Getting in shape

Hello Veeky Forums

I have come to you seeking some specific advice about my personal fitness.

I've read your sticky, and most of the links 404 which is amusing, but this post is pretty specific about me.

I think I want to lose about 5-10kg in weight (I'm not fat, or chubby, but give it 1-2 years and I will be). I've lost some of my hourglass shape and become a bit.. squishier.. over the past 2 years.

My ass has always been big, but now it just feels fat. I've been told squats are the answer to toning it up and getting "dat booty".

My tummy doesn't have to be flat as a pancake but I don't want to be able to grab it so much. I've also got a bit of a muffin top forming (pic related, not me).

So with that all in mind, here's the facts:

1. I need to stop snacking, and eating late at night when I game, i.e. only eat when I actually feel hungry
2. I need to exercise a bit more, I plan on swimming 2-3 times a week (is that an ok exercise?)
3. I need to have smaller portion sizes
4. I don't eat much dessert / chocolate / sweets so I'm ok there

Do you have any additional advice for me? Mostly things I DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT EAT!

I know this weight loss type of stuff takes time, just wondering if there's anything extra I personally could be doing to speed up the process or improve it.

Disclaimer: sorry if I piss any hardcore Veeky Forums people off with my request, just looking for some advice is all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Look up intermittent fasting. It's a way to satisfy the mental need of eating "big meals" while cutting out most all other sources. I've lost about 40 pounds with it.

Also drink water when you're hungry instead of eating

post feet

Be very aware of your eating habits.

No sugar for your body to go in to ketosis (fat burn mode) preferably only vegetables and rice as your carb intake, no pasta or potatoes.

Sweat everyday.

This is how i lost 30kg in 1 year.

>If there's anything extra I personally could be doing to speed up the process or improve it.

Give up now.

This actually isn't far off what I'm doing now. I eat lunch and dinner.

In all honesty I do eat snacks throughout the day AND especially at night when I play vidya. So that definitely needs to stop.

I agree with the stick to 2 meals + water in between idea.

Oh that's a tough thing to do. I like potatoes...

I'll do my best, not sure how I go about sweating every day though. I'm guessing some good old squats for my fat ass will do the trick.

But yeah, sugar is a nope.

I'm gonna get fat if I don't do something about it now!

Nice blog post!

Now tits of gtfo whore

This guy knows what he's talking about.

>looking for shortcuts

Another lard ass with a completely fucked up notion of weight loss. What will you do in the unlikely event that you reach your weight loss goals? Fall back into old habits? You see, losing weight and keeping that weight off is a lifelong process of cultivating good habits and resisting powerful urges. There are no shortcuts since you will need to do this every single day for the rest of your life.

>not sure how I go about sweating every day though

>go outside
>dont stop until you are sweating
>repeat daily

It's that fucking simple, no bell, whistles, or fancy equipment

>I'm gonna get fat

you already are fat.

Eat less, move more

If you truly dedicate yourself to this for 60 straight days, then come back here and start a thread for advice. As of right now you sound like an entitled, lazy idiot who likes the idea of fitness but won't follow through on it.

For food.
There are five simple tricks you can do right now that will help you with portion control and eating less.

1.Buy smaller plates
2.Drink up to a gallon of clean water a day.
3.Eat as much roughage as you want.
4.Make sure you chew thoroughly and slowly
5.Do not watch television or listen to music while eating

You can try intermittent fasting and the occasional water fast. The former, along with a morning exercise routine and afternoon workout sexxxions, got me from 300 - 225 with a decent build in a few months.
The later is actually healthy and can be done OCCASIONALLY.

Skipping a meal here and there and eating clean and healthy when you do and going for a long walk when you think you're getting heavy is the way to keep a bit of extra weight off.

To "tone" or get more firm you merely only have to do more resistance exercises. I suggest calisthenics, pilates, or a basic bitch cardio bunny routine. As for increased activity, swimming is good. But will be able to do it week after week? Have anything else you can do if you can't swim that week?

Look, the secret to dieting is that ANY diet, barring some weird genetic fuck up, that won't kill you will work.

Eat less, eat better, drink more water, be more active.

That's literally all it takes.

Problem is that so many people don't understand that and simply want to do it in a passive way where they dont' have to change the bad habits that lead to them getting fat in the first place.
Or simply don't understand that as they age they won't be able to eat as much or are as active as they once were.
Even worse are the people who intentionally confuse the issue and obfuscate the facts to that they can sell ignorant people more stuff to make them fat sell them stuff that helps them survive being fat then sell them stuff to stop being fat.

>Have anything else you can do if you can't swim that week?

A fucking week? She needs to get up off of her ass and do something every day.

>typing out all that crap for a fat cunt that has no intention to actually do anything related to fitness.

Everyone knows the most delicious part of the muffin is the top.

My muffin top is all that
Whole-grain, low-fat
I know you wanna piece of that
But I just wanna dance

Ch-checkin' out my sweet hips
My sugar-coated berry lips
I know you wanna get with this
But I'm just here to dance

No, stupid.
She says she'll swim 2-3 times a week as a form of cardio/exercise.
I say, "what will you do if you can't swim that week".

