Daily reminder that the HEALTHIEST diet is one that sticks to fish for meat sources

Daily reminder that the HEALTHIEST diet is one that sticks to fish for meat sources.

Daily reminder that the longest living people in the world follow the Okinawa diet which consumes fish for protein.

Daily reminder that pescatarianism is LITERALLY the healthiest way to live.

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They were the longest living population when their diet were 97% or more plant based. Their macros looked like 80% carbs 10%protein and 10%fat ish.

However since they switched to a more modern western diet (eating dairy and meat more) They are no longer the longest living population. Which is kinda sad but also good for the scientific community I suppose. You should try to research some before you copy paste a article to trigger some almonds.

Why the fuck do vegans think that eating fish is okay while eating meat isn't?
What did those poor fish do to you?
Hypocritical niggers
>b-but they don't feel pain
Neither do cows / pigs / chicken when they get killed.

Except that they do feel pain when they get their throat slit and they also do feel a lot of pain when they get tortured from birth. Also I know very no vegan who thinks eating fish is morally justified.

But I dont like fish D:

>Why do vegans think that eating fish is okay?
They don't, vegans =/= pescetarians

fish gets tortured from birth?

Uh, I l already knew everything you just posted there. You just popped off some shit like an upvote hungry redditor.

You should point out an actual contradiction to the original argument before you try to tip your fedora and talk about anyone else doing ''''''research'''''''

Vegans don't eat fish you turbotard

Like what the fuck is that picture even supposed to mean?

19 % lower risk of death?
So there is a roughly 1/5 chance of becomming an immortal?

>Except that they do feel pain when they get their throat slit
No one kills cattle by slicing their throats. Modern factories use instant death methods. They don't feel shit.

Yeah, this. I thought we all had a 100% risk of death?

why dont you eat some nice bone broth european anons?


they were also non whites who can digest seaweed but cannot digest milk as whites can. Why would you take these people as examples for a good diet?

A proper diet for a european is not an (((international))) diet. Its a european one, with lots and lots of meat and no foreign garbage.

Muslims and Jews do.

Halal and Kosher meat needs to be banned.

>mfw I'm a pesco vegetarian


>instant death methods

Sounds rad

Animals aren't the only species whose throats mudslimes slit on daily basis; they're barely human themselves.

Stay healthy my man

I stick to fish, but I love fried catfish which I know isn't good for me

Actually, throat cutting induces sleep and peaceful surrender as they bleed out. The brain-exploding instant death spreads brain matter and shock hormones through the meat. Learn about kosher-halal food prep.

I know what you mean, but western nations won't stop bringing them in, so at least we can ban some of their fucked up practices.

>sneak into an abattoir
>huge conveyor belt of death
>follow it along
>there's some jacked Japanese man at the end
>"Omae wa mou shindeiru"

>mfw when I dont want animals to suffer because it will make the meat worse with fear, and adrenaline hormones rampaging through it.

Well some suffering is probably nice as it would have been natural, but long term, low to mediocre suffering is not. The most natural way for an animal to live and to be eaten is when it had periods of good, some bad, and then one VERY BAD time (when you killed it)

I seriously dont care about the welfare of animals otherwise, because they are not human. But giving them a quick death, while under a relatively stress free lifestyle seems to be the best thing for the meat.

Yeah I bet getting your throat slit feels nice and comfy, you should try it yourself

kosher and halal is literal ritual torture of the animal, they make sure it is conscious and aware that it is dying. Im not a vegan/vegetarian but that semitic shit is abhorrent and should be completely banned.

You only have to put yourself in the animals shoes to realize that this isn't true.

I'd rather take a bullet to the skull than be dangled upside down (while conscious) and be bled out through my throat.

No but cows,pigs and chickens does.
Well if you knew that then why are you lying/missleading people? Is this b8 thread?
also this
I highly doubt this the places I imagine its is places like Sweden but even here the farmers don't follow the "rules". Mind giving me a source so I can look into it?
Majority of people are lactose intolerant and even in europe its a very high % of lactose intolerant (don't remember the number in my head) You mean a diet with bascially oats, bread and potatoes?

what? Lactose tolerance is 80% in whites. Stop lying.



