I have a theory on why Eric's method works. You see unlike all other methods, even brosplit...

I have a theory on why Eric's method works. You see unlike all other methods, even brosplit, where you're performing several lifts and hitting multiple body parts, your body simply doesn't have the ability to optimally repair so many different muscle groups in any time period. Even with a day's rest, your body has an "effective repair window" where it can do its best work in the shortest possible time.

By performing only one or maybe even two lifts, fewer muscle groups are used, your body can easily and optimally repair these, all within a single night's rest. Your body can fit these few muscles into its "effective repair window" without wasting any of its resources trying to repair other body parts thus allowing for more rapid recovery and daily training.

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.dk/scholar?q=muscle hypertrophy regeneration&hl=da&as_sdt=0,5&oq=muscle hypertrophy reger

Can you give some context? I don't sit on fit all day

*Or* it could be because Bugenhagen was forced to train like an athlete for a long fucking time so he built up a shit load of muscle mass which he can more or less maintain by doing what he's doing now.

he trains 1-2 lifts a day

Also consider he's usually doing less volume each session than a typical routine and that compounds benefits with my "effective repair window" theory. Less volume a day but about equal volume over the course of a week is better lift paritioning to optimize your body's own ability to repair itself.

It works because the daily volume is so incredibly low, and is traded for extremely high frequency.

We don't need theories, we already know why it works.

You're missing the high intensity where the theory comes in. High intensity lifts wear on your body much harder and even worse doing them every day. The theory it works is yes the reduced volume and only doing 1-2 lifts. Specifically because you body can repair itself in this fashion much more efficiently than trying to repair multiple body parts even with a day's rest in between. I believe there's an effective repair window that can't be replaced with a day off.

it work because of protons

How many does he take?

Oh gee
I wonder if theres a body of research out there, on the subject, that I can just search for...

More than his fucking neutrons I'll tell you what

He's on gomad so just count up all the milk molecules and their corresponding protons

it's not as easy as you think because it's an unorthodox style

Or maybe it works because literally any lifting you do above 60% with some progression and a caloric surplus is going to build muscle and it's just a matter of time taken to build it

Theres a ton of work on muscle regeneration, Id imagine

>scholar.google.dk/scholar?q=muscle hypertrophy regeneration&hl=da&as_sdt=0,5&oq=muscle hypertrophy reger

so that's why everyone is rack pulling 1200 pounds...
very little if any research is done using his protocol. you can sorta make an educated guess at best
none of it follows a comparable training protocol

so following his steps, what would a good routine look like?

Is gomad not a meme? A gallon is 192g of sugar. Thought sugar metabolizes into fat quickly?

you take any one given lift, do a 1rm, every day. switch to a different lift when you stall or simply feel like it. one lift per day. 1rm per day. 1 gallon of whole milk per day. your 1rm of the day can be less than the previous day. i doubt the milk is required in a proper diet. it doesn't have to be a 1rm but it has to be one maximum effort set. so one set of 20 squats or one set of 20 kroc rows could be it. you can do more lifts if you want but never think past or ahead of your one lift of the day. heavy metal music to get amped up to is supposed to help.

da fug is this

you want me to only deadlift for a whole week or two, then bench for a week or two, then OHP for a week or two, then squat for a week or two?

sounds retarded, gonna try it starting from tomorrow.

excess calories metabolise into fat you fucking retard

eric's method is just bulagarian method, but he does it for short periods of time with different movements - he gets easy neural efficiency gains on movements that are new or he hasn't done in a while, and once those run out he moves to something else


bulgarian method is by no means ideal, especially if you are not a lifetime athlete with shitloads of GPP and muscle mass built up through years of training

no need to reinvent the wheel here - if you want to gain muscle, bulgarian is not an efficient way to do so, traditional hypertrophy blocks with higher volume and moderate frequency are

his method doesn't rely on doing the same powerlifting or olympic lifts every day so it's different. in fact you could theoretically do a different lift every day if you felt like it. also the volume is lower and the intensity is higher. it's only bulgarian in the train every day sense. none of that vids critiques apply.

