Life is shitty and I want to kill myself every day

>life is shitty and I want to kill myself every day
>the only positive feeling I experience is eating shit food
>stressed out every day by my shitty body
>try to stop eating shitty food
>desire to kill myself becomes overwhelming because every day is agonizing and the only relief I know is gone
>go back to eating like shit

I know how to count calories, I know how to buy and prepare healthy foods. I have all the knowledge I need to fix my body, but how can I overcome the psychological pain?

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Try seeing a psychiatrist if you want to kill yourself every day Wtf why would you ask us about your severe health problem?

Baby steps, if you ask me. A complete revolution in one's diet/exercise/lifestyle doesn't work for everyone.

Hang in there, buddy.

>only relief I know is gone

Ex druggie? Ex gf?

I don't have the money for that

The only relief being shitty food.

Age? Height? Weight? Country? Do you smoke?

I'm 25 and live in the US. I've never drank or smoked

Have you tried working out? You will feel a lot better especially at the start, maybe you can replace the pleasure from eating shit food with the pleasure from working out, congrats you killed two birds with one stone.

Find out why you are in such state
Being fulfilled with life comes from within, stop destroying your body

Do you work a job you enjoy? If no why not

>Being fulfilled with life comes from within, stop destroying your body
Also, find a hobby

I know why I'm in this state. I can't go into my problems in this thread or else people will just tell me to kill myself instead of trying to help me

Take up smoking, OP.

No don't be like that. Let us help you OP.

antidepressants saved my life


Listen, I hate our jewish overlords as much as the next rational person, but some people just have chemical imbalances in their brains which need to be adjusted

get into dipping or marijuana if you can find it

>wanting OP to go from maybe killing himself to definitely killing himself

>smoke weed

Ya dun goofed

It helps with my crippling anxiety.

Don't worry OP you'll either end up on autism bux or dead by 30.

t. Someone who was in your position and now in a much better place.

Youre only momentarily distracting yourself from the issue with a substance, instead of solving it.

Thats a bad way of going at things in life

How do you get autism bux

This is why I dislike people who smoke weed and/ or drink a lot

Well desrcribed very accurate

what effectively cured me of my depression was watching lectures by jordan peterson and talking to a psychologist.
his self authoring program is also really good if you cant go see a psychologist but I do recommend doing that once you have the time/money. This is basically what I watched, the whole course.

Just knowing why I was so fucked up and how integrating into the world actually works changed my life. I have been going strong for 2 months now and I have never in my life been this productive at improving my life in general.

I have problems I can neither fix nor cope with.

how has his lectures helped?

>watched his lectures
>literally just rambling on about society and the hidden forces and rules in the world

>"Just knowing why I was so fucked up and how integrating into the world actually works"

i just took a gram of dried shrooms and boom depression gone lol.

or maybe it was because I lacked purpose and these helped me find one. I am very goal oriented, when I really want something I will stop at nothing to get it, but I was also very complacent and weak because of bad parenting and wouldn't set any irl goals for fear of failure and what that would mean.
These gave me a goal both for my life and for personal strength that I never had before.
yeah and then the shrooms wear off and you realise ur life is still fucked up and here we go again again

Find another distraction from your feelings besides food, like lifting weights, taking hikes, killing homeless people and wearing their skin. Get creative, the world's full of nice stuff that can take your mind off of the shitty parts.

Find productive hobbies or hobbies you can be proud of.

I currently lift, I'm learning German, and i read every day. Right now on top of work I can't find time for a fourth but I am just getting used to a new job so I'm sure soon I will.

Make commitments and beat yourself up when you don't meet them. The first step is the hardest. Start listening to Jordan Peterson as well

Jordan Peterson-clean your room. Find that video OP. Seriously.