Daily reminder that people with black hair live the longest.

Daily reminder that manlets live the longest.

Daily reminder that living on an island is the healthiest way to live.

Daily reminder that patriarchal societies live longest.

Daily reminder that high cartoon porn consumption leads to longer life.

>chinese, koreans and japanese literally torture relatively intelligent animals (such as dogs, who are supposed to have the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old human) to death because they think stress improves flavour

>No but cows,pigs and chickens does.

Who did you mean to quote

well to be technical, a hunt would enthrall about 95% of hormones to that of non pain, to that of running away. And then to dying and bleeding out most likely. So the halal/kosher methods may not be entirely unnatural. But they dont favor in the hunt? Not sure if it would make any difference though to the hormones build up over the running away part, an ambush would be different still.

But I am not sure, but I think, if we want to be merciful now to the animals, that we probably tried to kill them as fast as possible in the past. We dont exactly have a sadomasochistic streak with animals as the other weird races do. So there would have been pain probably, but not excessive as the chinks do.

but who cares though, its not like we need these stress and fear hormones. I dont think that they have any nutritional value.

I'm afraid it's just a bolt gun, no ancient martial arts.
This is the one we use where I work. At factories I think they have gas powered ones.

indeed those irish fucks were litterly eating steak everyday. also pic related.
Pigs on average are smarter then most dogs.

>no data


been pesco vegetarian for over half my life now. im switching back to eating meat next year so i can actually put on meaningful weight

We'll that's not too rad

Huh, guess I was wrong at that part but does the guy honestly think a diet that only like 20% of the EUROPE population can eat is a good diet?

We use a hammer on the ones too small for the gun. I'm taking pigs, calves are gun ready as soon as they're born I'm guessing.
Is that rad?

>20% of europe

wat, again, is this some blatant lying? Its lactose INTOLERANCE. Meaning that the rest are lactose tolerant. And as you can see, the majority of whites is lactose tolerant. The ratio of lactose tolerance for whites is near 80%, which means that they are a vast majority among their own race that can digest milk.

So for these people a racially specific diet should be made because its healthier for them.

if you are of other racial descent or mystery meat then it does not apply to you. Whats so hard to understand about this?

Its milk, but its also meats. And you could even argue that foreign spices and the opening up of more sugar are bad influences.

What have we eaten before? Blueberries, those red and dark berries as well that grow in those thorny things. Maybe strawberries too. A bunch of things really. I dont mean the other races disrespect with this proposition, but they are simply not us. They are irrelevant and studies around them and nutrition are irrelevant to us.

I think flexitarianism, low fat and moderate carb would be best.

How can you be at lower risk of death when death is a guaranteed outcome

Doesn't the bolt gun only knock them out? How to you actually kill them?

Lower risk of premature death from stuff like a heart attack

Like...a claw hammer? Sounds awful.

,dasodmasomdasod obviously meant 80% but yes my bad. But even for the humans who can drink it its obviously not good for us if we look at the data. There is straight up no study that says dairy is good for us in any way... Also do you honestly think about 10000 years is enough time for us to genetically change to learn how to properly digest different foods?

>not just getting your protein from beans

there is literally no downside whatsoever to eating pinto beans

carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber. potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamin b-6

name one non vegan protein source that includes all of this

1 kilogram of pinto beans = 3500 calories
1 kilogram of beef = 2506 calories

1 kilogram of pinto beans = 216g
1 kilogram of beef = 259g

there is literally no reason to continue eating meat unless you WANT your risk of contracting various diseases/cancers to go up

also, dry pinto beans can sit in your cupboard for years and still be boiled and eaten. good luck trying that with beef or chicken.

Shoot them in the head then cut the throat so they bleed out.

