Veeky Forums will defend this

>athleticism and maximum muscle mass is genetic

>obesity is not genetic

Veeky Forums BTFO!

Other urls found in this thread:

musculature is genetic.

stuffing your face with sugarwater isn't.


>personality (gluttony) isn't genetic

Veeky Forums literally believes this!

Tell me which genes make you stuff your face?

The same ones that made my grandmother an alcoholic.

so your parents then

There are genes that are responsible of the "sweet tooth". I did that DNAancestry thing and this was one of the things I discovered about myself. (And I can confirm that I do not have a sweet tooth)

genetic limits are genetic
being fat or being Veeky Forums isn't genetic

back to the question.

Yes it is harder for some people to lose weight, it is easier for some people to build mass, because genes.

But no matter how über-genes you have, you can't build huge muscles if you don't lift.

No matter how shitty-genes you have, you can't become obese unless you eat crap regularly

>All you have to do is be literally incarcerated to prevent yourself from overeating.

>Haha checkmate fatty.

>For instance, the recent discoveries in genetics have found that people differ in their perceptions of hunger and satiety on a genetic basis and that predisposed subgroups of the population may be particularly vulnerable to obesity in “obesogenic” societies with unlimited access to food.

This somehow triggers people

>be me
>be fat kid
>lift weights in highschool for 2 years
>Still chubby
>diet and do cardio for a year
>get thin
>leanbulk and look great
>"wow user, hard to believe you used to be fat"

No excuses, stop being a fat loser and put the fork down

Just don't eat, do people really lack this base amount of willpower? Can they really not resist stuffing their fat digusting faces full of utter garbage and then complain on the internet about their 'genetics'? All it takes is a little self discipline

this, I was fat my whole life and so were my parents and brother, one day I decided to change and now I'm thin, luckily I wasn't fat enough to have loose skin so I look completely normal now. Meanwhile my mom keeps complaining about her genetics. Well I have the same genetics as her, so guess what, the 'fat gene' is a fucking myth

>self discipline
which is genetic

Do you know what gluttony is, faggot?

It's not genetic you retard, it's a skill that you train

In any environment, whether energy rich or energy lacking, there is considerable individual variation in body weight and fat mass, suggesting that human adiposity is influenced by complex interactions between genetic, developmental, behavioral, and environmental influences. Evidence for genetic contributions to body weight comes from family, twin, and adoption studies, which cumulatively demonstrate that the heritability (fraction of the total phenotypic variance of a quantitative trait attributable to genes in a specified environment) of BMI is between 0.71 and 0.86 (Silventoinen et al., 2008). Heritability estimates can change over time and can differ between populations. Recent studies in a UK sample of 5,092 twin pairs aged 8–11 years growing up during a time of dramatic rises in obesity confirmed substantial heritability for BMI and waist circumference (77% for both), while there was a very modest shared-environment effect, and the remaining environmental variance was unshared (Wardle et al., 2008b). Interestingly, similar heritability estimates have been found when studying monozygotic and dizygotic twins who were reared together and apart (Allison et al., 1996) and in adoption studies in which adopted children were discovered to have body sizes that were more similar to those of their biological parents than their adopted parents (Sorensen et al., 1989).


When will nurturefags admit defeat?

>which is genetic

>0.71 and 0.86
Wow. That's like IQ and height levels of heritability.

go away Boogie

>He can't overcome his food addiction with willpower
Guess my obese brother is adopted.

Do all siblings have the same height and IQ?

Teeth are genetic in qualities like shape and position
Just like your maximum muscle mass is affected by your genes

But no matter your genes, your teeth will rot away if you don't wash them
And no matter your genes, you will become a fattie if you continuously eat more that you need to

Boogie is totally treatable. He just needs to be incarcerated and only fed 1500 Calories a day.

It's a real sad fucking day when people blame their parents, and genes for something as simple as being a fat fuck, or an alcoholic.
When someone lacks the minuscule amount of willpower needed to put the goddamn fork down, and while complaining that "Muh genes" are shit. The only jeans you can ever complain about are the ones you can't get your fat ass in, you cow.

>you will become a fattie if you continuously eat more that you need to
Normies don't do this.

ur a faget

You can break your leg and perform all the mental Gymnastics you want, shit you might even get a gold medal but in your most private thoughts you will know that you're just weak, its not genetic, its just you. Your genes arent keeping you from not drinking soda with every meal. JUST. STOP. FATTY MCFATFATFATTYPANTS.

Guess I got lucky, you lost the genetics lottery. You should probably kill yourself since moaning no the internet wont fix it and those with good genetics don't give a fuck about your bad ones.

there are genes that are conducive to obesity just as there is for athleticism. the significance of these genes is small. environmental factors play a much larger role

>all caps

Triggered faggot?

I can just go live where there is basically no food for a while. That's my only hope. Chances are I'll gain all of the weight back within 5 years, but it will be a nice break.

>environmental factors play a much larger role

Wrong. I bet you think >mo munni fo dem programs would boost average nigger IQ noticeably too.