Eric starts with submaximal weight. And he does lifts which he doesn't do for a LONG time. Why? Because only then, you can milk it in a linear progression manner like novice gains. But everytime he gets back to the same lift, he becomes stronger if he pushes it.

i like how manlet destiny is alwayd flaunting his weighted dip (because it was bigger than erics) but this is no longer the case

wonder if he will one up eric, doubt it

this is kind of off topic, but i'm starting to think the truth actually lies in bodyweight training
watch this nigger

he does a pull up with fucking 100% of his bodyweight.
for comparison, here's eric doing a chin up with 124 lb
and watch this.
he doesn't fucking bench at all, and then goes in and does a fucking 129kg bench off the bat. are you fucking kidding me?
pound for pound, or when it comes to relative strength, this little nigga is actually stronger than Eric. needless to say, he also looks more aesthetic, and so do people that do bodyweight training predominantly. look at this shit
if that's not aesthetic as fuck, then i don't know what is

Also Eric methodology is NOT for beginners

i wouldnt train this way until you get to intermediate lifts at least

he made for me program that is basically
(no days off or at least 6 times a week)
a heavy pull or squat, press, another lats involving movement and accessory like grip training or ab work.

with decent amount of volume and self regulation, aiming to hit pr be it volume or weight everyday

exercises changes biweekly to avoid overuse but also to fix specific problems

there was some russian study way back in the day that concluded movements that your entire body is also a weight are most efficient

chinups, dips but also deadlifts and squats

Real bodyweight training where you can start to get the benefits comparable to weight training may not be attainable for some based on genetics. It's extremely time consuming and hard on your joints. It's also very hard to build good legs with it. I have no doubts that at a top level it's effective but it requires an absurd skill level to achieve.
It is for beginners. He says in his video if you're a new lifter stop doing so many lifts and just train bench and deadlift every day.

>hurrr the body digests everything the same
>muh law of conservation of mass and energy explains why eating nothing but twinkies everyday turned me into skinnyfat beta

dude i spoke with him multiple times over skype during 3 months

the point for novice is to pick 1-2 exercise you want to improve the most (he says bench and dl because its most bang for your buck for novice)

i wanted to improve my dl, but that didnt mean i literally did only deadlifts. I did exercises that improved my deadlift indirectly while also worked on other parts of my body because at this stage literally everything was weak on my body.

You cant just do conv or sumo deadlift over and over and expect to go out just fine, you will snap your shit up.

same goes for bench, do only flat bench and you ask for trouble

Eric doesnt go into details, he makes those videos from top of his head, you have to take his words with grain of salt

Dude tell us more about Eric. As a new subscriber my understanding is limited because he deleted his old videos.

Do you know how Eric maintains his pressing strength?

also other thing he really stressed

while intensity and mindset is very important, you cant just sacrifice quality of movement.

As a novice you need to learn basic patterns like hip hinge, pushing knees out during squats, bracing etc

First few weeks was literally smashing glutes and hamstrings, a lot of goblet squats just to ingrain movement pattern of squats. Dumbbell deadlifts and trap bar deadlift, glute hyperextension to perfect hip hinge, dumbbell 1arm press, and glute isolation exercises like weighted chinese bridges and glute hip thrust

i was squatting only 2 plates and deadlifting 3.5plates when i begun patreon deal with Eric, both with terrible form.

Right now im on above 4 plate deadlift with clean form, 3plate squat(can do 20reps of 2plate), working on my 2pl8 bench because i was neglecting it for longest time, and 1pl8 ohp for reps.

i know those are shit numbers for fit estandards but im happy with my progress (bench could be mucb higher tho). i begun lifting in september last year.
he is a person with insane work ethic, he practices what he preaches, dislikes dealing with normies in general(got a kinda introvert vibe from him), but is surprisingly pleasant in person.

bro that i never had basically.
Also has top tier music taste.

You can dislike his methods and programming all you want, but one thing he is most right about is
fucking mindset.

That 20 rep squat set of 2pl8 is haunting me to this day, in a good way.

Think outside the box. There is a ton of more lifts than the big 3

he was doing weighted dips not that long ago, and obviously they have great carryover to decline bench.

