Sub-Saharan Africa wasn't colonized until the 1880s

Seems like 17th-18th century slaves were bought from Africans themselves as they constantly massacred each others in tribal wars between villages and enslaved the losers, then selling them to whitey

Also, seems like whites aren't at fault for Wakanda not happening
I mean, when Yuropeans started colonizing the place in the 1880s, all they found were neolitic tier strawhut villages

Other urls found in this thread:

Dude, read a book.

>neolitic tier strawhut villages

>in some areas (such as Sub-Saharan Africa), the Iron Age intruded directly on the Neolithic.

>we bled Africa for four and a half centuries

1880s to 1960s = 4.5 centuries?

>Neolithic straw hut villages


Ask the ex-President of France.

"About the Zanj: "Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." About the Sudan: "Among themselves there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive."
Ḥudūd al-ʿĀlam (982 CE)

The negroes possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. Their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least act of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. They do not confiscate the property of any white man who dies in their country, even if it be uncounted wealth. On the contrary, they give it into the charge of some trustworthy person among the whites, until the rightful heir takes possession of it. They are careful to observe the hours of prayer, and assiduous in attending them in congregations, and in bringing up their children to them. -Ibn Battuta

“The king's palace or court is a square, and is as large as the town of Haarlem and entirely surrounded by a special wall, like that which encircles the town. It is divided into many magnificent palaces, houses, and apartments of the courtiers, and comprises beautiful and long square galleries, about as large as the Exchange at Amsterdam, but one larger than another, resting on wooden pillars, from top to bottom covered with cast copper, on which are engraved the pictures of their war exploits and battles...“ -Nauwkeurige Beschrijvinge der Afrikaansche Gewesten on Benin City

"A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two."
Ibn al-Faqih (10th-century Persian historian and geographer)

4 and half centuries? Fucking North Africans were depopulating Southern Italian towns in mass slaving raids up until the early 19th century.

"We ... traveled by sea to the city of Kulwa [Kilwa in East Africa]...Most of its people are Zunuj, extremely black...The city of Kulwa is amongst the most beautiful of cities and most elegantly built... Their uppermost virtue is religion and righteousness and they are Shafi'i in rite."

Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331

"The Zanj are so uncivilized that they have no notion of a natural death. If a man dies a natural death, they think he was poisoned. Every death is suspicious with them, if a man has not been killed by a weapon."

"Another of [the Malli blacks'] good qualities is their concern for learning the sublime Qur'an by heart. They make fetters for their children when they appear on their part to be falling short in their learning of it by heart, and they are not taken off them till they do learn by heart."

Ibn Battuta, 14th century

just cause your a president of a country doesn’t mean you can’t have retarded, ill informed opinions.

Why were they so easy to exploit in the first place? They were still chucking spears and living in tribes into the 19th century.

"For [the people of Takadda in West Africa] ease of life and ample conditions are supreme; they vie with one another in the number of slaves and servants they have - as likewise do the people of Malli and Iwalatan. They do not sell educated woman-slaves, except very rarely and at a great price."

Ibn Battuta, 14th century

There are dozens of arab and persian scholars that contradict Ibn Battuta.

"I met the qadi of Malli... he is a black, has been on a pilgrimage, and is a noble person with good qualities of character... I met the interpreter Dugha, a noble black and a leader of theirs... They performed their duty towards me [as a guest] most perfectly; may God bless and reward them for their good deeds!"

Ibn Battuta, 14th century

such as?

Ibn Buttata actually traveled in sub-saharan africa

For the start, those whose quotes I posted.

For four and a half centuries Africans were killing and enslaving each other, and they sold one another to Europeans for profit. Their savage culture continues to exist to this day, the only thing that was destroyed was the market for slaves. If it still existed, you could still go to the Congo or some other African war zone today and buy slaves (you can probably still it illegally).

>For four and a half centuries Africans were enslaving each other

This is like saying "European are killing/enslaving each other!" because Romans had North Europeans slaves and because of the WW1 and WW2

Also Nasir al-Din Tusi, Ibn Khaldun etc.
They considered the zanj as animals.

4 and a half centuries is BULLSHIT. That guy is retarded

Romans also wrote atrocious things about North Europeans and other Europeans like the Britons, does that means they're subhumans?

So what? Arabs had many outposts in sub-saharan Africa.

Sure, and that would be equally true. In most vast places like Europe and Africa which are a mixture of many different peoples, there is going to be a lot of killing between them. Still the dominant relation for four and a half centuries was Africans killing each other because they were of a different tribe continuing up to this day with the Congo wars and the deadliest conflicts since the world wars. European colonialism was nothing more then a brief interlude in this.

Nazis also said a lot of things about Jews, does that means Jews are subhumans?

"Black" and "White" doesn't mean shit in the African context and in the European context, just a skin color.

Imagine, I make USA, North Korea and Russia the same country, do you think there will be peace? Europeans imposed their borders to natives.

That's not what Tacitus says.

"Twelve Books of Architecture", Vitruvius

Without the europeans and arabs, sub-saharan Africa would still be on the Paleolithic.

There wasn't peace before the Europeans came around. They were already killing and enslaving each other long before that. You place too much importance on arbitrary lines on the map, really the Europeans didn't do much to change the fundamental character of the continent in their brief period of occupation there.

Sub-saharan African were using Iron at least 500 years before Europeans. And probably 2000BC

>Europeans imposed their borders to natives.
They also brought sanitation, medicine, roads, electricity, fertilizers and modern agriculture etc.