Yeah you hold them down and bonk them as hard as you can on the head a couple of times until you crush the skull and brain. It's brutal and not very fun to do, but it's considered the most humane way to do it as long as your first hit is hard enough to paralyze them.
I mean it's not like we do it for fun. Only if the animal is suffering.

thats the unknown factor, but if you go down that route, do you really think that going away from a mostly meat eating diet which we did for at least 40k thousand years. It would be good to suddenly go into a high carb, sugary, additive ridden shitfest with added gmo crap?

And do you really think that the time we tamed grain and reliably grew it also was enough?

The question for digestion is extremely complicated. The fleshy evolution can take in the 50k range to happen


But our gut biome, which is used to process foods. Can evolve much faster than us because bacteria die and live faster than us.

I just know that there is something wrong with our diets and want to fix that and the paleo thing always seemed like a good reference point (since 60% of all people are obese/overweight, quite an evolutionary novel thing in the animal kingdom). Though I dont believe in keto.

The thing that I fear most tho is that we have entered such a fast and unstable phase of humanity, that even just attempting to fix it wont really help and its fucking useless no matter what kind of diet you may have. It may even be so extreme that nearly random gene switches can turn you almost into carnivore mode, or almost herbivore mode. Race mixing even. I dont know really. Very, very specific inner race diets could also be a thing, that is why we have LDL/HDL meters I guess.

except meat has different proteins then bean you fucking broccolibrain. Why must put pointless boundries to my diet when i can have best of both worlds. Alltough i get how over consumption of meat is killing us i dont see why should i stop eating animals. I have allready not a lot of iron in my blood.

>implying it matters whatsoever what kind of proteins you are getting as long as your amino acid profiles are met

meatbrains everyone, so stupid yet so quick to insult. barbarians.

It does matter, protein from animal sources are a lot more acidic and inflammatory.

try telling that to the lard drinker

I feel ya, bro. I start to gag whenever I even smell fish, which sucks because I live in Charleston too.

>Studies show vegetarians live longer
Retarded dietary meme
>Daily reminder that the HEALTHIEST diet is one that sticks to fish for meat sources.
>Daily reminder that pescatarianism is LITERALLY the healthiest way to live
Except other forms of meat are perfectly ok.
>deniseminger.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/ >foodrenegade.com/the-china-study-discredited/

That's a bunch of bullshit

fuck off, i'd rather die 5 years sooner than live my life eating shit

Fucking Veagan forum spammer. This thread is now about Barbarians and paleo diet.

>compare to non-vegetarian
so that includes everyone including the fat asses eating mcdonalds 3 times a day.

19% is an abysmal improvement if thats the case.

>on average
So the meat eaters get lumped together with the retard obese fatties, cool.

What if we compare only people with a healthy weight on both diets

Reposting what I saw posted in another thread

I don't need to hear about shit because it's hypocritical to claim any non human life is more worthy of being spared than another. Germs included.

>but they don't feel pain

Neither do most animals in a slaughter house. The mechanism by which most are killed is virtually instantaneous. Further, there is no expectation or fear in these animals unlike what you think. Animals, barring humans, live in the present exclusively when it comes to emotions. When I punish my dog do you think it carries resentment for me after? Not at all. For the same reason I can't punish my dog after the fact, if I see a pool of pee i can't yell at it 15 minutes later. And when I say punish I mean scold (saying bad dog in a loud voice while pointing to the ground in front of it angerly) because hitting a dog is pointless.

Another thing, isn't having pets tantamount to slavery? My dog is my slave essentially, it does what I want when I want and only lives to serve me. How is that morally acceptable but raising animals for meat isn't? Why is it morally acceptable for other omnivores to eat other animals but it isn't acceptable for humans, also omnivores, to eat other animals?

NO you stupid carnie cuck! That would mean a methodologically sound study! Without biasing, vegans won't be able to use it to forward their agenda!

>autist spamming blog bullshit
>autist spamming /pol/ shit
>autist spamming "muh evolution" shit

The anti-posters are at least as cancerous as those (reddit?) spammers.


Even I as a pesco get tired of these shill threads. Give them a spell for a while hey sonny?

Why would i want to live longer ?