How can I sink my T levels so I can try to get my doctor to give me a prescription for some test?

How can I sink my T levels so I can try to get my doctor to give me a prescription for some test?

just b urself

soy milk
bottled water/plastic in general

How will that work tho

heavy drinking night before, no sleep, work out, fap multiple times, don't eat etc. etc.

High stress = low test


>bottled water/plastic in general

nice bait

What if I fap in my car before walking into the doctors office will that make it look like I have low T levels?

Large amounts of caffeine = larger amounts of cortisol

it certainly will seem that way to any onlookers

Book an appointment and eat 0g of fat for the whole week leading up to it, and pull and all nighter the day before

No, that would just elevate your prolactin levels, chronically elevated prolactin levels are however associated with lower T and higher cortisol.

That will boost T

SARMS, LGD 4033 will do it nicely

only medically accurate answer

>fap in my car

listen to yourself man

- Eat 500 calories a day.
- Don't eat any fat at all.
- Consume all of those 500 calories from foods rich in soy (not supplement)
- Sleep only 4 hours each night
Do that for an extended period of time and your testosterone levels should plummet.

Or you could just take short ester steroids or prohormones for a few weeks, wait 1 week and then have super low levels of testosterone.

Ok, where can I get estro steroids?

GOMAD will do the trick

Just buy some steroids from your local dealer or buy them online. Buy some dianabol or anadrol and use it for 2-3 weeks. That should shut down most of your natural production. Wait a week for it to be out of your system and enjoy having almost no testosterone in your system.

After you have been to the doctor make sure to run a PCT to get your natural levels back and to keep some of the gains.

The reason I'm asking if I can get them from a doctor is because I don't have a local dealer and there is no way I'm buying online I am NOT going to get scammed

I don't know which country you are from, but there should be websites/forums within your country that you can buy from, where getting scammed is quite unlikely as they have rep systems with trusted buyers.

Before I got a local dealer, I would buy them online with no problem. It's more expensive, but there is almost no chance of getting scammed if you buy from trusted sellers.

Have you been tested already? How low is it?
Go to first doctor to get tested, if he doesnt give it to you straight away, do the natural way of killing yourself for a month described here and try a 2nd doctor. If still no test, do what this guy said (get more detailed instructions) and go to a 3rd doctor.

Good luck guy

I'm a 20 yo healthy male I think doc may have a hard time believing I'm low T but it's worth a shot

just do a good cycle with a small half life testosterone, like propionate, you'll inject yourself skiping one day (you pin today, don't do it tomorrow, then you pin again)
one week after you end your cycle, you do a blood test, then start your PCT, go to a doctor and be happy
if you're a pussy do this:
>drink everyday for at least 3 weeks, at least 5 beers or 3 shots of something stronger
>sleep 5 hours or less everyday
>stop lifting
>eat at least 500cal below maintenance
>stop eating fats
>do high stress level things like getting on traffic, studying something hard, doing something you don't know how to do without instructions
after a while your natty test levels are going to be really down

>stop lifting
No, no, he should keep lifting in conjunction with all these things. Heavy training with very poor recovery makes your test plummet.

Stop sleeping

Self bamp

Take LGD-4033 for a week before going to the doc.

Heard many people using it as it suppresses test and will get your doc to prescribe you test.

Your T levels are fine, OP. Testosterone is an outdated hormone that only creates toxic masculinity. TRT should be reserved for FtM only.