How do you get rid of Acne? Whats the point of being Veeky Forums when your face looks awful

How do you get rid of Acne? Whats the point of being Veeky Forums when your face looks awful.

eat accutane

get older


Self bump because you fags are helpless

Stop touching your face (people don't realize how much they do this)
Wash your hands more often
Wash your face twice a day (morning and bedtime) with something that doesn't dry out your skin
Use an oil free moisturizer
Eat non shitty food, a healthy diet helps
Once your zits heal, use an exfoliating towel on your face every time you shower
Moisturize your face after you shower

Clean your gut


>lift + bulk
thats it really

Alternatively, how do you get rid of acne scars?

i do this, and i also use charcoal face scrub, result are good.

See a doctor, i got put on drugs for acne and the doctors didnt even ask if i was eating healthy or washing my face or anything. That stuff is all broscience, get medicine.

Stop eating shit food, do a detox and eat
natural probiotics to balance gut bactria. Google dr group

Go back in time and don't fuck with your face.

Get cream/gel/ointment
Benzoylis peroxidum
Acidum azelaicum

What I did was wash my face 4x a day with soap, after washing your face use a bit of moisturizer becuase if you don't your skin will dry and crack, and stop touching your face so much. There is also creams that are moisturizers and acne treatment in one. See if you can find some.

Heres the reasoning behind it, from what I read bacteria loves the oils on your face and as it feeds off of your oils, it will find places to get under your skin —like where hair follicles are— when it gets under your skin, the immune system reacts to the bacteria by making the entry point all swollen, much like a mosquito bite, to stop the spreading of the bacteria and fight it. Soap will wash away the oils, and some of the bacteria, then moisturizer will make your skin all nice and smooth so there aren't so many places where bacteria can enter yoir skin.

>i got put on drugs for acne and the doctors didnt even ask if i was eating healthy or washing my face or anything
Because they want to sell their medicine. The healthcare industry doesn't want you to cure yourself, they want you to buy their medicine for the rest of your life. It's the same as fat people who don't want to workout and just get stomach surgery. You want to do the most you can before you resort to surgery/medication.


>that pic

Skincels make me lol
I am on test tren and winstrol right now, I sweat my ass off just walking up a flight of stairs, and its like thick, yellow, nasty musky fucking sweat. And I don't have a single zit anywhere on my body. Do you know why? Cuz I fucking BATHE. Take a shower, scumbags.

Accutane was the only thing that worked for me. Sadly I waited until I was 21 so my teen years were spent with zero confidence.

I had bad acne years ago that I fixed and my skin continues to improve. What worked for me was
>only using water to wash face
>only washing face when i shower
>using dr bronners to shave and coconut oil to moisturize
>moisturizing twice a day w coconut oil if my skin felt dry
>spending lots of hours out in the sun with no sunscreen (minimum 2 hrs a day)
>eating super clean paleo diet (with non-gluten carbs and some dairy)
>eating gluten free
>matching body weight with protein (1g=1lb)
>eating only 2 servings of fruit a day, very rare exposure to other forms of sugar
>boosting testosterone with cold showers, sleep, diet, etc
At the end of the day I'm really glad I had acne, it made me transform every aspect of myself after I started committing to new habits.

Theyll slowly go away, but if they dont laser treatment is always an option.

stop being a cuck and take accutane. Moist lips are for faggots