Nurturefags blown the fuck out.

I know two people with fat people genes. I feel really bad for them. They try so hard.

I also knew one person with ripped muscle genes.

Ur a bitch a fat bitch
>pic related
Its what you use to masturbate since you cant reach your fat engulfed penis

Why are you even angry?

>I can just go live where there is basically no food for a while.
That takes willpower. Sorry pal, you're fucked. You should just die.

It just takes a plane ticket.

that experiment says nothing about whether their behavior is dictated by genetics or surroundings

>implying he'd be able to maintain a diet without a straight jacket.

>triggered faggot
About as triggered as your bloodpressure

>mom eats McDonalds for dinner
>kids eat McDonalds for dinner
>kids get fat like their mother
>"omg guise its all genetic"


>I can fly to a place with no food but simply not buying food is too hard.

>kid moves out
>kid no longer eats same food as mom
>kid gains 30 lbs in 3 years

im guessing youre just mad because youre dyel and want to use the excuse of shitty genetics to justify it. damn naturetards

Because fat fucks like you are a drain on society with your 10k calories diets, triple XL clothing and inability to stay out of the hospital due to your body failing under the extra 300lbs of body fat

I was actually decent looking from 16 to 19 because I have a manlet frame that is easy to put muscle on. Then I went on psych meds and gained almost 100 lbs in 6 years.

Healthcare is free in Canada anyway.

Hating me is no different than hating on a retard. Retards are retarded because of genetics. I'm fat because I have an addictive personality and no self control when it comes to food.


Fat cumskin and a manlet. 2/10, would not anally penetrate


Genes give us our potentials, good and bad. It's up to us how we want to live up to those potentials, now that we've effectively defeated natural selection.

Being a bit more susceptible to lack of self control doesn't free your from accountability
You can stop making excuses and change your ways or get an actual disorder and run from responsibility with that

Look at all the underagefags rejecting the wisdom.

I have been obese for like 5 years. I have tried everything under the sun to lose weight while on bipolar meds. Nothing works. Not keto, not veganism, not weight lifting, not cardio.

Now I'm off meds and swimming every day. My weight has stabilized and is slowly dropping.

I already have bipolar disorder. Checkmate, armchair doctor.

There are fat as fuck lards with great genetics and there are jacked mongoloids. The first and most important factor to a better physique is effort. You can blame genetics on height or having a small penis, anything else make you a bitch. And even then, you should still at least remain healthy, if for anything else you don't tax the system with your uselessness.

>There are dropout geniuses with great genetics and there are Nobel Prize winning retards. The first and most important factor to a better intellect is effort. You can blame genetics on height or having a small penis, anything else make you a bitch. And even then, you should still at least remain intelligent, if for anything else you don't tax the system with your uselessness.

This is literally how retarded and ignorant you sound right now.

Yeah, a lack of discipline regarding food. That is a learned thing. Completely with in the control of the conscious will.

No, you're retarded for thinking those nobel prise winners didn't work their asses off. Sure you won't be Mr. Olympia, but at least you'll look decent, fuck. There are dropout geniuses by the way.

same story here user, its too hard for some people to understand that to not be a fatass you have to stop eating like one

>blah blah blah I have a 19th century, pre-Darwinian conception of human nature

Dropout geniuses are almost never poor, you idiot.

Normies and idiots who drop out end up homeless.

>Heroine addicts should just decide to stop using.

wow guess you're right free will is a myth we shouldn't hold anyone accountable for anything they do ever mhm

Please show me some citations oh wise one. How about you nut the fuck up and start bettering yourself instead of blaming genetics like a fucking coward. Either that or off yourself, because what's the point, right?


By the way, that study was conducted on those who actually have jobs, as well as them being averages because most people actually lack any kind of work ethic.

Misread as "incinerated" and agreed for a second


Saved that image, thanks for that user.

>comparing MAXIMAL physical potential to the ability of choosing a lifestyle

Because he was never taught the importance of a healthy diet and on top of that, at that age your metabolism has slowed down to a crawl. Pick a new coping method

We're talking ages 16 to 19 here, and I passed all of my nutrition classes in high school. Ur a faget.


No it doesn't retard. If you take in less energy than you use, then you will lose weight. You can't build fat out of thin fucking air, you need excess energy to put into it.

And no, baring EXTREMELY rare thyroid conditions (which you can get tested for and treat), your metabolism is not that much slower than anyone elses. If it really is that fucking slow than you never should have been able to function in society, because moving x object y distance is going to consume a fairly constant amount of energy.

You're not a sloth. If you're fat eat less.

>passes nutrition classes
>Still a fatfuck

Being fat is not genetic, but you can definitely get bad eating habits and a lot of false information from your parents.
Source: im fat and eat chocolate almost daily because I have no self control always justify it to myself with cognitive dissonance

>everything under the sun and can't lose weight
>swims and is steadly losing weight
Really gets the synapses firing, doesn't it