It's coherent, but don't generalize Africa, there is no tribalism in Tanzania, Botswana and Benin.

But I'm not going to lie, some Africans were opportunist in the slave trade, for example, the Kingdom of Dahomey was wealthy because of slavery.

From the article:
"In summary, there is no proof that iron working technology was taken across the Sahara into sub-Saharan Africa; nor is there proof of independent invention. Given the multitude of potential problems with radiocarbon dating in the first millennium BC, archaeologist trying to date the earliest African metallurgy need to make routine use of luminescence dating of the baked clay from smelting furnaces."

they already had sanitation, medicine, roads and agriculture, fertilizer kills their soil and they have only started to see the benefits of electricity recently with off the grid solar power

hahaha. WE

Africa’s borders are pretty patrician 2bh.

so you are some luddite reactionary?

Don't forget the flying pyramids.

They bought slaves from Swahili merchants and had most likely never visited africa, muslims can own slaves but can't actually enslave others. Africa was only arabaized later and even then only the north and current day Sudan.


And this is good, but I don't know how you disprove my statement.


It wasn't worth it, and was essentially welfare instead of allowing countries to stand by themselves.

And this is good, but I don't know how you disprove my statement.

>Conflates Muslims with Arabs

>muslims can own slaves but can't actually enslave others
muslims enslaved millions of Southern Europeans you rube.

>implying there hasn't been a near complete overlap between the two identities for 1,000 years

>muslims can own slaves but can't actually enslave others.
what are Janissaries?

Off topic but it might interest people here.

The benefits far outweight any problems with borders. The europeans brought modern civilization to people that lived in mudhuts. Imagine your life without access to education, clean water, modern agriculture, sewers , medicine, electricity etc.

muslims that user was quoting would not.

They existed for hundreds of years before converting to Islam, your map is wrong the Kanem-Bourno empire ends in the 19th Century.

But we're talking about the cause of tribalism, stay on-topic.

Also, can we say that Chinese, Mesopotamians and Egyptians gave civilization to the West?


But not modern science.

But this is a scholar


"Arab ships which were used as transport in the Red Sea. Crossing the Indian Ocean required better organisation and more resources than overland transport. Ships coming from Zanzibar made stops on Socotra or at Aden before heading to the Persian Gulf or to India. Slaves were sold as far away as India, or even China: there was a colony of Arab merchants in Canton."

Humans are a resource

"Serge Bilé cites a 12th-century text which tells us that most well-to-do families in Canton had black slaves whom they regarded as savages and demons because of their physical appearance. "


If I use the fact that Egyptians gave civilization to the West as an excuse to a terrorist attack in France by Egypt, would you take me seriously?

>If I use the fact that Egyptians gave civilization to the West

False. They only contributed to its development, like many other civilizations.

I mean, the middle eastern gave a lot to the west, even Greek philosopher admit it, and afrocentrist like Diop use it.

That were sold by Africans themselves and this not stolen

But my argument is that you cant excuse looting because they gave things.


This discussion is over.

*They were sold by corrupted leaders supported by the west.

Afrocentrist usually try to downplay the role of the west in history using quote of Greek about Egyptians, Mesopotamians...

>But we're talking about the cause of tribalism, stay on-topic.
The cause of tribalism is not Europeans as already described. It is geography and isolation. That is why they were totally tribal and at war with one another long before the Europeans got there.

Imposing the borders were did not help.

>Ethiopian Empire

Africa addio

Looting of what? The negroes lacked the technology to explore the natural resources. They only can use the natural resources now because they have european technology.

I don't see how things would be any better today if Africa was broken up into at least two thousand countries that accurately represent the different peoples there. These different ethnic groups would still fight one another in wars just the same regardless of the arbitrary borders someone else put there.

Mansa Musa gold come from the sky?

I'm not saying that we should make a country for each ethnic groups.

No. It came from trading african slaves with the arabs.

He was a gold producer.

You also find gold artifact in many places of Africa, like Akan Goldweight.

>Imagine your life without access to education, clean water, modern agriculture, sewers , medicine, electricity etc
I'm sure if I was physically healthy and of sound mind, I would be perfectly content to live like that.

I hate this idea that prior to mass industry, humanity basically existed in a state of continual anguish. It just wasn't true at all.

Paper on African slaves who held a monopoly on iron production method in the Americas and used it to purchase their own freedom.

You don't have idea of what you're talking about. Life expectancy was around 30-35 years. Infant mortality was very high. Past societies were also more violent.

Could he extract cobalt, uranium, petroleum, bauxite? These are the most important Afican resources.

>I hate this idea that prior to mass industry, humanity basically existed in a state of continual anguish.

They were not in anguish because they didn't know anything better. By the same premise, our life would be considered a continuous anguish by a more technologically advanced civilization.

Idk, but I was debunking this claim that Africans were not able to extract anything before colonisation.

Thanks, an interesting paper. Bookmarked.

You only say this because you've never experienced what life is actually like as a farmer / fisherman / hunter / whatever. You're so utterly used to electronic conveniences, transportation, etc. that the idea of living life without them is unfathomable.

However, it really isn't, and it's how most of humanity has lived for the vast majority of our existence. Is there problems with it that we don't have? Of course, no one's denying it. But by the same token, our way of life has many problems THEY didn't have. Alienation, obesity, ruined environments, etc.

Compared to our forefathers, we're not really living in a "utopia." It's just a different way of living.


>Africa Addio

Ah yes, "Birth of a Nation" for Rhodesian wannabes

I'm pretty sure this map was different 2000 years ago.

More like

>land made suitable for agriculture by men
