What legion was the Navy Seals of the Roman Army?

What Legion or unit were the most elite speical forces in the Roman Army?
Comparable to the Seals?.

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>Navy SEALs

My fucking sides hurt at how much I laugh at your statement.

Let's go over the track record of USSOCOM (and all agencies under their jurisdiction) and see just how professional they really are...

>crash helicopters into each other in Iran
>crash helicopters into each other again in Grenada
>head of Seal Team Six winds up in prison for fraud
>Navy SEAL team nearly wiped out by a bunch of glorified Panamanian security guards who they probably could've just been bribed with some tequila and cocaine
>ODA 525 on a SCUD hunt gets busted by a bunch of 12 year old Iraqi school girls and they didn't even bother to rape them
>Black Hawk Down.jpg
>calling in an airstrike on Hamid Karzai
>Mazar-i-Sharif POW massacre bungalo
>failing to get bin Laden when he was holed up in a cave in Tora Bora
>shooting up multiple weddings
>Operation Anaconda or as I prefer to call it "let's land a helicopter full of Rangers on top of a mountain full of Al Qaeda fighters"
>all of the Iraq War
>Operation Red Wings
>wrecking a billion dollar helicopter during the raid to kill bin Laden
>SEALs literally racing each other to kill bin Laden first so they can get the better book deal (I'm not fucking kidding)
>Navy SEALs spilling state secrets to a major video game developer and the game is still a piece of shit (again, I'm not fucking kidding)
>taking the the phrase "bury the hatchet" literally
>that Chinook full of Navy SEALs that got blasted out of the sky
>Benghazi, the never ending scandal
>walking right into an ambush in Niger
>Navy SEALs murder a Green Beret after he figures out they're planning on misappropriating Army funds even though their whole existence is a waste of taxpayer dollars

And these guys are supposed to be the Tier One badasses who will get nanosuits in the future

Source: theintercept.com/2017/01/10/the-crimes-of-seal-team-6/

tl;dr SEALs are about as competent as the Praetorian Guard

>this guy literally thinks the successes of tier one special forces divisions are public knowledge

What's it like being dumb about things you don't understand?

They didn't really have that concept OP. Ancient warfare wasn't like modern warfare, you didn't really need small groups of men to go and achieve a specific objective like destroy a building, find a specific person, capture this base. These modern special OPs forces are a response to how modern warfare is extremely spread out and has varied objectives.

In ancient warfare, your objectives are two defeat the enemy in pitched battle, or skirmish, or raid. Raiding is the closest thing that would require some sort of special OPs, but they would likely pick the best men from the legion for the job, the most reliable veterans.

Auxiliaries filled the role of more unique battlefield roles and requirements, but that doesn't make them elite forces, just "those guys who are good in mountains" etc

>the successes are state secrets
>the failures that make them all look like disgraces to the uniform aren't

I'm pretty sure all their successes were turned into books and later movies.

Not that the Navy seals are great or anything but if you're looking for sort of non-traditional stuff I'd say it was the Praetorians since they weren't just guards. They were kind of the secret service, the CIA, FBI, etc. Pretty interesting.

Ehh they weren't good at combat though, just bullying senators and civilians

I'm not saying they are I'm just saying if he's interested in something out of the ordinary I'd say praetorian guard are the way to look.

SEALs actually have a negative reputation even in the Special Forces community for being braggarts. Hence Chris Kyle, Matt Bissonnette, Robert O'Neill and even Richard Marcinko (founder of Team Six).

Probably elite auxilia like the Batavi.

They do operations outside of declared warzones every day, you do not know what they are doing. It is a basic fact of reality that JSOC operations are largely done without public knowledge.


Pretty sure the Romans did not have underwater demo teams.

It ain't bragging if you back it up.

They had underground sappers and chemical warfare though.

Not in dedicated units. The only specialized dudes were the cooks.

wrong. It's the CIA that does this kind of stuff and it's mostly intel gathering.

None of the special forces are truly elite.

The only elite 'force' in the US government is probably NASA
>top 99.9% pilots
>PhDs or multiple high level degrees
>extensive survival experience
>unreal level of coolness under extreme pressur


NASA is full of brainlets.

half of those things didn't even involve Navy Seals

The one real answer and everyone ignores it. Batavian recruits formed the personal bodyguard of the Julio-Claudian emperors. They were considered more reliable and more capable than the Roman Praetorian guards.

Out of the regular legions, the one with the best reputation (while it lasted), was Legio X Equestris. It was the first legion raised by Julius Caesar and got it's name from being put on horses to exploit a loophole. The Suebian king Ariovistus agreed to parlay with Caesar, provided that they only brought their mounted bodyguards to the meeting. Since Caesar's cavalry was predominantly Gallic and of dubious reliability, Caesar had them dismount and instead put Legio X on their horses.

The problem with SEALs is that they can't, at least not as well as any comparable unit. They have the worst track record in JSOC, and they're still the cockiest for some some reason, which is why everyone else treats them like a laughingstock.

then they let this bitch in for diversity

The XIV G.M.V. and X legions were well known for being pretty badass. X was Julius Caesar’s favorite and the XIV G.M.V. crushed Buddica at Watling Street heavily outnumbered. But there was never a specific legion designed for ‘special ops’, unless you count the I Italica being trained by Nero to larp as a Macedonian phalanx

A cohort of theirs that served with Germanicus Caesar during his punitive raid on Germania did pretty well, from what I’ve read. Granted that was early into the Principate

Also the V Macedonica and IX Hispania have great victories under their belt.

The problem with your question is the way Romans recruited and retained soldiers. Elite formations were only considered that way for a generation or so, until that enlistment ended. It’s better to think of certain legions at certain times being elite or inexperienced

I don't know, Achilles and his myrmidons? I've never read the Iliad but I did watch Troy the other day.


Wasn't there a 'documentary' series called Ancient Special Forces that had an episode on a Roman legion who specialised in amphibious landings that they compared to the SEALS?

>litterally racing to kill Bin Laden
Any more on this, sounds like a stooges skit.

I mean yeah, she was a naval flight officer and had a degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering. It's not like she was badly qualified, she simply turned out to be pshycho-tier crazy.

lmao I remember that. My geography teacher was actually a NASA trainee earlier in her career and got passed over for Nowak during selection. You can imagine she wasn't happy.