So you look good, but how's your blood pressure?

So Veeky Forums what's your BP, I got my physical today and I'm 100/60 very happy with that. Any runners want to put me to shame?

taken two weeks ago

I',m at 120/100 today

I ran into an issue today

My blood pressure is a lot higher than normal

heart beat is alright but bp seems a bit high

90/60 about a week ago.

Mine was 96/68 last time I was at the doctor.

110/72 rhr 49
t: recovering fatass at 300 lbs

Usually around 130/75. 5'8", 155lbs, lift 4-5 days per week, eat insanely clean, I think I'm just incredibly intolerant to all kinds of stress.

116/74, and 88bpm.

All in the healthy range, but I know I take in a lot of caffeine, so that could have bumped it up.

Some people have genetically low pressure my old man is fat lazy fuck and has the blood pressure of a 25 year old.

>43 bpm.
Got some bradycardia going on there.

w-what if I'm just efficient?

I'm like 140-80 at 29.

am I going to die?

That's pretty low, age/activity level?

Started losing weight about 3 months ago. Got off blood pressure medication two weeks ago. Feeling pretty good.


42 is distance runner tier for the most part, must be genetics for you it seems. Lucky (:


PPL twice a week, 10 + miles ran a week, and PT sessions three times a week

You're fine. It's just when it gets super fucking low, that's when you worry. My resting bpm is around 40 to 45 on average. Went and seen cardiologist, only worry when it's like 30 ow lower they said.

i always wondered about what body builders bp is like

like to see Rich Piana's bp

>i always wondered about what body builders bp is like

I assume it's pretty good because of the regular exercise and decent diet.

It's usually higher because my job is stressful as fuck and making me go gray. At least I'm not a bald manlet?

Thanks man, I was worried because it seems low, but people online have said that athletes can experience heart rates like that.

Working out will do that, lower heart rate is usually associated with people who run a lot.

Even if you didn't run or work out much, Bradycardia is still not that uncommon.

I did find out that with that lower heart rate, you move blood and oxygen around at a slower rate. So it's not rare to get confused, be dizzy, if low enough you can black out.

Biggest reason why I smoke weed. It raises my heart rate to around 70bmp, studying becomes much easier. Also do a few hits before working out, lifting transforms to some thing new.

Blood pressure is fine thanks.
Got high cholesterol.

Weed turns me into a lazy introvert which is fine once in a while but not how I want to spend everyday

Thats fine if you are really fit

Need to change up the strain. Indica makes you a couch potatoe, sativa is all mind fuck high.

I work as a janitor at a gym, my boss is cool with me working out after I'm done with my shift (Night shift, so after my shift, I got the place to myself for hours.)

Go out and mind fuck myself with a good size bowl, come back in and blast what ever music I want, hit the weights. Can't smoke to much Sativa. End up getting way to much into my own head.