Also he does a lot of tricep work but not that much benches because shoulder injury

strength doesnt decay very fast
neuro muscular adaptations do

you're talking completely out of your ass

1. his method relies on doing the same lift everyday to a daily max for a number of weeks, this is just like bulgarian method
2. you in fact could not theoretically do a different lift everyday, because then you would not be emulating Eric Bugenhagen's training methodology in any way - do you even watch his content or know what the fuck you're talking about?
3. The volume is lower and the intensity is higher? What the fuck are you babbling about? He works to a daily max, as the original bulgarian method also did

all of that vid's critiques apply, you are a fucking idiot, stop posting

i think alan thrall has a 140 kg squat for 30 reps

for 20
Eric did 365 for 20

Alan Thrall doesnt train for less than a year

yes, it is time consuming, and so is progress in weightlifting, that is if you at least want to get to some respectable numbers, such as 1/2/3/4. if you'd focus that amount of time on bodyweight movements, chances are that you will not only become proficient at those movements, you will also build a very good strength base that will easily translate to weightlifting as well. it cannot be argued that bodyweight strength transfers to weightlifting MUCH better than the other way around. in regards to joint injuries, you are absolutely correct, which is why there are multiple resources that start you off with progression movements first, in order for your tendons and joints to get used to the pressure, all the while building a strenght base, and then slowly getting you into the move itself.
you are absolutely correct that legs cannot be build properly with a bodyweight only routine, which is why most routines that you find out there will just straight up tell you to bar squat. and what is top level at this point, really? it feels like every time i try to search some shit on calisthenics, every second video is of some nigga doing a planche, or headstand push ups, or even ring work. there is a shitload of information out there on how to progress with bodyweight training, and at this point, consistency and discipline seems to be the only thing required to get to a top level
absolutely, which is why as i said above, every bodyweight focused routine will just tell you to bar squat for legs, and some will even tell you to deadlift too

i'm slowly starting to become of the opinion that bodyweight training should be at the base of any training routine, while being supplemented with weight movement such as squats and deadlifts. check out /bwg/, those guys there have made themselves a nice OP with decent info

No shit.

Training stimuli:

You can go all out on two, but the other needs to be low. Or, in most cases, balance the three to where you can adequately recover from them. His training style is just high frequency, high intensity, very low volume training.

I'll take his public say on the matters over some special plan he made to address your personal issues.

>you're talking completely out of your ass
If you don't stop lying I'm going to rip your throat out and shove it up your ass you stupid faggot.

>his method relies on doing the same lift everyday to a daily max for a number of weeks
No, it doesn't. It relies on choosing one lift to max each day and only one lift until you either stall or feel like switching to a new one
>you in fact could not theoretically do a different lift everyday
You in fact 100% could if you wanted because there's no criteria for switching lifts other than stalling or simply feeling like it.
>The volume is lower and the intensity is higher? What the fuck are you babbling about? He works to a daily max, as the original bulgarian method also did
The method in the video you posted is performing squats every single day. You cannot perform squats to the same intensity if all you ever do is squat. That's why Eric's routine works, you're constantly switching lifts, thus avoiding overuse injuries and not letting other lifts lag behind too much.

>all of that vid's critiques apply, you are a fucking idiot, stop posting
If you don't stop lying I'm going to rip your throat out and shove it up your ass you stupid faggot.

>yes, it is time consuming, and so is progress in weightlifting, that is if you at least want to get to some respectable numbers, such as 1/2/3/4. if you'd focus that amount of time on bodyweight movements, chances are that you will not only become proficient at those movements, you will also build a very good strength base that will easily translate to weightlifting as well
No. Not even close. Mastery of the all the various holds and levers in bodyweight training is astronomically difficult. Few humans ever achieve it. Grandma can achieve 1234. If you're thinking you're gonna reach comparable levels as weight training doing basic bodyweight movements, you're delusional.

Eric's bulgarian light is to choose one exercise and do novice-like linear progression (not necessarily 1RM, can even be 20RM) until plateau. Then change exercise.