I"m hoping that she'll put two and two together and think to go for a walk or add more activity into her daily life.

Gym, powerlifting and protein powder isn't fitness. It's the fat ass weekend lifter permabulk permainjured starter kit.

>Gym, powerlifting and protein powder isn't fitness

I didn't say it was. You appear to be lashing out at me for some kind of implied slight resembling a similar interaction with a dumb individual. OP has no intention of actually getting fit because she hasn't started getting fit. Her post is all about what she FEELS and what she WANTS, but offers no information about what she is actually doing to reach her goals. There is a vague mention of some working out, identification of poor eating habits, and an over complicated, completely off the mark assessment of her current state.

I frequently deal with these people coming into the gym, paying for a few training sessions, and then fucking off into the great blubbery world without returning. You see people like OP, those with no knowledge but a overly complicated idea of fitness, are only interested in that idea. When you give them reality, they want nothing to do with it. The irony is that reality is simple.

The people that I've worked with that actually made it followed through on a really simple plan: Eat below 2000 calories and exercise at least 30 minutes every day fir 2 months. If they follow through, then I give them a more structured workout. Show a person that the process is more rewarding than the plan and they'll dedicate themselves to it.

Alcohol is also a good one to skip.
Get used to feeling hungry btw.
You'll be Chloe Moretz in no time
lel I lose that in water when I cut.

I'm just gonna ignore all the negative comments as they seem completely unhelpful.

Regarding swimming I can commit to going 3+ times a week, it's not an issue fitting in it. I just have to make myself do it, aware of that.

Not looking to become a Veeky Forums freak, some people find it fun but to me it's more of a health issue.

This is actually really good advice thank you. A lot of people have mentioned water so I will definitely keep that in mind.

I've got a lot of plates so small plates won't be a prob either. I am curious though - why does watching TV / listening to music affect you when you eat?

And I get that I probably need to do things every day, but I am gonna put it out here - I hate most exercises. I've tried everything you can think of, my only motivation is health and staying in shape rather than enjoyment. So I'll start off with these baby steps and improve it it's nice to talk to people who know more about it than I do. FYI I have been working on it for a couple of weeks now, I plan to continue.

>General comment

I think (no idea where the scales are) I am 60kg, I am 165cm tall-ish. So not fat, but not healthy either.

I appreciate all of the advice and will keep it in mind (my deepest apologies to all the hardcore Veeky Forumstards getting butthurt over me posting a thread). I'll see how it goes!

Never Gonna Make It: The Post

>I'm just gonna ignore all the negative comments as they seem completely unhelpful.
OP will never make it.
Sage'd, hidden and called the cops.

>why does watching TV / listening to music affect you when you eat?

Think about it a minute. Why would someone who needs to focus on their diet and develop portion control want to remove all mindless distractions when eating?

>Lazy fitness novice decides which posts are helpful/unhelpful

Let me guess, the posts that enable your general inaction are the helpful ones?

You're setting yourself up to fail. You've already stated to struggle with consistency and discipline. You are latching on to these arbitrary, overly complicated ideas because you can use that as an excuse when you fail.

listen to this guy:

Eat under 2000 calories

Work out 30-60 minutes a day

Everyday for 60 straight days

There are no shortcuts if you are actually sincere about improving your fitness.

You diet like a bad ads user. You diet real nice n' God now ya hear. Also I think that nice butt you hear about might be alot more thigh and leg than people give credit to.

>first post on Veeky Forums
>asks for shortcuts

Bold strategy

if you're looking for advice you shouldn't be such a cunt about it
>ignoring negative comments
>Veeky Forums freak
you want to be babied and you sound like the kind of person who makes excuses and you're going to be even fatter in a year, and you won't get any pity with the attitude you have

>>float around like a turd for an hour
>>doesn't know what her weight is.
>>hates exercise
You're fucked m8
>>only eat when you feel hungry
Guaranteed failure. You're supposed to feel hungry if you're losing weight.

>my deepest apologies to all the hardcore Veeky Forumstards getting butthurt over me posting a thread

You appear to be misinterpreting the issue here. The negative reaction here stems from the content of the thread, not the actual action of posting it. The superfluous information, the weird formatting, the fact that you clearly didn't read the sticky, and asking for shortcuts all indicate you want to reach your goals without doing the necessary work.

If you want to lose weight then you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. This is covered in the sticky. That is how it works. You don't need a fancy diet or workout plan right now, you just need to develop the discipline to workout and eat well everyday. You do so because you have a goal, not because it feels good or because it is fun. It may eventually feel good and become fun, but that doesn't happen until you develop discipline.

If feeling good or having fun are more important to you right now, then you can do any number of gimmick diets or wacky workouts that keep you stuck in place. If you want to reach your goals, then you resign yourself to that fact that the beginning will be unpleasant and get to work.

>130 lbs

You're fat.