What would an optimal diet be like? I would say no dairy, low in fat other than olive oil...

What would an optimal diet be like? I would say no dairy, low in fat other than olive oil, moderate carbs - high in whole grains and vegetables, low in starches like legumes and potatos. Not too much meat, mostly fish, some chicken, little red meat and eggs. So 60 carb/30 protein/10 fat or 50 carb/35 protein/15 fat

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You would be entirely wrong.

>High in grains
>No dairy
>Lumps legumes and potatoes in same group
Nigga is you stupid!!!!?


>no dairy
>no casein
>no fuel for 8 hrs of sleeping anabolic.

I'd add yogurt there and take from carbs and give to allow 20% fat for testosterone and other hormone production.

Grains are necessary for digestion. Fat is dangerous if it's the wrong fat.

>this is what modern media and advertising does to people
I bet you thought you were pretty intelligent, too.
I'll give you a hint: look what top sports performers are eating. What they're actually eating, not what they are advertising for.

>Grains are necessary for digestion.

Stop posting about nutrition.

Grains have fiber, idiot.

Fiber is not grains. Beans are an excellent source everybody should eat a lot of beans.

>Grains have fiber

Grains aren't the only source of fibre.
Fibre isn't "necessary for digestion".



Beans need to be properly prepared and most ppl don't know how to Yes it is. Most ppl don't get enough fiber. One wipe should be enough or you don't get enough fiber

racially specific

for whites:

>at least 60% meats and animal products
>zero modern, industrial additives
>GMO avoidance
>no keto or veganism
>avoidance of nearly all simple carbs unless in smaller amounts of fruits (fibre)
>if possible, avoidance of factory farms, preferring to grass fed, low stress for the cows
>preference to avoid foreign foods

this chart, but dont go into ketosis. As for other races, I dont care.

>One wipe should be enough

lol one isn't enough even if i literally shit water

kys disgusting faggot

I wish I could afford this. Proper meat is not cheap. Same with berries and nuts.

mountain dog diet seems about perfect to me

Lots of ways to get beans. Canned beans are good. I think you're just a dumb troll op.

eggs are kinda cheap and nutritious. Fish is not but chicken and pork are cheap as well. Even bio crap. Perhaps not cheaper, caloric wise than greens, but for their benefits and test raising definitely worth it.

Its not nigger food after all, so get a white mans job and earn your proper white mans food.

Foods to eat:
Chicken Breast
Ground Turkey
Milk (Organic Only)
Greek Yogurt
Brown Rice
Corn Tortilla
Bread (Only if its organic and doesnt have enriched shit in it)
Coconut Water (no sugar)
All the vegetables you like

Anything else and your meme'ing yourself. If you all of these in abundance youre sure to make gain. Stop being a faggot and lift and eat.

40 carb/30 protein/30 fat
Solid amount of fish, red meat, fruit, dairy, and other whole foods.
It is that simple. Just eat whole foods to fit your macros, and get some veggies in ya.

Grains? Really?