This is very different from the traditional bulgarian light, so stop associating them.

again, you are talking completely and totally out of your ass here idiot

you don't understand Bulgarian method as the Bulgarians did it under Abadjaev (sp), and you don't understand Eric's methodology, and you don't understand basic programming ideas either

stop posting idiot

I'm going to skin you alive too.

I'm not saying BW isn't great, but keep in mind Eric weighs 50lbs more than that guy.

How is this guy not dead with the form he has?! His back is more rounded than most hamplanets when it comes to DL and rack pulls.

aight senpai, i ain't trynna argue or anything and honestly don't feel like it
imma get into bodyweight shit though, shit looks mad fun in any case

The main problem with this (if the logic is sound) is that it's really easy to develop imbalances.

He's a wrestler. He trains for wrestling. You dont wrestle with a straight back.

This is just a theory but maybe the reason why he doesn't get injured while people who deadlift with perfect form gets injured is because they always train with straight back that slight accidental rounding gets them injured.


Anything you enjoy doing is going to be better than any other routine because you're more likely to be consistent about it. If you really enjoy bodyweight training then by all means go for it. I tried it and I quit because required moves take too long to master and gains come too slowly. And I just don't feel good when doing it.
Switching lifts and only doing 1 max rep avoids injury. It's amazing how big of a difference this makes. If he lifted like that in a common internet routine format, eg 3x5 1-3x/week, he'd be injured soon.

>astronomically difficult
Eh, not really. You just need three things
>a progression plan for each movement
Especially time. Thing is, the more mass you have, the harder the learning curve. Learning moves while being lean helps with training them further when you gain mass.
However, stuff like the front lever, strict muscle up, back lever, dragon press and so on, can be learnt in a few months each if you have a good strength base already. Well, the planche is the weed out test for everyone, considering the long progressions towards it. But otherwise it's not black magic.

Unless we talk about typical gymnastics stuff, like the iron cross and other stuff. Then even people doing calisthenics on a serious level can go fuck themselves with a red hot metal rod.
Progressing into gymnastics with a calisthenics basis is hard enough that holding the hollow position on rings is problematic for the first few training sessions.

He's shorter than Eric, obviously he doesn't have the same strength potential, you can't compare them.

muh manlet trex arm presses

does this nigger really suggest squatting every day? shiieeet

>while intensity and mindset is very important, you cant just sacrifice quality of movement.
Lmao. Literally the guy with the worst form ive ever seen. Watch his curl videos with 315 or whatever.

He suggested deadlifting everyday. Why would him suggesting squatting everyday surprise you?

Kinda this.
On some exercises Eric is just a wonder to watch, but on others it's painful.
His dips aren't that good form-wise, for example. If you want HEAVY dips done properly, watch Adam Raw.

one will fuck up your knees unless you've conditioned them for years and one is perfectly fine if you take it easy on your lower back tbqh

>one will fuck up your knees unless you've conditioned them for years

>rotating the lifts and keeping volume low is the only reason he stays injury free
its also because he's progressively strengthened himself through a shitload of different joint angles at extreme loads and done all kinds of prehab and gpp (through wrestling) to have strong tissue everywhere in his body, this takes a lifetime and as far as I can tell may not even be possible for those of us who started lifting at 23 after a sedentary life with all kinds of fucked up movement and strength deficiencies. it inspires me to push beyond what i though was possible for myself though, that's for sure.

>after a sedentary life
mate if you think 99% of us do anything other than play fucking video games are lifting and do fuck all else, you're sorely mistaken

sedentary to the (early) grave and proud

yeah i was describing myself

>this takes a lifetime and as far as I can tell may not even be possible for those of us who started lifting at 23 after a sedentary life with all kinds of fucked up movement and strength deficiencies
He's also lifting 4-5x more weight than a beginner. No doubt the strength adaptations he made protects him but then you won't be lifting anywhere near that kinda weight without making those same adaptations yourself.

you should do total weight, ie i'm 82ish can do +60 so i'm around this black dude's level which is 320lbs (145kg)

that other guy is doing 124lbs + 230lbs = 354lbs or 160.5kg - much harder