muscle. Also you're entirely wrong.

idiot its missing EAA fucktard...soybeans and lentils are missing methionine...again you have to mix and match the amino's to get full proportions fuck a book for once pea-brain...

Is it produced by Vegans?
It's propaganda

In Eden there was no death, human or animal. In Heaven there will be no death, human or animal. It is God's perfect creation. It is God's intention. If that was God's perfect plan / intention, why do we so freely and callously ignore it?

You actually don't have to mix and match, and no they aren't, they just have lower percentages of those. But if you want, there's plenty of pea and rice (and pea and rice and hemp etc) protein powders. Which conveniently taste delicious. It's not hard.

I don't think you know what propaganda means
>get a real job.
Dietician is a real job, nutritionist is the quack one
There was a thread yesterday where we made a couple diet plans for an user with literally all the micronutrients (including B12) and 144 g protein in only 1600 kcal
>shit tier amino profile
Stop repeating myths you listen on Veeky Forums and just go to cronometer and log a day's worth of food and see if you're missing anything
Are you implying that a diet is bad because you have to eat two (gasp!) Or more food items a day?


If someone who wasn't a drug addict produced a documentary on the dangers of heroin, would you consider it propaganda?

who are you quoting?

user 1 said "is it produced by X? Then it's propaganda"
user 2 put "someone who doesn't do drugs" in X

this is the dumbest shit I've ever read

Found the drug addict.

Exactly, so now you agree that what said is the dumbest shit you've ever heard

>would you consider it propaganda?
unironically, yes
if a whole fuckton of people who have never tried heroin got together and produced a documentary about how bad heroin is, yes, I'd think it was propaganda
99% of the time that's how those documentaries are made and they mostly Are propaganda.