Is a beginner lifter still stronger than a sedentary normie? I need to feel superior to somebody

Is a beginner lifter still stronger than a sedentary normie? I need to feel superior to somebody.

Shut up and do your workout little bitch

Have you considered looking down on people with terribly unfortunate deformities? It might be right up your alley.

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a pool?


What do you call a quadriplegic nailed to a wall?


ever wondered how he masturbates?

Feel superior to the person you were yesterday

He's married and has 1 or 2 kids.

He's married with a kid.

Does his kids have deformities?

A better question would be if his wife has deformities.

Was he disfigured at birth? How did he manage to get a wife?

still does not answer my question.
how does he masturbate?

He doesnt have to he has a wife who can just suck him off retard.

And so he lived a life without touching his dick up until he met his wife?
With all due respect, you are the retard, you simple minded fucking cretin.

look up "nofap" pleb

look up "placebo" faggot

Did he died?

does his wife have deformities?

He's married with a kid.


t autist

He's married with a kid.
t. Captain assblast

Depends what type of normie
Chad types are inherently strong, even if they've never been to the gym.

After one year of lifting, a man is stronger than 90% of men and 99% of women.


You didn't even reply to the right person.

this thread is a RIGHT and PROPER MESS