What if instead of a diet I just stop eating food entirely for 3 weeks?

What if instead of a diet I just stop eating food entirely for 3 weeks?

All I consume is a couple of protein shakes and vitamins.

What would happen?

Would I finally get /lean/ lads?

Lol I dunno

You would literally die senpai

IF while doing that and you'll maintain muscle

t. Girl who eats 500 cals a day while intermittent fasting

>tfw someone is talking about ayn rand

I've been eating like shit and not working out for the past 1.5-2 wks bcz no money.

2 days ago I ordered food after I finished eating everything I'd normally eat - with the extra delivery cals added, I took ~800kcals that day. It was a good day.

I didn't have a scale to weigh myself but damn do I look slim.

>t. Girl who eats 500 cals a day while intermittent fasting
how many guys you suck?

just do intermittent fasting, its healthier, it works, and if you don't have the willpower for that, you hella wont have willpower for a week fast, let alone 3 weeks

So basically PSMF (Protein sparing modified fast).
Full on water fast will give you better results + feel less shit. If you only eat whey, your body will inevitably use protein for fuel (feels awful) and because of the insulin spikes you'll never enter ketosis.
With a water fast hunger goes away eventually, and you enter ketosis pretty quickly.

Youll lose 2 lbs every 3 days. It will be 50% muscle loss though. And if you do it too long some of that muscle loss will be your heart muscle.

55 so far

I was thinking about doing something similar, but on gear. I'm on 500mg Test-E per week and 10mg LGD-4003/day.

Would it be a good idea to do an extreme cut on the last week of my cycle to get shredded?

I'm afraid that I'll lose most of my gains, even while on gear. Anyone had experiences?



>I was thinking about doing something similar, but on gear. I'm on 500mg Test-E per week and 10mg LGD-4003/day.

Jesus christ

You don't need the SARM if you're already on gear. Add Masteron and bring down the Testosterone dosage. You'll get less sides. Besides LGD isn't a cutting agent.

>American education


Can I do IF if I only have one massive meal at night?

Literally don't have time to eat food during the day. I could skip breakfast, but then I can probably only make time for a tiny meal at like 1pm and then I can only eat right before bed.


>You don't need the SARM
I know, I'm just using up my leftover bottles, as I don't think I'll run pure SARMs cycles again. The lethargy on an LGD-4033 cycle is pretty bad after 8 weeks due to the shutdown. Although I did read that running it with test gives greater results than test alone.

>Add Masteron
Have heard of it but never considered it / read about it in detail. Would I need a loading phase like with Test? Or could I just run it on the last week of my cycle and get good results?

>3 weeks fast
Uhm, not that good of an idea, unless you are REALLY fucking fat.

However, fasting is a pretty decent option for burning off fat. There is only so much fat to burn off through fasting without using drugs tho. So yeah, look for advise on how to fast from somebody who is actually competent and not from fitizens and gymbros.

So basically the Velocity diet?

Ah alright, pro's vs con's I'd still rather use LGD on a bulk.

If by "loading phase" you mean "front loading", no.

I water fast on T3 and Clen, and get DNP-like results. First week drop about 10kg, from there about 1kg per day.

>Ah alright, pro's vs con's I'd still rather use LGD on a bulk.

Guess I wasn't clear, I mean I'm bulking on my cycle but want to cut in the last 2 weeks prior to PCT.

>I water fast on T3 and Clen, and get DNP-like results. First week drop about 10kg
Holy shit 10kg in the first week, impressive. With water fast you mean that you don't eat anything at all for a week or do you mean intermittent fasting?

Crash diets NEVER work. You're going to eventually get sick of it and go back to your old ways and gain all the weight back. What I recommend is eating at a small deficit(300-400 cals) at first then increase it a bit on to like 700 cals. Also LIFT and make sure you hit your protein macros. COUNT your macros too. It really fucking helps. I used to be a fat fuck and this is what helped me. You have to realize that your diet should be your lifestyle, not a temporal thing. Are you going to stick with no food your entire life? NO. Then don't fucking do it. Just eat at a reasonable deficit so you don't lose muscle mass and get saggy skin.
One thing overweight people fail to realize is the time it takes to change your physique. It's not gonna happen in a month or 2. You aren't going to magically become shredded in a short time. It's a gradual change. Don't get too excited and go on a crash diet. It never fucking works I've tried it before. And ignore meme diets for now. When you get used to not stuffing your face all day start considering IF and keto. Good luck